Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 925: Hongyuan yarn

The two figures are separated at a touch.

One of them staggered back, and his body was a little unstable.

The other person also seemed to be feeling a little bit of a struggle. After a slight meal, the figure turned around and attacked again. At the same time, he said, "Let's go up together."

After confirming his current strength, Qin Sang didn't want to deal with the young man surnamed Fang all the time.

The young man surnamed Fang is worthy of being the direct disciple of the Wu clan's Nascent Soul. Various methods emerge in an endless stream. In addition to his third-incarnation-transformed insect armor, it is difficult for ordinary attacks to hurt his body.

Qin Sang used the **** divine light to abolish the young man named Fang's blood sword unexpectedly, but if he didn't use Xingluo, he could only suppress him, and it would be difficult to take his life.

At this time, their battlefield was no longer on the island, and the young man surnamed Fang always wanted to get rid of Qin Sang, but was easily intercepted every time.

The double-headed dragon and the avatar joined the battlefield, and the situation changed immediately.

The incarnation itself is the cultivation base of the late stage of the formation of pills. It is also dressed in armor, and the strength of the double-headed dragon cannot be underestimated.

The situation was good for a while, and the young man surnamed Fang faced enemies in three directions.

In front of Qin Sang's top escape technique, he had no chance of escaping.

At this moment, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the young man surnamed Fang, and a dazzling light suddenly shone on one of his palms. In the light was a strange talisman, which finally turned into a sharp cone.

Almost at the same moment, a little blood suddenly bloomed on the chest of the purple insect beetle, like a flower of blood, instantly filling the whole body.

The amethyst sky armor phantom, which was already on the verge of being shattered, actually re-condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, but, like the insect armor, it turned into an extremely demonic blood shadow.

The blood-colored amethyst heavenly armor opened its giant eyes, and a ferocious and unusual aura suddenly burst out.

Qin Sang's complexion changed, and warning signs rose in his heart.


The young man surnamed Fang was drinking violently, holding a sharp cone and heading straight for Qin Sang.

The sharp cone instantly emptied the spiritual energy in the nearby void, and it was invincible, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Qin Sang could only see the swirling outline at the top of the cone, as if even his mind could breathe in.

At the same time, the blood-colored Amethyst Heavenly Armor let out a deafening long cry, and the blood radiated from the body. With a sudden sway, it knocked Qin Sang's avatar into the air, and then flew forward, merging with the young man surnamed Fang. Lock Qin Sang.

The young man surnamed Fang used the taboo secret technique in his teacher's sect to enhance the strength of the life insect Gu, but at the cost of overdrafting the potential.

But in his current situation, he can no longer consider the future.

The target he chose was Qin Sang's body, because he knew that as long as Qin Sang was killed, no one would be able to stop him, and the other two opponents would be self-defeating.

This is his desperate fight.

Qin Sang looked solemn, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

On the other side, the double head shook his head, his body arched slightly, and he let out a low roar, and a blue shadow slammed into the young man surnamed Fang to the side.

The young man surnamed Fang didn't seem to see Qingying, so he didn't dodge.

'boom! ’

Being hit by Qingying, the blood-colored amethyst Tianjia wailed, and the **** shadow shook for a while. The young man surnamed Fang tried his best to stabilize his body, but Qin Sang was the only one in his eyes.

The next moment, the young man surnamed Fang's complexion suddenly changed.

I saw a little blue light rapidly magnifying in his eyes, and when they were collided by the blue shadow, he seized a flaw and easily passed through the blood-colored amethyst sky armor.

'Crack! ’

After the loud noise, there was a crisp cracking sound.

The young man surnamed Fang snorted and flew back upside down. The sharp cone in his hand was almost out of shape, and the insect armor on his body also had cracks, and the blood shadow amethyst sky armor was stiff and motionless.

His face was pale, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he wanted to move again. He felt a chill on the back of his neck, and a huge force hit, and the insect armor was completely shattered.

Qin Sang also took back Xingluo and flew over, one after the other with the avatar, not leaving the young man surnamed Fang.

Not long after, the young man surnamed Fang's body was caught by Qin Sang, and he was completely silent.

"After using the sword wheel after dual cultivation of the law and body, the combat power is not inferior to the peak masters of the formation stage. The power of the sword wheel should still have room for improvement. It is estimated that there is no problem through the sword path..."

Qin Sang recalled the battle just now. He was basically fighting against his opponent, but there was an accident in the end, but it was easily resolved by him.

This is also normal. After all, the young man surnamed Fang is a disciple of Nascent Soul, how could he not have any means of fighting his life.

Then, he flipped his palm and took out the star platform.

I thought that the young man surnamed Fang could search for the soul and get the real way to motivate this treasure, but it backfired.

"This person didn't know the true origin of Xingtai originally. The old ancestor of Black Snake Mountain said that this thing is the treasure of the Wu clan, so Lan Doumen has obtained this thing for so long, but he has not found its true origin, and regarded it as an auxiliary practice "Yi Lei" What is the treasure of the witch tribe, what is it that the ancestors of the Black Snake Mountain are worth fighting for? Moreover, the shape of the star platform is also very strange, it is a half-moon. I tried tattooing, but no response..."

Qin Sang turned over and over to look at the star platform.

I don't know how many times I have tried it over the years, but I still can't break the secret of Xingtai.

"That's it! It's a pleasant surprise to be able to help me practice "Tian Yao Refinement"." Qin Sang shook his head, took back the star platform, and took the things from the youth surnamed Fang into his hands.

"It's a pity that the blood corpse worm has been taken back by the ancestors of Black Snake Mountain! This blood sword is a precious middle-grade magic weapon, but it is not as good as my life sword, so let's use it as a weapon for the time being. It's a little bit of red yuan yarn. I mean, it's not something in this world..."

Qin Sang held a piece of soft red gauze in his hand, and found that as a refiner, he could not figure out the material used for this treasure, and even the ancestors of Black Snake Mountain could not repair it.

This treasure has the ability to cover up his own breath. At the beginning, the young man surnamed Fang used this treasure to conceal his identity, and he came and went freely in the human race.

After playing for a while, Qin Sang threw the corpse to the avatar, then turned back to the island, carefully erased all, then greeted and walked away.

Qin Sang relied on "Tian Yao Refining the Shape" to move freely in the demon sea. Instead of returning to Haichan Island to take the treasure boat, he set foot on the way back alone, and deliberately avoided contact with other immortal practitioners.

As a result, even if the ancestor of Black Snake Mountain came in person, it would be impossible to find out his whereabouts.

As soon as this matter was over, Qin Sang quietly waited for the Seven Killing Hall to open.

Before that, the blood bead devoured before helping the avatar refine is enough to raise the avatar to the peak of the pill formation stage. There was still some time before the opening of the Hall of Seven Kills. Qin Sang went to Yaohai to find a deserted island to open up a cave, and took the avatar to retreat.

When retreating, Qin Sang combed himself.

He has done his best to prepare everything he can, and whether he can finally get what he wants in the Hall of Seven Kills can only be left to fate.

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