Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1355: Love and be loved

Qin Sang took the urgent letter.

After watching it, he let out a light murmur, his expression a little surprised.

"What happened?"

Jing Yu looked over curiously.

"A few days ago, Uncle Dongyang passed the position of the suzerain to a disciple and left Shaohua Mountain," Qin Sang concealed the letter and looked in the direction of Shaohua Mountain, his eyes flickering.

A look of joy flashed in his eyes, and he showed vigilance and contemplation.

Thinking about the deep meaning of Dongyang Bo's move, and whether there is a hidden conspiracy.

After the Battle of Blood Pond, Uncle Dongyang has always been 'honest'.

Qin Sang deliberately created opportunities for him on the battlefield, but Uncle Dongyang did not take the bait.

Uncle Dongyang must know the origin of the puppet in Qin Sang's hand, but in the past few years, there has been no rumors about the Yuanying puppet in the Xiuxian world.

Uncle Dongyang deliberately plotted against Gong Liangyu, but in the end, Qin Sang was cheap, and he himself was injured in Qin Sang's hands. It seemed that he really took his life.

Qin Sang was relieved of hatred in his heart, and no longer focused on revenge.

The two sides have been at peace all along.

Unexpectedly, Shaohua Mountain changed hands silently.

"Someone in Shaohua Mountain has broken through Nascent Soul, who is it?"

Jingyu knew the grievances between Qin Sang and Uncle Dongyang, and had a good understanding of the details of Mount Shaohua, and counted several of Uncle Dongyang's famous disciples, "It is said that Mount Shaohua has the best talent, and it is recognized that the one that Uncle Dongyang values ​​the most is A disciple named Qiu Mubai is already in the late stage of Jindan, but this person is still a little short of the bottleneck of Nascent Soul. When his cultivation reaches the peak of Jindan stage, the most promising baby is Che Yutao, right?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Sang slowly shook his head.

"Neither! Che Yutao failed to hit the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul Stage, and he fell into the cave half a year ago. Qiu Mubai didn't have a baby either, and Uncle Dongyang took him away when he left."

Jing Yu was startled, "It's not these two proud disciples, could it be that there is another genius in Shaohua Mountain?"

"It's not a genius, and there is no one born in Shaohua Mountain. The person who succeeds Uncle Dongyang is Mu Yifeng!"

Qin Sang flipped over the urgent letter in his hand with a complicated tone.

After returning to Beichen Realm, Qin Sang always wanted to meet Mu Yifeng.

He now has the ability to repay Mu Yifeng.

But for decades, even at the most critical moment of the Three Domains War, Mu Yifeng has always been cultivating in Shaohua Mountain and has never stepped out of the door.

Afraid of going to Uncle Dongyang, Qin Sang didn't want to act rashly, so he could only send someone to sneak into the square market outside Shaohua Mountain, always wait and see, and wait for Mu Yifeng to leave the customs.

Unexpectedly, I finally received this news.

Mu Yifeng became the leader of the faction!

Dongyang Bo succeeded Mu Yifeng instead of his proud disciple Qiu Mubai. Did he recognize Mu Yifeng's cultivation and talent as stronger than Qiu Mubai, or did he have a deeper meaning?

Qin Sang would not be naive enough to think it was a coincidence.

Mu Yifeng is in charge of Shaohua Mountain, and he will definitely support it.

With his position in the Beichen League, he can guarantee that in the next few hundred years, at least no one will dare to trouble Shaohuashan.

If it were changed to Qiu Mubai, it would be different.

He wouldn't take out Qiu Mubai's anger, but he wouldn't be able to provide him with any help either.

You don't have to do it yourself, just hint or show some attitude, and you can make Shaohuashan who lost Uncle Dongyang be shunned by all parties.

If Dongyang Bo was right about this, he would pass Shaohua Mountain to Mu Yifeng.

He probably knew long ago that when Mu Yifeng released water, he sent him away!

Qin Sang's heart sank slightly.

"It was him?"

Jing Yu was also quite surprised. He figured out the key points and clicked, "Uncle Dongyang is really clever! Mu Yifeng disobeyed the teacher's order and let you go. Uncle Dongyang could endure it for hundreds of years, and even pushed him to the sect master. It's an incredible position!"

"Not necessarily! Back then, Mu Yifeng was not a golden pill, it was of little value, and Uncle Dongyang's mind was not so generous."

Qin Sang shook his head.

He remembered the news he had found earlier, that Mu Yifeng's cave was in Jingyue Peak.

Uncle Dongyang's ability to let Mu Yifeng go is probably related to Chen Yan.

At that time, the boat was done.

Moreover, Uncle Dongyang and Chen Yan did not completely turn their backs, and they reached some kind of agreement.

If Chen Yan opened his mouth to plead for Mu Yifeng, it is not unimaginable that Dongyang Bo's scheming would endure this matter.

However, Qin Sang didn't expect that Uncle Dongyang would take Mu Yifeng as a **** again and take him as an army.

"Where did Uncle Dongyang go?"

Jing Yu asked again.

Qin Sang shook his head, "Mu Yifeng doesn't know either, but Uncle Dongyang once said to Mu Yifeng before his departure that he shouldn't have the chance to come back this time!"

Jing Yu pondered: "Remember Qingjun Daoist once said that the speed of Dongyang Bo Xiu's improvement is very abnormal. After breaking through the bottleneck, it suddenly stagnated, and there has been almost no progress in the past hundred years. I suspect that some kind of hidden danger was used at the beginning. A big sorcery, forcibly breaking through. His heavenly tribulation will take a hundred years to arrive, and even if he cannot survive the heavenly calamity, he can push Qiu Mubai to at least the peak of the Golden Core Stage. Now that he leaves suddenly, could it be that a hidden danger is about to erupt?"

Qin Sang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jing Yu's guess was probably close to the truth.

Uncle Dongyang attaches great importance to the inheritance of the teacher's sect.

There must be a reason for leaving the sect without saying a word now.

The entire Beichen Realm is under the control of the Beichen Alliance.

Qin Sang's heart moved, and Jing Yu looked at each other.

"The Three Realms of the North Sea!"

Qin Sang paced back and forth, "Chenyan has a mysterious master, and Uncle Dongyang's secret technique to break through the bottleneck is probably from Chenyan's hands, which is one of the conditions for their re-cooperation. If Uncle Dongyang wants to solve the hidden danger, he can only ask Chenyan helps! With his cultivation base, he has great hope of crossing the storm belt alone. However, why did he take the risk of bringing Qiu Mubai?"

Jing Yu smiled and said, "Xu is afraid that you will anger his proud disciple."

"Then he underestimates me Qin Sang snorted coldly.

Injustice has its head, and debt has its owner.

All hatred is only between him and Uncle Dongyang.

In the course of his cultivation, the experience in Shaohua Mountain is an indelible memory, and he will not anger innocent people for no reason.

I thought about it.

Qin Sang turned to the white cat and said, "Go and invite Mu Yifeng to Peach Blossom Valley... No, I'll go see him in person!"

Jing Yu got up and swept out of the valley side by side with Qin Sang.

Qingyangguan Mountain Gate is the original site of Yuan Mirage Gate.

Qingjun handed over the Yuan Mirage Sect to Qin Sang before his departure, but Qin Sang did not want to absorb so many Yuan Mirage Sect disciples, so as not to lose his tail, so he chose a lower-quality spiritual vein at the southern foot of the Tianxing Plateau, and put the Yuan Mirage Sect on the ground. Move over.

There was no objection in the Beichen League, and the disciples of the Yuan Mirage Sect did not dare to disobey Qin Sang's decision.

The white cat jumped and followed behind them.

Entrance to Peach Blossom Valley.

The mist spread out to both sides, and one person and two demons flew out of the Peach Blossom Valley.

It's sunset time again.

The setting sun came in from outside.

The moment Qin Sang flew out, his body was covered with a layer of golden light, and suddenly he felt something, his figure paused slightly, and turned to look at Peach Blossom Valley.

The peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the peach forest is dyed.

The scenery is beautiful.

"Ten years..."

Qin Sang sighed in his heart.

I still remember.

At that time, the peach blossoms on the faces of the people were red.

Today, peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze.

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