Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1589: Divorce

"Ask the Immortal Way"

Qin Sang has already made some preparations.

Including two three-changing spirit insects, the fire silkworm and the red wild yuan insect.

Fierce silkworms grow in magma, while red wild moths mostly move around the edge of magma, hiding in gray rock cracks, devouring fire spirits in magma for a living.

These two kinds of spirit insects are relatively common species in the world of cultivating immortals, and they have similar habits. If you are lucky, you will catch them all at once.

But the metamorphosis of spirit insects is a long and difficult process.

Qin Sang asked for two spiritual insects that were at least in the middle stage of three transformations, which were more difficult to find than the monks in the middle stage of Jindan. He didn't know how long it would take to search for them, so he asked Jiang Mu to issue a mission to find insects in Liuzhou Hall.

Due to Qin Sang's high bid, it is said that many late Jindan monks were attracted to come out of the mountain, and it only took more than a month to deliver the two spirit insects to Qin Sang.

For more than ten years, Qin Sang has been feeding with Huomelting Pill and other elixir. Fierce Silkworm is in the late stage of the Three Transformations, and Chiye Yuanchong has also reached the peak in the middle stage of the Three Transformations.

They will be used as consumables for the transformation of the Fire Jade Centipede.

Before that, Qin Sang still needs to help Chi Ye Yuan Chong advance.

Three-transformation spirit insects are extremely rare. Consuming two late-stage three-transformation spirit insects to boost the transformation of the fire jade centipede seems to be a very extravagant thing.

But this is still the result that the fire jade centipede has already eaten a lot of treasures from heaven and earth, and its cultivation has already reached the peak in the late stage of the third transformation, and it is only one step away from transformation, otherwise there will be more.

The essence of the art of raising Gu is to accumulate a large amount of resources to achieve a qualitative change, consuming other spirit insects.

However, these two spirit insects are not strange insects, and their potential is almost exhausted. Unless there is a special opportunity, the possibility of transforming into the fourth transformation in the future is very small. In Qin Sang's view, there is no pity.

In addition, Qin Sang, the elixir in the "Gu Jing", has also prepared a lot.

Either buy it yourself, or collect all the elixir through the major chambers of commerce, and then invite alchemists to refine it.

There is only one kind of elixir named Limengsan, and there is no news about the main ingredients of the two flavors. After inquiring, I found out that the main ingredients were originally produced in Manzhou, which was monopolized by Wandu Mountain.

Bianyimengsan is essential, it can defuse the Gu worm's ferocity to a certain extent, Qin Sang estimated that at least three doses should be prepared for the fire jade centipede.

It can only be purchased from Wandu Mountain.

Limengsan is not only useful in raising Gu, but also when monks subdue spirit insects, they can also use Limengsan to lure and appease spirit insects, increasing the chance of success.

Occasionally, a batch will flow out from Wandu Mountain, but the price is extremely high.

After confirming that the secret technique was available, Qin Sang decided to buy it.

Seven Fragrance Pavilion.

Although not as good as Liuzhoutang, it is also one of the largest chambers of commerce in Zhongzhou. Its tentacles extend farther than Liuzhoutang, and their semicolons can also be seen in the large market in Beihuang. It is rumored that they are closely related to Wandu Mountain.

For monk Nascent Soul, these are not secrets, but anyone who wants to inquire can always find out.

The second domain of Xiancheng is a place where chambers of commerce gather, so there is a Seven Fragrance Pavilion.

B word area is full of people.

The gates of the major chambers of commerce were crowded with people, and immortal cultivators kept coming and going.

Qixiang Pavilion is a seven-storey jade building, built with a kind of dark green precious jade, and the green glow is shining.

The jade piles in front of the gate are covered with various mounts, dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, all of which have been completely domesticated, lazily lying on them and dozing off.

Qin Sang made a disguise, walked along a jade bridge, came to the Jade Pavilion, and walked in.

Inside the Seven Fragrance Pavilion, there is another universe. There are containers full of treasures, most of which are erysipelas. There are more than a dozen servants and maids standing at the door.

"This guest officer, please!"

Seeing Qin Sang coming in, a maid immediately greeted her with a smile, swinging her willow waist, and was about to go forward to greet her, when a deep voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

"Please invite this senior to go upstairs."

The maid was startled, and her face and smile froze slightly. Fortunately, it was not the first time she had experienced such a thing, and she did not lose her composure. She bowed low and said, "Senior, please."

Sensing the sound transmission, Qin Sang remained motionless, followed the maid, went up to the second floor, and saw a man in white hurriedly coming down from upstairs, and said to the maid, "Go down."

Then he bowed his hands to Qin Sang and saluted, "Senior is here, and this junior welcomes you at a distance. I hope that senior will forgive me. The treasures of the lower level must be difficult for senior to see. How about going to the quiet room with junior to discuss in detail?"

Qin Sang had no choice but to go up to the fifth floor with the man, someone had already offered spirit tea and fairy fruit.

The two sat facing each other, the man in white still wanted to exchange greetings, but Qin Sang didn't want to waste time, interrupted the man in white, took a look at him, and said straight to the point: "The poor man wants to buy something in the noble pavilion, can you make the decision?"

The man in white smiled and said: "The junior is in charge of the Qixiang Pavilion, and most of the affairs in the pavilion can be decided. If the senior's request exceeds the scope of the junior's power and responsibility, the junior will immediately report it to the elders in the pavilion, and the senior will definitely be satisfied. answer."

The branches of major chambers of commerce are all over the Central Plains, and it is impossible for every stronghold to have Yuan Ying sitting in charge.

For example, the Liuzhou Hall in Yanshui Market was originally in charge of a Jindan cultivator. Because he didn't want to close the mountains and Zhuozhou was not stable, the Liuzhou Hall just sent Jiang Mu to sit in the town.

When the situation in Zhuozhou stabilized, Jiang Mu was transferred back again.

Only the fairy city of Feiyundu, the location is too important, no matter when, there must be a Nascent Soul sitting in it.

Qin Sang nodded, and said calmly: "Poverty wants to buy Limengsan."

The smile on the white-clothed man's face froze, and without saying anything useless, he immediately got up and said, "Senior, wait a moment."

Not long after the man in white left, someone knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Qin Sang raised his eyes to look at the door, seeing an old man with white hair and childlike face push the door in, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It's actually in the mid-Yuanying period, so it can't be the owner of the Seven Fragrance Pavilion, right?

The old man was also looking at Qin Sang, and found that he couldn't see through Qin Sang's cultivation, secretly awe-inspiring, and smiled heartily: "The old man is in seclusion, but it's a coincidence that he waited too long for fellow Taoist."

"It's a poor way to bother you."

Qin Sang got up to return the salute.

After exchanging pleasantries, the old man wanted to test Qin Sang's background, but Qin Sang calmly stopped him.

Seeing this scene, the old man stopped doing useless work and pondered for a while, "Fellow Taoist, if you want to buy Limengsan, you should know that this medicine is controlled by Wandu Mountain, and it will be released in small quantities every once in a while. It is very rare and very precious to the outside world. .”

Qin Sang laughed out loud.

The old man's expression remained the same, and his tone changed: "This pavilion does have some collections, but the quantity of these treasures is very small. I don't know how much you need. Are you going to barter or buy them with spirit stones?"

"At least three copies!"

Qin Sang held up three fingers, "As for the trading method, it depends on the quality of Li Meng San."

Limengsan is divided into upper, middle and lower grades. Both the middle and upper grades are effective, but the difference is high and low. The lower grades basically have no effect on the fire jade centipede.

Hearing this, the old man knew that Qin Sang had come prepared, put away his other thoughts, took out three porcelain bottles from the mustard bag, and placed them on the table.

Qin Sang opened the porcelain bottles and checked them one by one.

There is white medicine powder in the porcelain bottle, it is Limengsan, one of the medicine powder is slightly yellowed, it can be concluded that it is medium-grade, and the other two bottles are high-grade.

These three bottles of Limengsan are basically enough.

Watching Qin Sang's movements, the old man suddenly smiled and said, "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist!"

"Where does joy come from?"

Qin Sang looked up at him.

"Fellow Daoist bought three bottles of Limengsan at a time, so he must have met a four-change spirit insect? Isn't it a great joy?" The old man said enviously.

Unlike the "Gu Jing", other secret techniques of controlling insects have such serious hidden dangers, and the requirements are not so harsh.

The old man didn't know that Qin Sang had half of the "Gu Jing" in his hand, so he misunderstood Qin Sang's purpose.

In the world of cultivating immortals, three-change spirit insects can still be found, and naturally transformed four-change spirit insects are extremely rare, and this kind of spirit insect has extremely high potential. Wandu Mountain dominates Manzhou, and I have never seen it a few times.

You may not be able to grasp it when you encounter it, and you may not be able to surrender if you grasp it.

The old man is naturally envious of Qin Sang's opportunity.

After checking one by one, Qin Sang put down the porcelain vase and replied inadvertently: "Spiritual insects have only one supernatural power. Even the four-transformation spirit insects are useless most of the time. Pindao has paid such a high price and has been busy for many years. Not sure if it can help me. It would be great if it was like the spirit insect of a fellow Taoist that Pindao met before. It only needs a poisonous light to easily kill a master of the same level. This is the only thing that Pindao has seen in his life. The most terrifying spirit insect!"

"To kill Nascent Soul with poison?"

The old man's complexion changed drastically, and his tone was urgent, "What kind of poisonous light? What does that spirit insect look like?"

Qin Sang narrowed his eyes slightly, remained calm, pretended to think carefully for a while, and said: "The poisonous light flashed away, I remember it was milky white. As for the spirit insect, it seems to be a jade beetle. Hehe... Pindao has always suspected that it is an expert from Wandu Mountain, do fellow Taoists recognize it?"

"Jade Beetle...Jade Beetle..."

The old man muttered to himself, suddenly remembered something, and asked repeatedly, "Who is driving the jade beetle? Where did you meet him?"

Sure enough, there is a problem!

Seeing the "Gu Sutra", Qin Sang was trying to figure out the relationship between the strange-faced man's master and apprentice and Wandushan, but Wandushan didn't have such a person on the surface.

He suspected that the "Gu Sutra" came from an incorrect source, so he tried a little bit to test it out, but unexpectedly there seemed to be a bigger secret hidden in it.

Qin Sang remained silent, looked at the old man with a smile, and glanced at the porcelain vase on the table.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then understood, gritted his teeth and said: "If fellow daoist can provide useful information to the old man, it's okay to send these Limeng scattered to fellow daoist!"

Only then did Qin Sang let go, and said after consideration: "This man's methods are fierce, and he killed the Nascent Soul in an instant. At that time, Pindao only dared to watch from a distance. How could he dare to approach him? He could vaguely see that the man's face was full of scars, which was very strange. As for the origin of this man , Fellow Daoists can go to the junction of the two states of Nanban to find it..."

As he spoke, he mobilized his spiritual power to draw a rough map of Nanban and the two prefectures in the void, drawing a large area.

The old man hesitated, Qin Sang didn't know what kind of grievances there were between them, so he deliberately grafted the two encounters with the strange-faced man together, and it was enough to guide them to find the strange-faced man's hiding place.

However, Qin Sang felt that there was a high probability that the strange-faced man was no longer in the Poisonous Miasma Basin.

The old man kept it in his heart, and said seriously: "Fellow Daoist should have guessed it. The other identity of the old man is the Elder Wandushan. The person that Fellow Daoist said had a grudge with our sect. Two Nascent Soul Elders were brutally murdered in our sect. This person is so cruel, if fellow Taoists encounter this person in the future, I hope you can inform our sect in time, and I will be very grateful!"

"The grievances between you have nothing to do with Pindao. This person's spirit worm is too vicious, and Pindao cherishes his life very much. I don't want to meet him again, and I don't want to provoke such a powerful enemy."

Qin Sang shook her head again and again, put away the porcelain vase, got up and wanted to leave.

The old man hurriedly called Qin Sang to stop, "Friend Daoist, please wait a moment."

As he spoke, the old man hurried out and came back in a hurry, bringing a jade box.

The jade box was opened, and the inside was covered with layers of prohibition, sealing a gray thread as thin as a hair.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was a gray fluff, from some kind of creature.

Qin Sang stared at it for a long while, unable to see why, and his face showed doubts.

The old man pushed the jade box in front of Qin Sang, "This person was so arrogant back then, he was hit by a treasure of our sect, and the poison entered his internal organs. If it wasn't for this person's deep cultivation, he would have fallen already. The strange scar on his face is the result of poisoning." Caused. This thing contains part of the power of the Supreme Treasure. If you encounter this person in the future, you can activate this thing and detonate the remaining toxins in his body, which will make this person overwhelmed, just take the opportunity to get away! Of course, if you If you can kill this person, capture the jade beetle alive, and send the jade beetle back to Wandu Mountain, this sect can exchange it with a treasure!"

Qin Sang secretly thought that it was so.

No wonder the dignified monk couldn't even restore his appearance.

The supreme treasure of the sect of Wandu Mountain made the big cultivator so embarrassed, the background of the famous sect is really unfathomable!

Qin Sang alerted himself, frowned and said: "Pindao met him decades ago. This person is a great monk in the late Yuanying period. After such a long time, this thing can still be effective?"

"The scar on that person's face doesn't go away, which means that the residual poison has not been removed, and it must be effective! If it is so easy to dissolve, can it still be regarded as a treasure by this sect?"

The old man was full of confidence, "The remaining poison is lurking in his As long as it is not detonated, it will not cause much impact. This person is devoted to cultivating jade beetles, which will definitely consume him a lot of energy. There is no spare power to get rid of the remaining poison."

Qin Sang claimed that he just watched from a distance.

But the old man is well aware that not everyone can watch the great monks fight. What's more, if the strange-faced person provokes the great enemy of Wandu Mountain, if there is any risk of his whereabouts being exposed, he will definitely be silenced.

They may have fought a battle.

Qin Sang is alive and kicking, at least it shows that his supernatural powers are not weak.

This kind of fluff will lose part of the power of the treasure when it is made, and it will recover by itself after a while, so it doesn't matter if you give one. The old man saw that Qin Sang was wary of them, so he didn't point out Qin Sang, but he didn't mind getting an ally.

He wasn't worried that the jade beetle would be snatched by Qin Sang.

Regardless of whether Qin Sang can kill the other party, except for Wan Dushan and the strange-faced man who raised the jade beetle himself, the others do not have the ability to tame the jade beetle, and Qin Sang can only seal it if he gets it.

After being sealed for a long time, there is a danger of the jade beetle taking advantage of it and attacking itself.

The best option is to trade with Wandu Mountain.

"Then the poor are more respectful than obedient!"

Qin Sang grabbed the jade box, cupped his hands slightly, turned and walked out.

The old man personally sent Qin Sang out of the Seven Fragrance Pavilion, returned to the quiet room, closed his eyes and meditated.

Not long.

A dark shadow appeared in the quiet room.

"Lost it?"

The old man asked calmly, as if not surprised at all.

Hei Ying said 'hmm': "This person has a keen sense of spirituality. I followed him less than a hundred feet away, so I faintly felt that I was locked on and warned by him."

"Very good! The higher the cultivation level, the better! Unexpectedly, that guy has really cultivated the Gu King, and we can't continue to block the news, otherwise, if we only use the power of the mountain gate, we will suffer heavy losses...I will report it to the sect master personally."

The old man said.

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