Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1473: Other people's eyes (four k)

In the immortal world.

Among the top powerhouses, unless they can kill each other on the spot, leave no trouble, or involve huge interests that cannot be interfered by others, they will try their best to avoid forming a grudge.

Even if there is any misunderstanding, as long as it doesn't kill you, the best way is to find a way to resolve it, and the king will not see the king in the future.

It is reasonable that the old man who was a fool couldn't handle Qin Sang, and sent someone to send him a post of worship.

However, Qin Sang knew that the old demon had a treacherous temperament and acted recklessly.

Assuming that the content of the prayer post is the real thoughts of the old man who was a fool, and he took the initiative to seek reconciliation, he certainly did not sincerely apologize to him. It was estimated that it had something to do with that 'great deed'.

The old devil is obviously looking for help, or cannon fodder.

In today's world, there are not many things that can be treated with such seriousness by the old man, which is indeed quite attractive to Qin Sang.

However, whether this is good or bad is still up for debate.

The old man was not sure of himself, which means that it is not so easy to succeed.

It shouldn't be a coincidence that Qin Sang saw the demon old man visit Tianpeng Great Sage with his own eyes. It is estimated that it is also related to this matter. He is another helper invited by the demon old man.

Tianpeng Great Sage, the old devil mixed with him, there are already three masters of the late Nascent Soul level, this matter must contain great risks.

Another possibility is that the demon old man used this bait to lure him to appear.

The demon old man and Tianpeng Dasheng secretly colluded and set up traps to ambush and kill.

However, doing so would be too inspiring.

Exactly when Qin Sang appeared is not under the control of the old demon, and the Great Sage Tianpeng can't always accompany the old demon.

In addition, if the old devil really has this kind of idea, the post will definitely describe this matter in a hype, and it will not be so ambiguous.

What really made Qin Sang suspicious was the so-called common enemy of the old devil.

The transaction between him and Tong Lingyu involved sacred relics, Xuantian Palace would not take the initiative to spread it, and he would lose face, and later joined Tingxuelou as another identity.

The old devil should not know that the misunderstanding between him and Xuantiangong has been solved, and he has become the elder Keqing.

And Qin Sang was very clear about the activities between the old man and Xuantian Palace.

This old demon cooperated with the Xuantian Palace to play a big show, deceived the world, and pushed the Ten Thousand Demons Conference to be held ahead of schedule. Where does it seem like there is hatred?

Unless something happened during Qin Sang's travels in the past few years, the two sides turned against each other. This can also explain why the old man who was a devil didn't invite Xuantian Palace's Palace Master and the Great Elder.

Well, maybe they have already been invited, but Xuantian Palace is powerful, and the old man is alone and lonely, so he needs to find another helper to check and balance Xuantian Palace.

The more Qin Sang thought about it, the more he thought it was possible.

It is best to wait until after returning to Xuantian Palace, ask Tong Lingyu, and then make a decision.

In addition, it is unlikely that the old devil will ambush him, but it is necessary to guard against it.

Qin Sang is not going to meet the old man who is a ghost now. He is not as afraid of the old man as he used to be, but he is also unwilling to easily expose the sun **** tree and use this treasure purely for fighting.

Although the Sun God Bird is powerful, the timing must be precise. Once the opponent takes precautions, the chance of misses greatly increases.

He has to wait for a chance to kill with one blow, and surprise the old man with a devil.

Qin Sang quickly thought about the pros and cons, looked up at the black-robed youth, and said indifferently, "Go down! Tell fellow demons, don't peep into the Valley of Flowers in the future."


The black-robed youth bowed and saluted, and immediately exited the hall.

Qin Sang didn't say that he would go, and he didn't say that he couldn't go, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Before leaving, Shizu did not ask for an accurate answer.

After the black-robed youth left, the banquet ended abruptly.

After that, Qin Sang stayed in Baihua Valley to learn the art of controlling insects with Master Mugu.

Hundred Flowers Valley has been inherited for many years. Based on the insect control, the ancestors of the past dynasties have collected various insect control techniques in the world, not only limited to the way of the Wu clan's natal insect Gu.

Qin Sang was thirsty, absorbed these essences, and gained a lot.

Before, he was at a loss as to how to cultivate the spirit insects after the four transformations, and getting these, plus the books he saw in the Imperial Spirit Sect, confirmed each other.

Although there is no clear way yet, for different spirit insects, what type of spirits should be found for them, and gradually have some ideas, and the scope of trial and error can be reduced in the future.

During this process, Master Mu Gu also discovered that Qin Sang's accumulation in the Way of Repelling Insects was not as shallow as he imagined, and he could be called a fellow man.

On a whim, Master Mu Gu took the initiative to ask Qin Sang for his views on the inheritance of Baihua Valley.

Before, he had passed the previous part of Yuan Ying to Qin Sang.

Qin Sang had this intention, and he didn't hide his secrets, so he immediately started a long speech.

You must know that what he had to pass on was the real witch clan secret technique. After speaking, Mugu Master felt a sense of relief, and even a few problems that had plagued the Baihuagu cultivator for many years were solved.

Master Mu Gu was shocked, and after deliberating for a long time, he asked Qin Sang to make an oath to show the complete inheritance.

This is exactly what Qin Sang wanted.

In the Canglang Sea, he was limited by his cultivation, and only got the part before the fourth transformation of the life insect Gu, which caused Tianmudie to enter the realm slowly after breaking through the fourth transformation.

Now that he can't go back to Canglanghai, he only hopes that the inheritance of Baihuagu can give him some inspiration.

"The ancestor got a incomplete inheritance," Mugu Master sighed, "The ancestors of Baihua Valley, the cultivation base of the life-like worms basically stayed in the early stage of the fourth transformation, even if there are exceptions, they have obtained some kind of opportunity, it is impossible Copy. The most troublesome thing is that the higher the cultivation level of the natal worm, the signs of confrontation with the master will appear..."

Qin Sang knew in his heart that this inheritance was not incomplete, it was incomplete at all.

The Wu clan is uniquely endowed by nature and can tame the worm Gu. Qin Sang also used the Jade Buddha to not be afraid of backlash. Other human cultivators have no such means.

The ghost mother changed the inheritance of the witch clan and used other methods to avoid hidden dangers. Now it seems that there are limits. The path of the monks in Baihuagu is destined to be a dead end.

But I don't know if the ghost mother is powerless or not doing her best.

In the Hundred Flowers Valley inheritance, there are not many parts after the four transformations of the spirit insects.

These contents confirmed Qin Sang's guess that the life insect Gu has indeed changed after Nascent Soul, and the improvement of simply feeding with blood essence is limited. No wonder Tianmu Butterfly enters the realm so slowly.

It's a pity that these were created by the ghost mother to fit Baihua Valley, not suitable for Qin Sang and Tianmudie. Qin Sang couldn't absorb it all, he could only learn from it.

Only by finding the ghost mother can you get the complete inheritance.

All the problems are back to square one.

three months later.

Qin Sang said goodbye, and Master Mu Gu personally sent Baili away, reluctantly.

This time is a win-win.

Qin Sang not only got a lot of inspiration, but also obtained a lot of pills and elixir from Baihua Valley to cultivate the fire jade centipede.

Say goodbye to Master Mugu.

Qin Sang continued to go south, traversing the Moon Realm, reaching the southernmost point, and turning eastward.

The boundless sea is extremely vast, but it is also barren. Qin Sang chose some islands occupied by famous old monsters, and when they got close, the sword spirit fled away without responding.

Speeding all the way, Qin Sang returned to Guimudong Mansion halfway and met Tan Hao.

In the past few days, Tan Hao has been sorting out himself, preparing to retreat and attack the Nascent Soul.

The monk had a baby, and there was not much help from others.

Qin Sang also only talked about his own experience of having a baby, and did not involve the fundamental way, so as not to mislead Tan Hao.

That night, Qin Sang left the cave and set off again.


Hidden day.

The earth rejuvenates, the ice and snow melt.

Baekdu Snow Mountain glowed blue.

Mortals seize the most precious time of the year to go out to produce and cultivate.

At this moment, the Hidden Sun Realm finally has a little more vitality.


In midair, Qin Sang covered the light and walked with his sword.

He saw the completely different scenery of Hidden Sun Realm and before, and whispered to himself: "Eight years..."

During the eight years, Qin Sang only stayed in Tianpeng Mountain and Baihua Valley for a period of time. During the rest of the time, he almost kept running around again and again.

Worried about missing the Holy Land of Xuantian Palace, Qin Sang tried to hurry as fast as he could. The key was that he didn't find any clues, his body would not feel tired, but his mind was a little tired.

In another year, the Ice Demon Crystal will recover.

Qin Sang decided to listen to Xuelou first.

The monks were rarely seen on the way.

When Qin Sang was traveling, he heard some news. It is said that Xuantian Palace and the demon clan fought fiercely for a few times.

Strangely, even when the battle situation was the most anxious, there was no news of the Xuantian Palace's Palace Master taking action.

Now, the two sides are at a stalemate.

The Great Sage Tianpeng may have realized that it is impossible to defeat Xuantian Palace quickly, not as aggressive as he was eight years ago. At the critical moment when the Holy Land is about to open, Xuantian Palace will naturally not take the initiative to attack, and the situation tends to stabilize.


Listening to the snow tower comes into view.

Qin Sang urged Elder Keqing's token to pass through the mountain protection formation, without disturbing others, and went straight to the cave, ready to rest for a few days.

While he urged the token.

On the main peak, Shi Xue felt a sense of heart, and woke up from the meditation.

"He's finally back!"

Shi Xue confirmed that it was Qin Sang, heaved a sigh of relief, got up in a hurry, and pushed out the door.

Qin Sang has been gone for eight years, and there is no news. Although there are not many people in the world that can threaten his existence, accidents are inevitable.

Shi Xue quickly crossed the jade bridge, entered the valley where the Piaoxue Building was located, and raised his hand to shoot a streamer.

With a 'squeak' sound, the wooden door opened.

Shi Xue walked in and saw Liuli sitting cross-legged on the Hanyu bed.

Over the years, Liuli has been accompanied by the Hanyu bed, and rarely leaves the Piaoxuelou.

At this moment, Liu Li closed her eyes tightly and sat cross-legged.

There is no abnormal phenomenon in the Piaoxue Building, but Shi Xue can feel that there is a strange but very powerful wave beside Liuli.

Shi Xue watched quietly until the fluctuation gradually subsided, and called out, "Junior sister."

Liuli opened her eyes, her eyes recovered, and her tone was still cold, "Senior sister, he's back?"

"He just returned to the cave, and I haven't seen him yet."

Shi Xue nodded and hesitated, "Junior sister, have you made up your mind?"

Liuli received her work smoothly, and her voice did not fluctuate, "Only he can do this."

"Why don't you wait a minute and I'll go check his tone first?"

Shi Xue couldn't bear it.

Liuli straightened her clothes, stood up, stepped down from the Hanyu bed, and shook her head gently: "That's my own business, don't bother Senior Sister."

"You are my junior sister, and besides, this matter is about our Tingxuelou, how can you say it has nothing to do with me?"

Shi Xue's brows twisted into a Sichuan character, and hesitantly said, "Junior sister, why don't you want to double cultivation with him, yet agree to this matter?"


Liuli looked at the vast world outside the Piaoxue Building, was silent for a long time, and said in a gentle tone.

"What's the difference? In the eyes of outsiders, what's the difference?"

Shi Xue asked.

"Why should you care about the opinions of outsiders?"

Liuli retracted her gaze and looked at Shixue strangely.

Shi Xue bowed her head and said in frustration, "Forget it, I won't bother about the matter between you, and you will handle it yourself! So as not to do bad things with good intentions like last time."

While they were talking, the two sisters walked out of the Piaoxue Building and walked towards Qin Sang's cave.

Liu Li looked as usual.

Shi Xue followed behind, looking at Liu Li's back, but a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

After a while, the two women came to the small building.

Qin Sang had already sensed it, and withdrew the spirit formation, went out of the cave to greet him in person, and gave a salute, "Master, Fairy Liuli, stay safe. Pindao wanted to wash away the dust and then visit the two fellow Daoists, but he excuse me."

As he spoke, he looked at Liuli secretly.

Liuli did not deliberately hide it, Qin Sang could easily see that her cultivation was still in the early Nascent Soul.

It can be seen that her last breakthrough was a complete failure.

Is the imprint of "Xuanye Yuding Zhenjing" really so difficult?

Qin Sang frowned slightly, Liuli was so talented, and Xuantian Palace was so powerful, they couldn't solve it.

"We took the liberty to disturb the Taoist priest."

The two women greeted each other.

Shi Xue was also watching Qin Sang secretly, "Is it still going well for the Taoist priest to travel to the North Sea?"

Qin Sang invited the two women to enter the cave, and brewed a pot of spiritual tea by himself, "I encountered some twists and turns, but fortunately there was no danger. This kind of spiritual tea was accidentally discovered by Pindao in the demon domain, although it is not as good as Tingxuelou. The immortal tea, but it also has a different flavor, please help you to taste it."

Shi Xue took a sip, felt the fragrance on his cheeks, and praised, "Good tea! I didn't expect the Taoist priest to be like no one in the demon realm. to danger."

"It's just a little trail, and it's not on the table."

Qin Sang smiled lightly, "I don't know, can that information be helpful to Xuantian Palace?"

Shi Xue nodded, "The elder has mentioned it in public many times, and we should reward the Taoist priest Mingyue Only the Taoist priest dares to go deep into the demon realm to explore. Through this information, we can estimate the approximate military strength of the demon clan, which is targeted. , arrange it calmly to avoid unnecessary casualties. After the identity of Dao Chief Keqing was announced, Tingxuelou's situation has improved a lot."

"It's good that it's not self-defeating," Qin Sang nodded and asked about the thing he cared about most, "Should the Holy Land be opened soon?"

"The various veins can't wait for a long time, just wait for the sacred object to absorb enough energy, and then open the Holy Land, the first elder will force the Taoist priest to participate..."

Speaking of this, Shi Xue paused slightly, and glanced sideways at the tea and glass.

Qin Sang picked up the tea cup, took a sip of the tea, and observed the two women through the tea mist.

He was keenly aware that when Shi Xue came to the door, he hesitated, and there must be something going on. Judging from her performance, it may be related to Liuli.

In other words, it is related to Liuli's practice and the mark of evil power.

From the expression on Liu Li's face, he couldn't see the slightest difference.


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