Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1692: Help each other

"Ask the Immortal Way"

'Wow! '

The light of the teleportation array flickered in the dark space.

The silence was broken, and there was a heavy gasp.

The avatar destroyed the teleportation array, put the deity down, waited for the light of the teleportation array to go out, and confirmed that the pursuers would not come, and immediately felt a sense of relief.

The deity sat cross-legged.

The avatar reached out and pressed the back of the deity's heart, and the injury really got worse, but everything was worth it.

"Has Liuli escaped?"

This is the most troublesome part of the whole plan.

According to the plan, Liuli made a move to confuse people, and he took advantage of the chaos to break through, which should trigger the pursuit of all the monsters, and Liuli and the others can use the secret path of the Golden Xiangdian to escape.

As long as she didn't reveal her identity in public, it shouldn't be difficult to get out.

But any accident can happen in Wuxiangxianmen, and it's hard to feel at ease if I don't see her escape with my own eyes.

He was teleported to a small room, the walls seemed to be made of some kind of spirit wood, and there were fluctuations of forbidden existence.

The original deity was wounded and injured, and dared not move around. He avatar went out to check the environment, and found that this was a nunnery similar to that on the opposite side, but the surrounding environment was much dilapidated.

This place should have been a blessed place before. Judging from the scale of the surrounding buildings, there should not be many monks of this faction, but their cultivation base is definitely not bad, and the prosperity of the year can also be inferred from the ban.

It seems that this place has been affected by a great war, the space is gray, the vitality is chaotic, and the surroundings are full of ruins, no different from ruins.

"Hidden Moon Temple..."

The incarnation walked out of the nunnery and found a remnant stele in front of it. The handwriting on the remnant stele was blurred and vaguely discernible.

" the sect that Liuli joined?"

The avatar is thoughtful.

For such a hidden passage to be known by Liuli, there must be a long history.

After thinking about it for a while, I checked the famous Buddhist forces in Zhongzhou several times to make sure that I had never heard of Geyue Nunnery. If the inheritance has not been cut off, it is probably a hermit sect.

There are not a few similar hermit sects.

Especially those who are inextricably linked with Wuxiangxianmen, either escape into the world to avoid disaster, or change their appearance to hide their true heels.

After searching around quickly, the avatar found the entrance, and after quietly escaping, it was discovered that it was near a certain force, a deep stream behind a beautiful Lingshan Mountain.

Looking at its terrain, it is actually the Que Mountain where the Patriarch Yuan Ying sits in town!

Don't stay here for long!

The avatar inspected for a while, confirmed that there was nothing abnormal, returned immediately, took the deity with him and left the Moon Temple, escaped a certain distance, found a hidden place, opened a temporary cave, and settled the deity.

The avatar hides his identity and returns to Taiyue Mountain to meet Liuli.

Before the true essence recovered, the incarnation hit Nanming Lihuo, and took the deity away, which consumed a lot of energy. Although he took some pills, he could only recover slowly.

Qin Sang asked the avatar to bring the top-grade spirit stone with him in case of emergency.

At this moment, the scene of Taiyue Mountain is very different.

In the center of the mountains, the famous Taiyue Gate disappeared out of thin air, and a basin suddenly appeared. Above the basin, the passage of Wuxiangxianmen formed a huge loophole, which was clearly visible thousands of miles away.

The internal and external vigor collided, the strong wind continued, and the sea of ​​clouds continued.

The passage is much wider and safer than it was at the beginning.

The nearby monks are like ants, few come out and many go in, scrambling to squeeze in.

In the legacy mansion.

Liuli and the old nun didn't want to keep Bai Yang, they only needed to restrain him for a moment, let Qin Sang break out of the encirclement, cast Thunder Dungeon, and their task was completed.

The two did not drag their feet and retreated according to the original plan while taking advantage of the chaos.

A few demon kings who were not good at escapism were thrown off and tried to turn around to surround the two of them, but Qin Sang disrupted the demon formation first and lost the opportunity, and the old nun and Liuli knew more about the Golden Xiangdian than Qin Sang.

With the remaining demon king alone, it is difficult to do anything in the Jinxiang Hall, which is nearly intact with the mountain guard array.

The two used the big formation to confuse people, escaped into Yuyang Peak, used the secret way to get rid of the pursuers, and changed their appearance. At this time, they dared not go to the secret hall to hunt for treasures anymore, otherwise Bai Yun and the other monsters would be furious if they returned empty-handed, and they would also be besieged.

Sneaking away from the Golden Xiangdian, the two went straight to the gate of Wuxiangxianmen. Before reaching the gate, they suddenly saw a golden light like a rainbow in front of them, and it was an eminent monk of Ganlu Temple.

The manpower brought by the sage of Huiguang was long overdue.

Liuli and Lao Ni looked at each other, not daring to stop, and flew outwards.

The influence of Buddhism is coming, don't stay for long!

About to fly out of the mountain gate, Liuli seemed to have discovered something, her expression moved slightly, and she said something to the old nun, the old nun nodded slightly, and took a step ahead without asking further questions.

Liuli flew out alone, away from the crowd, and landed on the top of an uninhabited mountain, and then a figure followed.

Liuli turned around, only saw Qin Sang's incarnation, frowned and said, "Is your deity still nearby?"

"I haven't thanked the fairy yet, I dare not go alone."

The avatar smiled and pointed to the distance, "The deity is seriously injured and is hiding somewhere to adjust his breath. There is no guardian around him. How about talking while walking?"

The Hanging Lake.

Because of the reckless move of the Qinghu Holy King, the good situation was ruined.

The demon body was almost out of trouble, and once the advantage accumulated a little bit before was wiped out, the situation took a turn for the worse, almost to the point of no return.

Although the saint of Huiguang tried his best to turn the tide, the pressure on the Qinghu Holy King, Fan Laomo and others increased sharply, and they could only curse secretly in their hearts.

With the terrifying demon pressure on their bodies, they were walking on thin ice, not daring to relax.

The Qinghu Holy King was under even greater pressure. Not only did the three phantom bodies die, but the main body was also injured. He didn't dare to mess around anymore, and had no time to pay attention to Qin Sang. , will be foolproof.

It wasn't until they barely stabilized their position and became less tense that everyone noticed the demons returning in frustration and Bai Jian who was furious.

The pretty face of the Qinghu Holy King suddenly darkened.

Fan Laomo and the others had different expressions, some were gloating, some were surprised, they didn't expect that guy could escape under such circumstances.

Regardless of where Qin Sang fled to.

The immediate problem is to suppress the ancient demons.

After some thoughts flashed through, everyone put away their distracting thoughts and concentrated on dealing with the ancient demon.

Afterwards, Bai Yun, who had returned in vain, joined the battle, and Buddhist eminent monks also arrived. The larger the number of people, the more stable the battle formation, and the situation is developing in a good direction.


The fire around the saint of Huiguang receded.

The heart fire changed, which immediately attracted the attention of other people. They saw the heart fire gathered into an illusory flame, floating towards the heart of the saint of Huiguang, the cassock shook slightly, and the heart fire disappeared.

The saint of Huiguang stretched out his right hand, and the magic sealing stake fell into his palm.

The two sections of the Demon Sealing Pile have been integrated into one, and there is no trace of breakage in the cracks. There is a layer of black luster floating on the surface, and the breath is also very different from before.

Especially when echoing the demon-subduing formation on the lotus platform, black lightning bolts floated on the surface of the demon-sealing pile, like ghost claws with teeth and claws.

If you look carefully, you can see that the black lightning is clearly some small chains, and its shape is somewhat similar to that of a magic rope.

Faced with everyone's expectations, the Holy Light of Huiguang exhaled lightly, "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Immediately, the face of the Huiguang saint sank, and his tone was dignified, "All fellow Taoists, please help the poor monk!"

The voice fell.

The formation of Meditation Arhat changed suddenly, Fan Laomo and others scattered in all directions, their bodies almost stuck to the edge of the suspended lake, surrounding the demon's body in the center.

At the same time, the suspended lake was surging with huge waves, but it didn't feel as precarious as before, and the heavy pressure crazily gathered towards the center of the lake.

The bright moon shines brightly, as if it has no end. If the moonlight has any substance, the whole Yifu can see a thick and dazzling beam of light, illuminating the demon body.

In addition, Fan Laomo and others assembled the power of the meditation Arhat formation, and shot together.

At this moment, the pressure on the demon body was far greater than before.

Instinctively sensing the threat, the demon's body turned to the sky and roared. The five-color brilliance tore through the lake and illuminated the sky, colliding with the attacks of the Qinghu Holy King and others.

In an instant, an astonishing celestial phenomenon was formed in the sky, with a loud noise like thunder, shaking the sky and the earth.

In the aura of chaos, the Qinghu Holy King and others were no longer visible to the naked eye.

At this time, the saint of Huiguang maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged, and flew away from the lotus platform. The lotus petals on the lotus platform opened one after another, and the whole lotus platform was spread flat in mid-air.

The saint of Huiguang threw out the magic sealing stake in his hand.

The iron pile, which seemed to be made of black iron, was suspended above the Demon Subduing Formation by itself, standing still, but the black lightning on the surface was beating more and more violently.

The sage of Huiguang stared at the demon-sealing post, and punched the seal formula towards the demon-subduing formation, and saw the demon-sealing post tremble slightly, suddenly blurred, and appeared on top of the demon's head in the next moment.

At this time, the size of the Demon Sealing Pile has skyrocketed, like a huge iron pillar.

'boom! '

The Demon Sealing Pile stood high in the sky, and it seemed to cause the void to vibrate, and the lake in the sky trembled. Seeing this vision, everyone was surprised and delighted, full of anticipation.

The black lightning also swelled, and it could be clearly seen that they were chains. With the finger of the Huiguang sage, the chains were like living things, all pointing at the demon's body, they popped out suddenly, and burrowed into the center of the lake like a spirit snake.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh..."

The sound of breaking through the air was quickly covered by the roar of the demon body.

The howling sound was crazier and angrier than before, and those who heard it were terrified.

The thick chain was tightened, one end was connected to the demon-sealing stake, and the other end penetrated the demonic energy of the demon's body, entangled upwards, and tied it tightly.

As the chain tightened, it seemed that the demon body was about to be pulled towards the demon sealing post.

But how could the demon body be caught without a fight, staring at the demon sealing post, and the counterattack was as fierce and terrifying as ever. Before the Qinghu Holy King and others could relax, they kept attacking the demon body to prevent it from destroying the demon sealing post.

There was a constant clattering sound.

A subtle golden light appeared in the original crack of the Demon Sealing Pile, as if inlaid with a circle of gold hoops. With the fierce counterattack of the demon body, it became more and more eye-catching.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but tremble with fear.

Fortunately, the demon-sealing stake was very strong, restraining the demon's body, and there was no sign of breaking, so everyone took the opportunity to attack fiercely.

I don't know how long it has been.

Long Yue disappeared.

The clouds dissipated.

Fan Laomo and others stood or sat, silently adjusting their breath.

Thinking of the life-and-death battle just now, everyone felt a sense of survival after disaster.

The Demon Sealing Pile stood quietly at the original position in the center of the lake, and the chain tied a black shadow tightly to the post, and there were bursts of roars that did not sound like human voices.

Hearing the crazy screams and seeing the appearance of the demon body at this time, they only felt chills down their spines.

The demon body can still maintain a human shape, and the outlines of limbs, head, and torso can be distinguished, but it is not so much a person as it is an indescribable mass of flesh and blood.

The radiant five-element tiara was inlaid in this lump of flesh and blood, which seemed abrupt no matter how you looked at it.

The saint of Huiguang sat cross-legged in front of the demon sealing post, and the other eminent monks surrounded the demon sealing post, chanting sutras and mantras, the handprints changed continuously, the forbidden magic spells emerged one after another, and turned into golden light, aiming at the demon's body as a hood, and the arrogance of the demon's body gradually Suppress it.

At this time, an eminent monk came close to the saint of Huiguang and whispered a few words.

Immediately, the two turned their heads and looked at the Holy King of the Green Fox.

The Holy King of the Green Fox was closing his eyes to adjust his breath, and he felt something in his heart, so he opened his eyes and looked over.

The saint of Huiguang got up, walked in the air, walked in front of the holy king of the green fox, waved his hands to silence, and said in a deep voice: "The poor monk thought that you and I are both trapped beasts, and we should help each other in the same boat!"

"You can't be distracted. This king took action on your behalf and beheaded that person. Didn't it just fulfill your wish and help Ganlu Temple to eliminate hidden dangers? How many people in Ganlu Temple are his opponents besides you?"

The Holy King of the Green Fox lightly raised his jade hand, straightened the loose hair on his forehead, and groaned with a smile.

The saint of Huiguang's eyes were powerful and aggressive, he ignored the sarcasm of the Qinghu Holy King, and asked bluntly, "If you get Zhenlingxiang, how will the Holy King plan to blackmail the poor monk?"

The Holy King of the Green Fox stopped acting, his expression faded, and his smile turned into a sneer: "The catastrophe is imminent, but you, old monk, have to spend your time and energy paving the way for the sect. Why don't you have selfish intentions? But don't think about it, the life and death of that ruined temple of yours has nothing to do with it. What is this king doing? If this is the case, why is it wrong for this king to plan for himself? When will you abandon the foreign and concentrate on preparing for the eastward flight, and then come to question this king! "

The saint of Huiguang was unmoved.

The Holy King Qinghu has her plan, and he also has his own persistence.

This old bald donkey!

The Holy King of Qinghu scolded secretly, and snorted: "That person not only has Zhenlingxiang, but he was able to trade it. He probably has the formula of Zhenlingxiang in his hand. Even if there is no formula, he has more than one Zhenlingxiang, otherwise he would not dare to buy it." Such extravagance! Zhenlingxiang is different from other elixir, it is refined by combining various medicinal properties to make incense. The person who created Zhenlingxiang is a genius, but this incense still has room for improvement. If you can get the formula, follow the That person continued to deduce his thinking, and integrated into it a more powerful and rarer elixir. He had the opportunity to refine a better spirit-suppressing incense, which was more reliable than other methods. No matter what else, the formula must be obtained! "

The sage of Huiguang naturally understands this truth.

The matter of Zhenlingxiang was learned by the Qinghu Holy King from the mouse demon.

Seeing that the Qinghu Holy King insisted on attacking Qin Sang just now, the Huiguang Holy One couldn't help being suspicious.

No matter how good that person's treasure is, the Holy King of Green Fox disregarded the risk of the demon's body getting out of trouble, and refused to let the demon king rush to rescue him after he missed, insisting on chasing and killing Qin Sang.

The saint of Huiguang was worried that the magic sound of the heavenly dao would shake his disciples' hearts, so he did not disclose it to the outside world for the time being. He was so focused on taking advantage of the Zhongyuan Law Fair to wipe out all the emerging demons and clear the way for the sect, he was busy concentrating resources to investigate the actions of all parties, so his subordinates did not report the details of the fair.

After questioning, I learned that Nanming Lihuo had appeared in Zhongzhou, and it was to deal with the demon king under the Qinghu Holy Throne. It happened that Zhen Lingxiang appeared at that trade fair, so I deduced the inside story.

Knowing that the Holy King of Qinghu Fox has a dark heart, it is impossible to turn his face on the spot.

The saint of Huiguang was silent for a moment, and said: "As long as the holy king can restrain his greed, things will turn around."

(end of this chapter)

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