Ask Sword

Chapter 279: siege

  Chapter 279 Siege

   Standing on the ring, this is how it feels.

   Li Ang looked around, and there was an illusory soft light on all sides of the ring, which was blurry and he couldn't see the outside world clearly.

  Mosaic has a sense of sight.

Gao Xiangming on the other side of the arena, seeing Li Ang looking around, couldn't help taking a breath, and said in a deep voice: "I am practicing magic arts, listening to the rain is the first level, and I know thirty-six spells. I am best at ice cold and ice cracking. "

   Li Ang turned his head and looked at each other suspiciously. They are not warriors or sword masters, so there is no need to report their blades and weapons before the battle.

   What about this self-reported family?

   "Oh, got it."

   Li Ang replied coldly, and continued to observe the ring restrictions.


  Gao Xiangming was startled for a moment, but then he realized that he couldn't help being a little annoyed.

  Even if Li Ang is the focus of the school, he is also an elite among the people, a genius who stands out from thousands of followers of Haotian.

  The books I read and the effort I put in are by no means less than those of the other party.

   It is arrogance to despise oneself so much,


  ‘Forget it, I’ll let you see it, I’m too subtle in all my skills. '

  Gao Xiangming pursed his lips slightly, and he began to imagine in his mind how he should use his spells to tease and defeat his opponent in an understatement.

  Gao Xiangming’s name will be famous all over the world,

  Taihaoshan students will marvel at their own growth,

  Masters will be very pleased.

  Those Xiaoxiao who usually doubt themselves and look down on themselves must also admit that I, Gao Xiangming, am excellent.

  嗡, 嗡—

  The preparatory sound of the ban on the ring interrupted Gao Xiangming's reverie,

  He came back to his senses, raised his hands on his chest, crossed his fingers, and formed a strange formula.

  Li Ang held the short spear, poured spiritual power into it, and spun it at will.


  There was a sound of mechanism running in the middle of the short gun, and the gun body extended to both sides, turning into a long gun.


   "Three-edged gun?"

  In the auditorium, Yue Wang Li Hui rubbed his round chin.

  As a senior student, he is excellent in both grades and conduct. If it is not limited by the status of the prince, I am afraid that he can still get a token of the school tour.

   Naturally, he has the authority to consult the list of forging workshops and know the principle of the triangular gun.

   "Without any other talismans, Risheng seems very confident. That Gao Xiangming may lose very quickly."

Li Hui glanced at the puzzled expressions of the others, and explained: "Risheng's major is Nianxue and Fuxue. These two paths are very versatile, but in the same level of battle in listening to the rain, will be subject to certain restrictions.

   The preparation time for the talisman is too long. Even if it is activated successfully, there is still a gap before the effect takes effect, and it is easy for the opponent to catch the flaw.

  The power of mind will be severely weakened when facing opponents with high mobility and high defense.

  So Risheng is doing the same as part of the Zhenfu Division's Nianshi, using Nian instead of Wu.

  Ping Xin, Fang Yuan, Pan Yan, Wrapping Fingers.

   These learning skills, all used well, can display the strength of the acquired warrior level.

  Combined with the three-edged gun, the room for display in the ring is greater than that of pure thought power. "

   After finishing speaking, Li Hui paused for a moment, and added: "Of course, it is common for Zhen Fusi to replace martial arts with thoughts before the middle level of listening to the rain.

   Later, because the opponent has more ways to break the game, it will not be so easy to use. "

   Before the words fell, a third beep sounded from the arena, announcing the start of the match.

It's now!

  Gao Xiangming suddenly opened his eyes wide, circulated his sea of ​​energy, and released his spiritual power.

  Cold spell!

  From under his feet, the rainwater on the surface of the ring froze into ice,

   Frost with clear lines, like tree branches, spread rapidly towards Li Ang.

  Li Ang pedaled on the ground, and his mental power condensed into a circle around his body. With the help of a technique called [Fang Yuan], he scanned the changes in the surrounding spiritual power.

  Fangyuan is the most basic skill of Nianxue, which is to release the power of Nianxue and perceive the surrounding environment.

  At the same time, it is also the most important premise of the telepathic surgery.

  Li Ang, who has completed numerous telepathic surgeries, has already become instinctive for this skill.

  With a movement of mind, the power of thought will cover the five-meter range of the whole body, scanning for the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power.

found it.

  In the dead corner of my sight, frost and cold air spread from both sides,

  Gao Xiangming used slapstick,

  No matter whether you retreat or move left or right, you will always step on the ice,

   Directly restrained in place by the ice spell.

  I thought well, but unfortunately, I didn't plan to retreat at all.

  Li Ang released his thoughts, covered the soles of his feet with rock skills, and stepped on the ice in front of him.

  The soles of the feet covered by thoughts are not frozen,

  On the contrary, Li Ang took several steps, approached quickly, and stabbed out with a single shot.

   This shot is too fast, too fast,

  Gao Xiangming had no choice but to change his tactics hastily, and quickly used freezing air to condense the rain curtain, forming a finger-thick ice shield in front of him.


  The three-edged spear pierced deeply into the ice shield, only half a meter away from Gao Xiangming's eyebrows.

  Gao Xiangming was sweating profusely on his back. While taking a few steps back, he continued to release his spiritual power as best he could, trying to strengthen the ice shield and freeze the triangular spear in the shield.


  The sound of water vapor freezing one after another

  The entire tip of the gun was clamped by thick ice,

   Frost spread rapidly around the gun barrel, and even tended to extend towards Li Ang's palm.

  Very smart, he immediately knew that he was substituting thoughts for weapons, and tried to destroy his own weapons first—once the two sides dragged to a medium-to-short-range battle,

   Without weapons, I will be trapped in place by the field created by the ice spell.

  Li Ang's mind turned rapidly, calculating all the possibilities. In the end, he chose to take a half step back, like drawing a bow, retracted his right hand, and added layers of thick thoughts to it.

   Then, a punch blasted out.

   Blessed Pan Yan's fist, like a battering ram, hit the bottom of the triangular gun.


  Under the attack of huge force, the three-edged spear directly broke through the shackles of the freezing, and flew out in its entirety, with the tip of the top piercing Gao Xiangming's forehead.

  Gao Xiangming couldn't dodge in time, and barely turned his head halfway, but was still stabbed in the forehead by the tip of the three-edged gun, and his neck tilted.

  The red light is forbidden in the arena to protect Gao Xiangming from harm,

  At the same time, the light curtains around the arena were slowly falling, and the commentator's voice was surging, announcing the winner of the group arena.

   "The winner, Xue Gong Li Ang!"

  Li Ang listened to the many noises outside the arena, shook his head, picked up the three-edged gun stuck on the ice on the surface, and with a flick of his hand, completely shook off the remaining frost on it.

  He didn't look at Gao Xiangming, who was standing there in a daze, but passed him, looked at the Taihaoshan camp in the audience in the distance, and exchanged a glance with Bian Chenpei.

  Bian Chenpei smiled slightly, raised his index finger, and slowly slid across the front of his neck.

   Insert the label and sell first.

  The competition has just begun.

  (end of this chapter)

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