Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 918: night shadow insect

three days later.

Two rays of light flew out of the poisonous island, and after galloping for a while, they landed on a deserted island in the distance. It was Bai Zhongqiu and his wife.

The two of them looked back at the direction of Poison Island, with reluctance and worry in their eyes.

"Senior brother, Ying Er she..."

Bai Hong couldn't help crying when she thought that her daughter might feed the demon with her body.

"Junior sister, don't worry. I think the exercise senior gave Ying Er is an authentic water movement exercise in Xuanmen, which is suitable for Ying Er to practice, not the magic of magic. It's not like a demon who killed innocent people. Otherwise, if he occupied Poison Island for so long, he wouldn't have no notoriety at all. The nearby monks didn't even know that this person existed. He should be that kind of ascetic monk. …”

Bai Zhongqiu could only use these words to comfort his wife and himself, and finally couldn't help sighing, "Unfortunately, I wanted to ask senior to accept Ying'er as a disciple, but he was categorically rejected by senior."

"Senior brother, your vision has always been very accurate. Since senior brother said that he is an ascetic monk, how could he accept an easy disciple? That cultivation method is probably just a reward for us. As for the demon pill promised by the predecessors, the concubine's body is ten thousand and ten thousand. dare not hope.”

Bai Hong wiped away her tears and said softly.

Qin Sang has been practicing Taoism for many years, and he has been repeatedly attacked by enemies. He has seized a lot of exercises, basically all of them belong to the Five Elements. Picking one at random is many times better than what Bai Zhongqiu and his wife collected for their daughter.

Bai Zhongqiu nodded and took out some things with his palm back, "Even if there is no Sha Yao Pill, the seniors will not treat us badly, not only help us to re-refine the flying shuttle, but also give us these Elemental Biting Awls. As long as we don't provoke Dao Enemies in the middle stage and above can have some self-preservation power."

In the palm of Bai Zhongqiu's palm, there are more than a dozen yuan-biting cones, which were used for refining at the beginning.

In addition, there is a shuttle, which is their original magic weapon.

This item was originally considered to be only medium among the top-quality instruments.

Qin Sang wanted to come to Flying Shuttle, and it took two days to refine it carefully according to the art of refining from Xuan Tiezhu and adding some spiritual materials.

After the re-refining of the shuttle, driven by the joint efforts of the couple, the speed of escape can be comparable to that of ordinary monks in the early stage of the formation of elixir. If it weren't for Bai Zhongqiu and his wife being just foundation-building cultivators, it would not be difficult to elevate the flying shuttle to a magic weapon.

Bai Hong also nodded lightly and said, "I didn't expect the senior to be proficient in the refining technique. With this, we are much safer. After all, the Rift Wind Islands is not a safe place. And the senior didn't let us take risks. It's just to collect useful spiritual objects and news, the danger is greatly reduced..."

"That's right," Bai Zhongqiu nodded and gave Bai Hong half of the Yuan-Destroying Cone, "It's okay to say that spiritual items can be bought from various chambers of commerce and shops. The senior actually asked us to find out where the jade pendant that entered the Hall of Seven Killings would be auctioned. Legend has it that The Seven Kills Hall is extremely dangerous, and I don’t know how many powerful cultivators have fallen into it, so why don’t seniors go there too?”

Obviously, Bai Zhongqiu had also heard of the illustrious name of the Seven Killing Hall.

To enter the Hall of Seven Kills, there must be a jade pendant that can withstand the Immortal Formation.

Having had the experience last time, Qin Sang didn't want to mix with the people of the Eastern Pole League anymore.

It has long been heard that there are many mysterious monks in the Rift Wind Islands. Before the opening of the Seven Killing Palace last time, there were jade pendants that flowed out and were auctioned.

Qin Sang didn't know when this auction would start, so let the two pay attention and report in time.

"Also, the senior actually asked us to inquire about the magic cultivators who are most proficient in corpse refining in the Split Wind Islands, this..."

Bai Hongdai frowned.

Their worries stemmed from this.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much. Let's not speculate on the intentions of the seniors. The seniors ask us to report back every once in a while, so that we can see Ying Er by the way. As long as Ying Er is safe and sound, no matter what purpose he has, he will be with us. It doesn't matter, just do your best."

Bai Zhongqiu grabbed his wife's jade hand and drove the escape light, and in a short while he was in the vast sea.

Poison Island.

Bai Ying'er watched her parents leave, and returned to the cave uneasy. Seeing that no one paid her any attention, she gradually became less afraid. Recalling that I used to be homeless with my parents, I was worried all day long, and I even felt that now I can practice peacefully without being disturbed, which is also very good.

The Poison Island is far from green mountains and green waters, but poisonous miasmas everywhere, full of terrifying monsters and foul-smelling land, which can only operate on the cave floor and a large valley in front of the cave.

Bai Ying'er didn't dare to disturb Qin Sang, but she saw the double-headed dragon appear frequently.

At first, she was very afraid of the double-headed scorpion, but later found that the double-headed scorpion was not so scary, and her intelligence was much higher than the monsters she had seen before, so she tried to say hello to the double-headed scorpion.

Shuang-Headed is intent on breaking through and regaining freedom.

But the more anxious he became, the more clueless he became, and he screamed at the sun and the moon every day.

Now I know how rare the opportunity is.

It was extremely irritable about this, and at first didn't care about the girl at all, but later, perhaps because of boredom, it gradually became acquainted with the girl. After all, the girl will smooth it out, the guy will just let it block the gun.

These are things to come Qin Sang sat cross-legged in the cave mansion, counted the harvest of the cave, and took out a bag, which was the spirit beast bag of the master of the cave.

This person is proficient in the art of controlling insects, and there are seven or eight kinds of spiritual insects in the spirit beast bag.

"The one who sent out the message from the old demon is called Yeying Insect, and other spirit insects are just like Yeying Insect, they can only be used as auxiliary. They are not rare spirit insects, and they do not have any kind of strange insects. They have no combat power, but have special abilities. It's no wonder that he didn't see his envoy spirit worm when they fought. It seems that the old demon is very clear that the resources and energy expended in cultivating strange worms are extremely huge. If it weren't for the red fire and gold, I would definitely not dare to accept Tianmu Butterfly as a life-threatening worm..."

Qin Sang pulled the consciousness out of the spirit beast bag.

These spirit worms are carefully selected by the master of the cave, and they have been cultivated for an unknown number of years. In some special scenes, they may have miraculous effects.

Of course, it is impossible to be as domineering as the fat silkworm and can restrain any poison.

"It's okay to leave these spirit insects behind. The old devil's strategy for fighting insects is good, and it doesn't cost much spirit stones to keep them. Maybe they can be used. There is some kind of imprint left on the worm's body, forcibly driving the spiritual worm. However, with my cultivation, I can only drive the second spiritual worm..."

Qin Sang thought to himself, finding that the spirit animal bag was of better quality than the insect basket, so he moved the fat silkworm over.

For the next few days, he has been paying attention to the outside of the Poison Island. Seeing that the matter of the Demon Sacrifice Cave did not lead to a greater disturbance, he closed the cave again and concentrated on his hard work.

After that, every few months or a year, Bai Zhongqiu and his wife would return to the island, either to bring news or to bring back the spiritual objects Qin Sang needed.

Seeing that her daughter has been well, not only has her cultivation steadily improved, but she has also become friends with the island owner's spirit beast, and they are finally completely relieved.

Just like that, ten years passed by in a hurry.

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