Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 941: Magic Forbidden Array

"Can't you see, fellow Daoist, that every extra shot of this treasure is a bit harsher on the manipulator?"

Qin Sang didn't get carried away with the cultivation of heavy treasures, and said lightly, "Limited by my cultivation and spiritual awareness, even if I were to be given a real top-quality magic weapon, I am afraid that it would not be able to exert much power. This kind of banner array magic weapon is even more powerful. My realm, controlling six or seven poles at the same time, is almost the limit. This little strength is not enough to fight with the ancestor of Yuan Ying! It is still early to fully exert the power of the eighteen demons."

He had already been careful.

The number of magic flags is not as good as possible, and they have to do what they can, and manipulate Ruyi when they are fighting with their opponents, in order to exert their real combat power.

Of course, even if you can only control six magic flags at the same time, the power is amazing. It has the power to fight with the high-grade magic weapon, and it is the treasure that other cultivators at the stage of forming pills dream of.

Bai didn't say much, rested for a while, and returned to the ghost fog again, attracting more dead souls.

The magic flags are formed one after another.

Bai gritted his teeth and worked hard, and finally helped Qin Sang to make fifteen magic flags.

‘Wow! ’

Under the urging of Qin Sang Zhenyuan, the last magic flag shook and made a hunting sound.

Then, Qin Sang pointed his finger.

The previous three-pole ten-direction Yama Banners flew out from the sleeves, and then fifteen new demon banners flew up together, revolving around them, and it was faintly possible to see the prototype of a large array of demon banners.

Rao is Qin Sang's temperament, and he can't help but be a little excited. This may be his strongest magic weapon for a long time in the future. After the baby is born in the future, with this treasure, you can overwhelm the monks of the same level.

After all, only a handful of Yuan Ying Patriarchs were fortunate enough to obtain top-quality magic weapons.

"Congratulations to fellow Daoist for refining the treasure."

Bai cupped his hands to congratulate him, his eyes couldn't hide his joy. The cage and obsession that had plagued him for countless years had finally come to a solution.

Qin Sang smiled slightly, "Daoist friend can lead me to collect the magic fire now. I hope that the loopholes in the magic ban mentioned earlier by Daoist friend can be exploited, and there will be no accidents."

"Don't worry," Bai is very confident, "I'm thinking about breaking the ban all the time, how could there be a mistake at this time? Fellow Daoist come with me..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai let go of a dead soul, and a flicker escaped into the ghost fog.

Qin Sang put away the avatar and Fengyi, and only let Shuangtou follow him, and chased Bai Xianggui to the depths of the land. After a while, Shiro stopped in front of him.

At this time, the position they were in happened to be the place where Shiro hid the Flying Yaksha before.

There had just been a war here, and most of the surrounding bone mountains had collapsed.

Qin Sang was able to take a closer look at this place at this time.

Looking back and forth, no abnormality was found. Finally, his eyes fell on the bone mountain that was opened by the white crack. There must be something else under the mountain.

Even Tianmu Die couldn't see the secrets hidden in this place, it should be because of the magic ban and the great formation.


Bai shouted loudly, corpse energy surged from his body, and a strange wave erupted.

After the surrounding dead souls were affected, they screamed in fear as if they had encountered a nemesis, and fled in all directions.

Afterwards, Bai Shan fell to the unrecognizable bone mountain, waved his hand and shot out one after another aura, breaking a passage through it, going straight to the bottom of the skeleton.

Qin Sang came to the entrance of the passage, urged his consciousness to probe inside, confirmed that there was no danger, and walked in with his feet raised.

Walking in the passage made up of pale bones, Qin Sang's heart throbbed, staring at Bai's back, lost in thought.

I don't know what Bai and his companions experienced in the first place, and they came to such a tragic ending.

In the huge ghost land, the bones are like mountains, and there are countless dead souls. If they were all immortal cultivators, it would be hard to imagine the scale of the battle.

Seal of the Seven Killing Halls.

The world of immortality is now fragmented, and storms are raging everywhere.

What does it have to do with that war?

It's a pity that Bai lost his memory, otherwise he could have a glimpse of the ancient secrets.

Qin Sang sighed involuntarily, silently following behind Bai, all the way to the bottom of the bone mountain, but the black ground looked a little weird, it was a dry color soaked in blood, in sharp contrast to Bai Sensen's skeleton.

The ground seemed to be empty, but after Bai waved his hand, the light flashed and a step appeared, and there seemed to be a large burrow below.

Following Bai walked in, seeing the scene in the burrow, Qin Sang's eyes flashed with surprise.

The burrow was quite spacious, but very short, so Qin Sang could barely stand up straight.

There is a simple altar in the center of the cave. The stone pillars on the altar are full of traces of time, as if they have been silent for countless years and have decayed with the bones outside.

Next to the altar was a sarcophagus, the lid of which was opened, and there was nothing inside.

Altars and sarcophagi are the only things in the cave.

Qin Sang stared at the altar.

With his attainments in the way of restraining the spirit array, he could not see the function of the altar, and he could only guess that the altar might be the eye of the great array of saving souls.

When Qin Sang turned his attention to the sarcophagus, Bai showed a wry smile and said, "This is where I slept. If fellow Daoist hadn't accidentally broken in, it would have been my long-term sleep. Back then, my body left this coffin behind. Maybe it's a hunch that we can't wait for the day when we see the sun again."

"Fellow Daoists are trapped here and endure endless loneliness, which is beyond the reach of human beings."

Qin Sang said with emotion.

"When I forget the time, I'll get used to it."

Bai gave a free and easy smile, then pointed his finger to the The first thing that fellow Daoists do is to collect the magic fire from the forbidden magic around the altar. This is the most critical place, and it is easier to do. It will be much easier to go to other places after this magic ban is cracked. As long as all the magic bans in these key positions are broken, and the ghost fog and the great formation can be activated, the magic ban can be forcibly broken..."

"and many more……"

Qin Sang interrupted Bai, "The moment the ban was broken, it must have been very powerful. We have nowhere to hide in the ghost land, and we will be affected, right? Where should we hide then, and how can we hide the perception of the person outside? ?"

Bai Zixin said: "Don't worry, fellow Daoist, I will give some guidance before breaking the ban, and use a part of the power to directly impact the entrance. In addition, there are actually places where the aftermath cannot reach, we just need to wait for the impact to weaken and leave immediately. I will use the remaining power of the ghost fog to help us hide. That person was suddenly hit, and even if he was not seriously injured, he had no time to take care of other things, and it was a good time to escape..."

"Friend Daoist's plan is quite comprehensive! In this case, there is also a treasure below, which is helpful. After all, that person is a top expert, and he needs to prepare more hidden methods to be at ease..."

After listening to Qin Sang, he thought for a while, and took out a piece of red yarn from the Qianjun Ring, which was the ancient treasure Hongyuan yarn obtained from the youth surnamed Fang.

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