Ask Sword

Chapter 459: Strategy

  Chapter 459 Strategies

  Because the administrative level of Shuozhou is not high, Li Ang took the train overnight to Yunzhou.

   After showing the jade pendant in Yunzhou to prove his identity, he got the worm. Using the close worm again, he contacted Chen Danqiu, the sacrificial wine, and Emperor Yu Li Shun who were far away in Chang'an.

  Li Ang explained the severity of the plague, describing it as a more serious plague than the Great Plague at the end of Han Dynasty and the Great Plague of Jin Dynasty.

   This is not an exaggeration. The essence of plague is a severe infectious disease transmitted by Yersinia pestis through rat fleas.

  A sick flea may only have a few hundred Yersinia pestis in its body,

   But when it bites the human body, the Yersinia pestis will travel along the lymphatic vessels to the local lymph nodes, multiply rapidly in them, release a large amount of toxins, and cause acute lymphadenitis, forming dense, egg-sized swellings.

   Make patients chills, high fever, sudden rise in body temperature, severe headache, shortness of breath.

   Judging from the average physical condition of the people of Yu State today, even with an optimistic estimate, the mortality rate is at least 50%.

  Afterwards, Yersinia pestis and its endotoxin will enter the blood circulation along the lymphatic circulatory system, causing sepsis and causing extensive skin bleeding,

   If it invades the lungs, it will cause secondary pneumonic plague.

  It caused severe chest pain, coughing, coughing up blood foam and **** sputum, and died of toxic shock, respiratory failure and heart failure within two or three days after the onset of the disease. The mortality rate is close to 100 percent.

   What's more terrible is that patients suffering from pneumonic plague will also exhale the air containing the plague bacteria, and they no longer need to rely on the bites of fleas on rats to continue to spread the disease.

  In addition, Yersinia pestis has strong resistance to environmental factors, can survive in an environment of minus 30 degrees, can survive in direct sunlight for four hours, and can survive in frozen corpses for four to five months. And if it is in dry expectoration, it can even survive for several weeks to a year.

   Every wild mammal parasitized by rat fleas, every animal carcass, every plague patient,

  Including the clothes he wore, the items he used, the phlegm he coughed up, and even the air he exhaled, all are sources of disease transmission.

  Under Li Ang's persuasion, a train full of thousands of soldiers, hundreds of doctors and various supplies arrived in Shuozhou late at night.

   Li Ang, Qiu Feng, and Ouyang Shi dissected many mouse corpses in Shuozhou overnight, and confirmed that the mice contained Yersinia pestis.

   This result is very bad, because if there is no Yersinia pestis in the mice in Shuozhou, it means that pneumonic plague is more prevalent now, and only need to control the sick human patients can cut off the transmission route.

  The discovery of Yersinia pestis in mice means that in addition to pneumonic plague patients exhaling the bacteria and infecting others,

   There is also a more direct transmission route that rat fleas bite humans and cause people to suffer from bubonic plague.

   Rat fleas do not only parasitize mice. Marmots, hares, wild cats, wild foxes, wild wolves, etc. are all within the parasitic range of rat fleas.

  Suozhou is densely covered with forests, vast wilderness, and countless wild animals. There are also many farms and villages located in the forest.

  The earliest human patients were probably exposed to animals suffering from plague in the wild.

  After the Changan support train arrived, Li Ang first sent soldiers to block the main streets in the city for traffic control. Scatter sulfur and lime in large areas in residential areas.

  He divided Shuozhou City into 20 areas. People in each area need to wear badges of various colors on their shoulders when they go out. They can only move within this area and cannot cross areas.

  The same is true for soldiers and doctors.

   Subsequently, he sent people to print paper leaflets and delivered them door to door, informing the people how the plague spread.

  All households are asked to clean up the rats in the house first. If a family member starts coughing or feels unwell, they must report it as soon as possible.

  Soldiers will come to pick up patients, and disinfect and block the houses.

   (If no one at home can read, the soldiers will read the contents of the leaflet outside the house)

  In addition, every few days, soldiers will come to the door, bringing meat, rice, oil, firewood, water and other necessary daily necessities, as well as clean cloth and masks.

  People try not to go out unless necessary.

  Afterwards, Li Ang asked the monks sent by Chang'an to build flat-panel houses with wooden boards outside the city as isolation wards.

  People showing different symptoms will be assigned to wards in different regions, and doctors wearing full protective equipment will patrol and observe them.

  Contacts of plague patients, suspected patients, family members of patients, etc., if their body temperature is normal for seven consecutive days, they can be contacted and quarantined and return to their homes.

   In addition, there are bodies of dead patients.

  Because the Yersinia pestis is extremely adaptable to the cold environment, burial is unreliable, so Li Ang can only burn all the corpses of the patients together.

  Like many places in Yu State that pay attention to burial, Shuozhou has always practiced burial.

  But the death conditions of those deceased were too horrible, the spread and development of the disease was too fast and too urgent,

  People who believe in tradition no matter how much they see, will be overwhelmed by fear after seeing the pile of purple-black corpses, unable to stand up to oppose it.


   "Teacher? Teacher?"

  The call sounded in his ears, and Li Ang, who was leaning against the wall, woke up in a daze, and saw Ouyang Shi with a worried expression on his side.

   "Did I fall asleep again?"

   Li Ang yawned and took the hot tea from Ouyang Shi. He still hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time. He just wanted to lean against the wall and meditate for a while, but he fell asleep standing up unconsciously.


  Ouyang Shi nodded, "Teacher, why don't you go to bed and sleep for a while, staying up all day and night is really not an option."

   "I'm fine."

   Li Ang took a sip of hot tea, shook his head, and woke himself up, "How is the epidemic situation today?"

   "370 suspected patients, 280 confirmed patients, and 196 deaths."

  Li Ang was silent for a long time, and asked, "Where's the patient's body?"

  Ouyang Shi carefully looked at his expression, and said softly: "It has been burned."

   Li Ang silently looked at the tea leaves floating in the cup,

  Since he came to Shuozhou and promulgated the epidemic prevention strategy, the death toll first increased to 400 people per day (mostly patients in the incubation period accumulated during the period when there was no epidemic prevention strategy),

   Then it dropped to 300 people a day, until now, 200 people die a day.

  There is no specific medicine, which means that the only way to deal with the plague at this stage is to isolate and control it.

  For those people who have not yet been infected and are doing their best to maintain personal hygiene, they live in constant anxiety every day.

  As for those confirmed patients who have been infected, the despair they feel is beyond anyone's comprehension.

  (end of this chapter)

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