Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 201: abandoned world

One after another, the sound of muskets sounded here, filled with the roars and moans of those who were shot and fell to the ground.

The illusion was shattered in an instant, and the smell of blood filled the air.

The terrifying fantasy almost made everyone couldn't help but open fire. Anthony's thugs killed each other, and every terrifying fantasy was actually made by his own people.

Those who fired first gained a chance to survive, but of course, in the subsequent swirling bullets, survival could only depend on luck.

The huge roar in the flashing electric light further stimulated this chaotic scene. Everyone rushed to escape. If anyone blocks their way, then kill him!

Here, anyone can be the enemy.

The rain became heavy again, and the pouring rain washed away a lot of black fog, but the sky almost lost its light, and those who were still alive either escaped or hid in the ruins and shivered.

"God, save us, the power of darkness has obscured the world, the plague of witches is ravaging the earth,..."

Baine's face was pale, and he was chanting prayers tremblingly. The originally graceful and decent pastor had now broken his courage. The priest's clothes soaked in dirty water were embarrassingly stuck on his body, and his legs were so weak that he couldn't walk at all.

Although he had seen the witch-hunting war recorded in the book, those legendary heroes who saved the world from peril, the holy light given by God, is said to be able to cut through the infinite darkness and bring guidance.

But now the only thing he can feel is the blood is spreading, and the pool where his hands touch is thick with blood.

Sure enough, history is glorified, and no one remembers how many soldiers fell behind a hero.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on the pastor's shoulders, causing him to shiver instantly. He didn't dare to stop the prayer words in his mouth, and tears were almost coming out. Fortunately, the latter immediately showed his identity.

"Keep quiet, Bane, we'll get out of here right now..."

This originally annoying voice was like the sound of nature at this time. It was Anthony. Someone was still concerned about his life and death in this environment. More importantly, Anthony had a medal in his hand and a chance to survive.

Of course, it wasn't that Anthony came to save him because of his conscience, but he finally realized the fact that the witch was much more terrifying than he thought, and he needed something from Bane's mind.

"Let's go...Sir, you are really my angel..."

He put one hand on Anthony's arm, tried to overcome the trembling of his legs, stood up, and walked towards the mist-covered exterior with the help of the fleeting brightness of the lightning.

As long as he could leave this place, Bain even swore in his heart that he would never care about the little girl who came to the church to pray every day, and worked hard to spread the faith of God.

The sound of the rainstorm made the environment very noisy, and it also provided the best cover for their departure, but it was easy to get in here, but not so easy to get out.

The sky is getting darker and darker, even the lightning can't illuminate the road, and the sound of thunder is gradually receding, as if vision and hearing are severely limited.

"Mr. Anthony, I feel very wrong!"

"Keep moving, don't stop!"

Of course Anthony knew something was wrong. Something was approaching, and the danger warnings that had been exercised between life and death were constantly sounding the alarm, even giving him a headache.

Slowly, the voice completely faded, the vision was pitch black, and a red moon slowly rose from the darkness.

The lavender in the breeze is still full of cruel beauty. This is a sight that has never been seen before. It is different from the dead silence before. At least this time, there is Priest Bane next to it.

"We're fucked!"

This is the only thing Bane can say. Although his legs are trembling, he still tries his best to organize his clothes. The time of death is just around the corner, but he seems to have calmed down a lot.

"How did you find me just now? I mean in such a dark environment."

"Who else but you can fluently say such a long paragraph of prayer in this environment, I think God will be moved to cry when he hears it."

Anthony muttered, then took out the medal and stuffed it to Bane.

"Find a way to break the illusion, this is the key to whether we can survive!"

At this time, he could only be a dead horse and a living horse doctor. He took out the mithril dagger, and looked around vigilantly. It seemed that a giant wolf might jump out of any place.

But nothing appeared, and even his danger warning had disappeared. Except for the weird red moon, the structure of this phantom world was so quiet, it even had a sense of peace.

A crisp melody came from a small wooden house not far away, a melancholy and euphemistic tune, someone chanted in a low voice.

"I need five minutes to understand how the medal should be used."

Bain ignored the music. Of course, it was safer to stay where he was at a time like this. The singing was definitely a trap.

"My God, you can't use this gadget at all? Haven't you learned it?"

"Bullshit, I've never seen a medal in the records to break the illusion! If we want to go just give me a little time."

The two people depended on each other at this time. One of them used to be stern, while the other was full of sacredness and nobility. Finally, they were able to have a common topic and use some abnormal methods to dispel the panic in their hearts - skin.

The dagger in Anthony's hand was gradually waving in the air. In this cold world, although he could not hear the sound of the rainstorm or feel the raindrops soaking through his clothes, he could feel the rapid passing of physical strength along with his body temperature. He could only use this method. Make sure you have enough reactions to face a sudden attack.

"how long will it take?"

"Damn, I can't find it, it can't get us out of here!"

The long wait made the two lose their patience, and even wanted to drop this unreliable thing. Of course, this idea was just a flash.

A long time has passed, and the long period of calm has begun to make the two let go of their courage. Except for the initial panic about the unknown, the witch is nothing at all, an illusion, playing everyone around, gunpowder, bullets , bloodshed to death, all feared people kill each other.

"We can't stand here forever, can we, go to the front hut and see, maybe we can pick up a weak witch?"

As Anthony spoke, he walked towards the hut where the singing came, and Bane could only follow closely behind.

Under the moonlit night, in the black shadow, Serena in a long dress stood alone in the lavender. The red moon was the perfect background, allowing people to see the graceful curves of the body, but not the face.

This is the curse in Serena's heart, this is the place where she lives, where her power awakens, where she kills and burys her parents, and where she is abandoned and lonely.

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