Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1413: The law of the spirit array

'boom! ’

'boom! ’

'boom! ’


In the crack of the Thousand Buddha Wall, a figure fled as if escaping, and behind him was the red golden flame formed by Buddha Light and Chi Yan, rushing in and chasing after him.

Qin Sang ordered Jin Shenjian to open the way and did not dare to stop.

He urged Mo Huo to pay back the old man, and then he turned around and walked away. He didn't know what the effect was, and whether it could buy Mu Gu Zhu and the others time to escape.

'boom! boom! ’

The sound of sword light bombardment continued.

Qin Sang went deeper and deeper.

Within the field of vision, there are still two colors of red gold.

It's hard to imagine how many red flames have accumulated here for countless years, and it has been vented for so long, and there are still so many left.

Qin Sang suspected that the original spirit formation should not be so powerful. Under the influence of the aura of Chi Yan, the spirit formation changed and its power increased to such an astonishing level.

At this moment, Qin Sang felt that the light in front of him dimmed for a while, and he was immediately vigilant.

Slash forward with a forceful strike.

'boom! ’

Jianguang separated Fo Guang and Chi Yan, and Qin Sang rushed out.

The next moment, I felt the pressure on my body plummeted, and the surrounding light was not so dazzling. It was no longer a monotonous red and gold, but a colorful glow instead.

What is even more strange is that the violent fluctuations behind him also disappeared out of thin air at the same moment.

Qin Sang was surprised and turned around to look around.

Same as before.

The position he is in now is also not up to the sky, not down to the ground, and has no place to stand.

The colorful rays of light can be seen everywhere, some are connected into pieces, and some are condensed together.

The glow of different colors filled the entire void, which was truly beautiful. But no matter what kind of glow, the familiar scent of red flames wafts everywhere.

Unreal, ethereal.

Can't see anything real.

Obviously, Qin Sang's previous guess was right. Passing through the Thousand Buddha Wall was just a change from the spiritual formation to another change.

He is still in the spirit formation.

Surprisingly, there is no Thousand Buddha Wall behind Qin Sang!

He had just rushed out of the Thousand Buddha Wall just now, but the Thousand Buddha Wall disappeared out of thin air. Behind him was a boundless glow, and he couldn't see any familiar sights.

"This... I've fallen into another change in the spiritual formation?"

Qin Sang was hesitant.

He stopped in place, did not move, and watched intently with Tianmu Die.

No matter how powerful the spiritual formation is, there must be traces to follow, not to mention that this formation has no owner, and the changes are limited.

‘Whoosh! ’

at this time.

Suddenly, a sharp sound of breaking the air came from the rays of the sun.

Qin Sang frowned, and suddenly felt a stinging pain in his skin, locked by a sharp meaning, a warning sign appeared in his heart, and he immediately turned the golden sword suspended above his head, as if he was facing a great enemy.


The spirit sword let out a long groan.

The sound of breaking the air is from far to near, and the speed is amazing.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Sang saw the disillusionment of the glow in that direction, and a black hole appeared, a golden light of incomparable brilliance, with the momentum of destroying everything, went straight to Qin Sang and slammed into it!

This golden light is extremely pure.

Since entering the spirit formation, any sight Qin Sang has seen cannot be without the presence of the aura of red flames, with the exception of this golden light.

From this point of view, this may be the original attack method of the spirit array.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't dare to neglect.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he seemed to think of something. After hesitating for a while, he made a strange move, took back the Jin Shenjian, and then moved his body several dozen meters away.

‘Shuh! ’

The golden light hit, and it could be vaguely seen that the main body seemed to be a Zen staff transformed from a spiritual array.

Qin Sang's evasion caused the Zen staff to move.

The stick moved laterally, but only shifted a few feet. Before he could catch up with Qin Sang, he passed him by and disappeared into the depths of the glow.

Qin Sang's bodyguard was impacted by the fluctuation of the Zen staff, and it rippled slightly, that's all.

He himself was unscathed.

Qin Sang looked at the place where the Zen staff disappeared, let out a breath, and said in his heart, "As expected! If it was the original spiritual formation, this Zen staff would definitely not be so easy to avoid, and if someone manipulated it, it would be even more difficult to deal with it. Now the spiritual formation Affected by the aura of red flames, the power is more than enough, but the changes are not enough, it looks dangerous, but it is actually very easy to deal with..."

The initial attempt confirmed Qin Sang's idea.

Of course, that doesn't mean he can take it lightly.

There are always places like the Wall of Thousand Buddhas, which are unavoidable and more dangerous than before.

"It now seems that I have entered the second level of change from the first level of spiritual formation. It's like breaking through a level, but I don't know how many levels there are?

"The old **** must not have followed us right from the beginning, or he would have been noticed by Tianmu Die long ago. Looking at it this way, the experience of all intruders should be similar.

"If Master Mugu does not die and passes through the Thousand Buddha Wall, he will definitely come to this 'space', but he may not appear near me. Besides, where did the Thousand Buddha Wall go?

"Thousand Buddha Wall should be the embodiment of the barrier between the two changes of the spiritual array. Since I came out from there, I can definitely find it when I look back, but the scenery inside and outside is different, and it may not be the Thousand Buddha Wall."

Qin Sang calmed down, analyzed what he saw and heard, and figured out the laws of the spirit array.

While he was contemplating, Tianmu Die came with an idea and seemed to have found something.

Qin Sang looked up into the depths of Xiaguang, and his figure flashed.

In the glow, the red flames are floating, and once one of them is touched, it is likely to cause a lot of turmoil.

If the attack of the spiritual array can be avoided, it is really difficult to do.

Here, the rays of light are endless, and the red flames cover the sky, like a fiery red sunset.

Qin Sang stopped and walked, sometimes approaching Xiaguang, staring at it carefully, and sometimes frowning in thought.

Gradually, a helpless look appeared on his face.

"There is a completely different rule here from the Thousand Buddha Wall. The scent of red flames and the rays of light are not separated from each other. When I find out the rule and open up a way back, the daylily will be cold..."

Going back to save people won't work.

In case he had just returned, Master Mu Gu happened to be beheaded by the old demon and put himself in danger.

"Waiting to save people here, there is little hope. The formation is so The people who set up the formation obviously want to move the intruders to different positions and defeat them individually, and they are still uncertain about the master of Mugu. Can you escape..."

Qin Sang's thoughts flickered and he decided to wait a little longer.

The results were as expected.

"The three of you will be blessed."

Qin Sang shook his head slightly and turned to leave.

He couldn't think of any good way. For the present, he had to go forward alone and explore Jinghaizong. If Master Mugu can get out of the hands of the old man, he will meet again in Jinghai Sect.

Fortunately, Huoyu Centipede is Qin Sang's spirit worm, guiding him in the direction.

If you can get the Wanling Fruit, it is a worthwhile trip.

As for other treasures, you can only act by chance.


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