Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1717: fellow daoists please stay

"Ask the Immortal Way"

The sea is vast and boundless.

The demon soldiers from the two sides spread out, fighting hand to hand, and the sky and the water were covered in darkness.

The huge sea area has become a battlefield between the two armies, shouting and killing the sky, but it is different from the human civil war that Qin Sang has experienced, it is mostly all kinds of weird roaring sounds, which sound messy and abnormal.

Gradually, the dark red sea water spread from the battlefield to the surrounding area, dyeing the surrounding area into a sea of ​​blood.

The most eye-catching thing is a giant whale at the core of the battlefield.

The Great Sage Dragon Whale directly manifests the demon body, not to mention its superb cultivation, but the sense of oppression brought by the huge dragon whale body, no monster can match.

The other dragon whales pulled the relic and followed behind. Compared with him, they looked like ninety-nine baby whales.

Worthy of being the No. 1 demon saint in the East China Sea, with the iron cage closed and no holy bone used, the Dragon Whale Great Sage can rampage on the battlefield with only his own strength, with no opponents, and extremely ferocious.

The Great Sage has not yet appeared on the side of the Holy King's Palace.

Those low-level monsters couldn't touch the real body of the Dragon Whale Great Sage at all, and they were swept away by the water waves brought by the Dragon Whale Great Sage.

The water waves had strange fluctuations, which were transformed by the divine power of the Dragon Whale Great Sage. Those who were not strong enough suffered from the impact, and all of them screamed into pieces, and their tendons were broken.

However, being attacked so wantonly by the Great Sage Dragon Whale, the Saint King's Palace was able to keep the formation in order.

Qin Sang didn't participate in the battle, he was wandering outside the battlefield, his spiritual consciousness was scattered, he was paying attention to the changes in the aura in the battlefield, his eyes passed the majestic Dragon Whale Great Sage, and looked at the demon soldiers on the side of the Holy Palace.

It is impossible to see the whole picture of the monster army of the Holy King Palace with the naked eye, not because the monster soldiers are so boundless, but because they are covered by a kind of black and yellow aura.

The dark yellow light shrouded the sky over the demon army of the Holy King Palace, and it became fainter as it went to the periphery, and the place where it was in contact with the rebel army seemed to be covered with a thin layer of yellow mist.

Qin Sang looked up, staring at the place where the mysterious yellow light was most intense, and vaguely saw the phantom of the grand palace.

"Holy Palace..."

Qin Sang silently recited these three words.

Not surprisingly, the phantom of the palace should be the Holy King's Palace of Megatron East Sea Monster Clan, but what he saw was not the real Holy King's Palace.

Qin Sang had already handed over the Ligou Pearl obtained from the relics of the witches to Tianmudie to refine it, and used the secret technique of controlling spirits in the "Panhu Mantra" to unite humans and insects. Although Tianmudie's cultivation base is less than five Changes, can also exert supernatural powers that are close to the realm of five changes.

The supernatural power of Tianmu has the ability to break through illusions.

Qin Sang could naturally see that it was not a real palace, but a vision transformed by the power of a spiritual formation. The demon army of the Holy Palace relied on this formation to resist the charge of the Dragon Whale Great Sage.

It can be seen that the mysterious yellow light in the battlefield rises and falls like a tide, and the aura of the Holy King's Palace rises and falls. Every time it expands, a ring of yellow light will burst out from the monster soldier's body, like a stomach, which can skillfully resolve the crisis , quite lawful.

"This time..."

Qin Sang narrowed her eyes slightly, frowning in thought.

The phantom of the Holy King's Palace manifests here, indicating that the Holy King's Palace is not far from here. Qin Sang suspects that the mysterious yellow light comes from the Shougong Immortal Formation of the Holy King's Palace!

But after watching for a while, Qin Sang always felt that something was wrong.

From the mouth of the Great Sage Dragon Whale, I learned that there is a guarding fairy formation in the Holy King's Palace. I don't know where the Qinghu Holy King got it. Some of the formation flags are ancient fairy flags, which are extremely powerful.

To hunt and kill the beasts, the Holy King of the Green Fox was planning to use the Ancient Immortal Banner.

After obtaining the Five Elements Crown, there are the Great Five Elements Forbidden Divine Light and the Buddhist Demon Subduing Formation that are more suitable for trapping enemies, so I just gave up, otherwise Qin Sang would have already seen the power of the Palace Guarding Immortal Formation.

Of course, the current formation in the Holy King Palace is also very strong, but in Qin Sang's view, it is not worthy of the name.

"Isn't it because the Holy King of the Green Fox is personally leading the formation, the power of the fairy formation is not enough... or I guessed wrong?"

Unless the Holy King's Palace is setting up suspicious formations in the past, luring the enemy to go deep, and there is some conspiracy behind it, these signs are enough for Qin Sang to make a judgment.

Qin Sang recalled the sea chart given to him by the Great Sage Dragon Whale.

The chart shows that passing through this battlefield will enter the core sphere of influence of the Holy King Palace. The reason why the demon army of the Holy King Palace can be besieged here is that one has a good plan, and the other is that the enemy has little room to retreat.

There are only a handful of places called holy places by the monster race in the entire East China Sea.

This sea area can be favored by the Qinghu Holy King, because there are as many as three holy places nearby, and there is a number one holy place called Donghai Haiyan, which is of great significance to the monster race.

Ever since it was taken over by the Holy King of the Green Fox, all ethnic groups have almost forgotten what Donghai Haiyan looks like.

The armies from all walks of life are about to fight in front of the gate of the Holy King's Palace. If the Holy King's Palace has the ability to reflect the guarding spirit formation here, with a strong reputation, it will definitely give priority to the strongest fairy formation.

Leave the Shougong Immortal Formation unused.

The Holy King of the Green Fox did not show up for a long time.

Qin Sang concealed himself and patrolled the battlefield over and over again. The premonition became stronger and stronger. The Qinghu Sacred King not only left the East China Sea, but also took away the guarding fairy formation!

Abandoning the foundation and taking away the treasures, so decisive, where else can I go?

The pungent smell of blood lingers in the nose.

The battlefield became more and more chaotic.

Qin Sang swept his gaze and found that there was a group of troops rushing into the battlefield on the left and right. Those hesitant allied forces finally attacked and killed the Great Sage Dragon Whale when they saw that the Sacred Dragon Whale was fighting vigorously and did not see the Sacred King Qinghu attacking.

Of course, they have delayed for so long, and there is no reason to continue to delay.

Another new force joined, and the Great Sage Dragon Whale received strong support, and his momentum was great, and he could clearly hear the dragon whale's roar, like a dragon's chant shaking the sky.

Qin Sang couldn't help sighing, what a peerless monster!

The coalition forces gathered together and encircled them on several sides. The pressure from the monster army of the Holy King Palace more than doubled. Even relying on the spirit array, they couldn't stop the elites of all races and began to retreat.

However, the closer they were to the Holy King's Palace, the stronger the blessings of the spirit array would be. If the coalition forces wanted to win, it would not be possible overnight.

Qin Sang still didn't make any movements, staring at the phantom of the Holy King Palace, his eyes flickering, trying to see something from it.

However, the Great Sage Dragon Whale couldn't bear it any longer.

Judging from the current situation, the army of the Holy King's Palace relies on a large formation, and even if the coalition forces can win, the main attacking Dragon Whale Clan is bound to pay a heavy price. If the delay is too long, the Holy Land will be evacuated and it will take a long time to recover.

But he didn't see the Holy King of the Green Fox, and he didn't want to reveal his hole card.

Before the battle, Qin Sang promised to help them break the formation, but no action was taken.

During the fight, the Great Sage Dragon Whale kept communicating with Qin Sang through sound transmission, and finally couldn't help asking, "Can the real gentleman see the enemy's weakness?"

"Contact other commanders and follow my orders!"

Qin Sang gave the order in a deep voice.

While looking for the Holy King of the Green Fox, he did not forget to analyze the situation.

Whether the spirit array is mysterious or not, in front of monks of different realms, the results are completely different.

The cultivator of Huashen could initially sense the heaven and the earth, and Qin Sang had the supernatural power of the butterfly to help him. In his eyes, this formation would naturally be flawless.

Facing a spiritual formation of this level, Qin Sang didn't even need to delve into whether the source of the formation's power was the five elements, Yin-Yang, or anything else.

It is the best way to break the formation by sensing the flow of energy in the spiritual formation and starting from the stagnation.

Qin Sang ordered unceremoniously, the Great Sage Dragon Whale was not angry but happy, and immediately sent a message to the commanders of the various armies, using him as a relay to dispatch the entire army.

"Shaking position!"

The next moment, the sound of drinking came into my ears.

The Great Sage Dragon Whale slammed into the sea water and passed down the orders simultaneously, while he himself flew into the air with a thousand-foot wave shaking the water. Under the horrified eyes of countless monsters, the giant whale swung its tail and spit out a water arrow from its **** mouth.

It is said to be a water arrow, which is thicker than a water column.

The thick water arrow was as fast as lightning, passed through most of the battlefield, and shot directly at the direction indicated by Qin Sang.

At the same time, the various armies received orders, and top masters took action one after another to cooperate closely. The coach in that position did not hesitate, united his subordinates, and shot a volley of magic.

All of a sudden.

The shock level roared like thunder.

Dragon Whale Water Arrow, Great Demon Illusionary Body, Demon Soldier Mighty, all kinds of amazingly powerful attacks came together.

In addition, sorcery was sent to the army, and the offensive was like rain.

'boom! '

Obviously they were not attacking the center of the Xuanhuang Light, the phantom of the Holy King Palace suddenly shook. The holy king's palace demon army who was in the shaking position, the aura surrounding the whole body also trembled.

There was a burst of exclamation, followed by screams, and the halo on the body of the little half-monster soldier shattered in response, facing the terrifying attack directly, and there were a large number of casualties on the spot.

After receiving this blow, the Holy King's Palace immediately felt abnormal.

The monster kings who were hiding in the army had an ominous premonition and contacted the Chinese army one after another to ask what happened.

In the Holy King's Palace, the demons such as the Great Sage Baiyan in the main formation also looked dignified and puzzled.

Although this formation is not the original Shougong Immortal Formation, it is also a powerful guardian formation carefully refined by them. Even if it is not the opponent of the coalition forces of various races, it will have no problem resisting it for a period of time.

When the spirits of the Holy Land matured, they searched the Holy Land and left calmly.

Unexpectedly, flaws were seen in the first battle.

Although there is a blessing from the distance, the reason for the poor operation also made them start to beat their hearts.

Could it be that another clan has produced a formation master?

"It's a coincidence..."

As soon as the Great Sage Bai Yun had this thought, he sensed that the palace was shaking again, and this time it was a thousand monster soldiers who were in distress.

Not a coincidence!

On the battlefield, the coalition forces obeyed Qin Sang's orders and made great achievements repeatedly. The Great Sage Dragon Whale had a great heart, and howled again and again, which was heard by the demon army of the Holy King Palace, but it was like a reminder.

Orders came one after another.

Qin Sang's tone was calm, and his orders were brief, no more than five words, but from beginning to end, he has been wandering around the periphery of the battlefield, never making a move.

The Great Sage Dragon Whale only thought that Qin Sang was concentrating on breaking the formation and couldn't be distracted, so he didn't care about it, these pointers were enough.

Qin Sang can control the situation of the battle without taking action himself.

He stared at the phantom of the Holy King's Palace, giving orders constantly.


As soon as he uttered a word, Qin Sang was surprised to see that the Dragon Whale Great Sage changed his forward attitude and suddenly retreated into the group of whales.

The ninety-nine dragon whales seemed to have received some order, and they surfaced one after another, with blood all over their bodies soaring, and they roared in unison, shaking the universe. Intense blood flowed towards the iron cage along the chains.

The iron cage was stained with blood, and countless strange runes burst out from the iron pillar, reflecting the sea of ​​blood below.

'Katsa! '

One side of the iron cage suddenly opened, it was the side in front of the holy bone.

The next moment, a whale chant came from the iron cage.

His voice was low and his aura was far inferior to that of the Great Sage Dragon Whale, but all the demon soldiers on the battlefield could hear it clearly, feeling inexplicably afraid and flustered.

Qin Sang was also startled, moved his eyes over, and immediately noticed that the blood bone's eye sockets were different, and then saw the skull open its mouth like a living thing.


In the mouth of the sacred bone, a cloud of water accumulated at some point.

Limited by the size of the skull, the mass of water is not big, but it is as deep as the vast ocean.

'Shua! '

A stream of water spurted out, with the momentum like a rushing river, its shape kept changing, and finally turned into a giant whale in mid-air!

The whole body of this giant whale is composed of water, lifelike, and its appearance is also cetacean, but its body is slender and several times larger than the Dragon Whale Great Sage, and it is full of fangs. It is extremely fierce, which is very impressive daunting.

Qin Sang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw that giant whale flicked its tail violently, drawing a full moon arc in the void, and the mighty water wave manifested out of thin air, which seemed to be the power of the giant whale.

Under countless horrified gazes, the giant tail lashed down fiercely with a huge wave, its power was unmatched!


Huge waves crashed into the night, rolling up countless **** corpses.

It can be seen with the naked eye that with the giant tail as the center, the sea surface has sunk into a whole layer, the monster soldiers were all crushed into a pulp, the huge waves rolled wildly, and the battle of the Holy King's Palace was in chaos.

The power of the sacred bone strike is so powerful!

"This sacred bone was obtained by the ancestors of our clan who stood alone on the edge of the Guixu in the East China Sea for three hundred years. They hunted and killed a wild whale that wandered to the edge of the Guixu by themselves. They dragged it back to Zhongzhou and poured it with the blood of our clan to refine it. For the relic..."

Qin Sang heard the sound transmission and saw that the Dragon Whale Great Sage returned to the iron cage at some point, and closed the cage door with all his might.

The sacred bone in the cage shook, as if it was about to be revived.

The ninety-nine dragon whales in the sea were depressed, and they shrank below the surface of the sea to recuperate.

Qin Sang smiled when he heard the words, is the Dragon Whale Great Sage showing the strength of the Dragon Whale clan to himself?

I have to admit that this sacred bone is very fierce.

This is only a part of the power inspired by the consumption of blood energy. If it is really what the Dragon Whale said, the Dragon Whale's reverse blood self-detonation awakens the mad whale, it is indeed not to be underestimated.

The holy object was shot, and the record was outstanding. With Qin Sang's guidance, the defeat of the Holy Palace was a foregone conclusion.

At this time, Qin Sang disappeared.

The fighting continued.

The Holy King's Palace retreated again and again, completely different from before. They were already discouraged, and the demons such as the Great Sage Baiyan were shocked and angry, but even relying on the large formation of the Holy King's Palace, they could not organize an effective counterattack.

At this time, the Great Sage Dragon Whale also manifested his human body and led his troops to pursue him.

With the prestige of breaking the formation before, all ethnic groups are convinced.

He didn't know when there were a few more people around him, including the man wearing the emperor's crown, who was the commander of each army.

The coalition forces united in one place, and pursued them tail-to-tail.

The man with the imperial crown shook his jade fan lightly, looked at the battlefield, and frowned a little, "The opponent has lost all courage, and he should destroy the enemy in one go. Why did the Great Sage order a slow attack at this time, so he is not afraid of missing a good opportunity?"

The Great Sage Dragon Whale claimed to be on the safe side, but he sighed in his heart.

This order was not made by him, it was the will of the Taoist priest.

He knew in his heart that he was a **** in the Taoist priest's hand, of course he didn't mind.

The Taoist priests led the civil war among the monster tribes, and their target was the Qinghu Holy King. At this time, the offensive was slowed down to let the remnants of the Holy Palace ask for help and give the Qinghu Holy King time to come to rescue.

Outside the battlefield.

A man dressed in armor was flying low-key, his figure appearing and disappearing, and his escape speed was fast.

Suddenly I heard someone behind me.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay."

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