Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 139: Give Dan

   Nine Yao Country, the capital of the country.

   Tianxing Street is divided between the rich and the poor on the east and west sides. The visitors on the west side are either high-ranking officials or wealthy families, deep house courtyards, high-walled gates, glazed and shiny tiles, all of which are magnificent.

   The more you walk in, the more wealthy you are. Near the palace, there are even gardens covering tens of acres, which are the residences of princes and nobles.

   The house of the Minister of Household Affairs has only three entrances, and it seems unusually shabby among these mansions.

   After the magistrate's appointment, the house was sold to a family, and the plaque of "Song Mansion" was hung up.

   However, this family is quite mysterious. It is simple and very low-key. There are not many servants. On weekdays, servants go out to purchase an application.

   However, it is not easy to live in this area, and no one is going to provoke others for no reason.

Qin Sang didn't expect Song Ying to have any desire for pleasure. Even the house was the one he found in a hurry. He only did some simple repairs. The gold and silver he left to Song Ying was an amazing batch, even if not. Doing an industry can also guarantee the prosperity and wealth of generations.

   I was probably asking Yuefang City to see the weather of Xianjia, and I have a higher vision.

   Qin Sang walked to Song Mansion and knocked on the door.

   With a ‘squeak’, the door opened from the inside, and a young boy poked out his head, saw Qin Sang, and found that he didn’t know him, and asked vigilantly: "Who can I look for?"

   Qin Sang smiled and said, "I am a friend of your master's family, my surname is Qin. Please tell me that the old friend came from the mountain and saw him."

   Xiaosi glanced at Qin Sang suspiciously, "Master, please wait."

   Not long after listening to the hurried footsteps inside, Song Ying stepped out and saw that Qin Sang was really surprised, and hurriedly opened the front door.

   "The concubine has seen Qin... Gongzi."

   Qin Sang took a look at Song Ying, and found that this woman's complexion was much better than when she first met in Wenyuefang City. She has a plump body and a graceful temperament, and she should have been born.

The two of them were talking while walking towards the guest hall. At this moment, there was a babble from the inner courtyard. A little boy of only two or three years old wore a small belly and stumbled out of it, followed by An anxious nanny.

   "Mother! Mother!"

   The little boy rushed into Song Ying's arms with milky voice and looked at the stranger Qin Sang curiously.

   The nurse looked terrified, "Please forgive me, madam, master he..."

Song Ying shook her head and motioned to let all the people retreat. She embraced the little boy lovingly, and said to Qin Sang expectantly: "Master Qin, this is my child. Lang Jun and I named him Song Chengxian. Chengxian. , Hurry up and call sir."

   Song Ying urged, the little boy pouted and said nothing.

   Qin Sang smiled carelessly. He knew what Song Ying was expecting. He came here this time to fulfill his promise.

  In Shaohua Mountain, every time a new disciple is recruited for the entry, the disciples in the foundation stage will have a recommended place, and one person can be recommended for entry, but it must meet the requirements of the teacher.

   Qin Sang's trip is to see how talented Song Ying's descendants are. If the talent is good, he will use the quota this time. After all, without the Song family's sword intent, he could not have today, not to mention that he and Song Ying had long had a contract.

   In Song Ying's expectant gaze, Qin Sang stepped forward and put his finger on the boy's arm.

   After careful investigation, Qin Sang raised his head and glanced at Song Ying, and asked Song Ying to call the nurse to take the child away, and said in a condensed voice: "The four spiritual roots of gold, wood, water, soil."

   Song Ying heard mixed joys and sorrows, her eyes were a little dim.

   She was asking Yuefang City to understand what the Four Spiritual Roots meant. Even if she cultivated immortality, she would never achieve much. Without the decree of sword intent, Shao Huashan would never accept such a disciple as a guide.

   "Qin Shangxian..."

   Song Ying wanted to say something but stopped.

   Qin Sang sighed in his heart, knowing that Song Ying wanted to ask him to accept his apprentice, but he was precarious, so he had no energy to educate his apprentice.

But there was a contract before. Qin Sang thought for a while, took out a jade bottle from the mustard bag, as well as Guyuan's dagger and the water heart bamboo futon, and handed it to Song Ying, saying: "It won't be enough to lead him into Shaohua Mountain. But we have something to say first, and I will not break it. After Song Chengxian is sensible, you can choose one of the five exercises in your family, except for that one. This futon can help him calm and settle. If the blessing is deep, It may not be impossible to achieve something in the future... This spirit pill is a Jidan, and it is considered a gift from me. I have left a ban. As long as I don't open the jade bottle without authorization, there is no need to worry about the loss of medicinal properties."

   After breaking through the foundation building period, the effectiveness of the water core bamboo futon was greatly reduced, and it was better than nothing. The short sword was the best among the middle-grade magical artifacts, and it was enough for low-level monks to use it.

   "Zhu Jidan!"

   Song Yingmei's eyes widened and she exclaimed. She looked at the jade bottle in shock. She suddenly remembered that she used to hear her parents and her brother talk about Zhu Jidan, which was exactly what she looked like.

   At that time, both parents and eldest brother looked envious.

When she was in contact with immortal cultivators since she was a child, Song Ying certainly knew how precious the Jidan was, and asked those powerful families in Yuefang City that they couldn’t find a Jidan for the descendants of the if there was a Jidan. The news spread, and the whole market was going crazy.

  The value of Jidan building is absolutely no less than the decree of sword intent.

   Song Ying held the jade bottle tightly with both hands, and said excitedly: "Thank you Qin Shangxian for giving the pill, Song Ying is grateful, I will let Chengxian come to bow to Shangxian."

   "See you later."

   Qin Sang waved his hand, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

After learning about the cause and effect of Cho and the Song family, Qin Sang took off with his Tissot to go straight to the depths of Yuncang Daze, let go of the spirit bird and the golden eye snake, searched for ten days in Yuncang Daze, and indeed found two spiritual veins. But there is not even a good spiritual eye that can be a cave mansion, let alone a spiritual spring.

   Qin Sang had to let go of the two spirit beasts, let them return to Shaohua Mountain on their own, and then flew to Guyuan Country.

   After setting up the Huilong Temple, Qin Sang flew back to the deserted island and swept his spiritual sense. There was no trace of the cave mansion being broken into by the cultivator, so he opened the large formation and walked in.

   removed the formation left by the bamboo demon and laid the Xuanming tortoise shell formation flag, Qin Sang walked to the pool of the cave and took out the jade box containing the nine magic sky orchids.

   At the beginning, Zhao Yan uprooted the Nine Fantasy Skylan. The roots of the elixir were originally white and flawless, but now they have a faint yellowish color, and the leaves and petals are also a little curled.

   Qin Sang took out the Jiuhuan Tianlan from the jade box, and plunged its roots into the Lingquan. Then, his palm suddenly sank, and the Jiuhuan Tianlan fell into it by himself.

   Lingquan has only a thin layer, and the nine magic sky orchid can only spread the roots and spread a large area in the pool.

   The leaves of the Nine Magic Sky Lan spread out immediately, and the petals became more moisturizing. Qin Sang set a prohibition to prevent the leakage of the medicine. He squatted by the pool and looked at it again. A smile of expectation appeared on his face.

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