Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1332: Immortal bans appear

Qin Sang and others came to the bottom of the passage.

This place is a bare mountain top, with no traces of ancient prohibitions, but in the dangerous Sin God Palace, it seems very abnormal.

Qin Sang swept up a mountaintop and saw that the space was full of cracks in front of him. There were space turbulence and ancient forbidden fragments everywhere, and he was almost at the edge of the Sin God Palace.

He sank into the sea of ​​anger.

The killing sword fragment lay quietly in Yuan Ying's arms.

He has already crossed the Sin God Palace, and the sword spirit has no response. It seems that there are no other killing sword fragments here.

"It's basically certain that there is no second killing sword fragment in Beichen Realm. In the future, you must leave Beichen Realm and go to the other three realms, or go to Monster Sea to find it."

Qin Sang thought to himself.

A wisp of five-colored mist floated in front of him.

He reached out and touched it, and the mist dissipated, and there was nothing strange about it.

The five-color mist permeated the surroundings, gushing out from the thunder ring continuously.

Master Canghong cautiously flew under Leihuan, and after checking it out, he suddenly let out a light sigh, with an unexpected expression on his face.

Everyone was paying attention to Cang Hong's actions. Seeing this, they couldn't help but feel nervous, and kept asking what happened.

"Everything is normal in the passage," Cang Hong said in a strange tone, "These five-color mists seem to float in from the other end of the passage..."

Opposite the passage is Ziwei Palace.

Could it be that something happened to Ziwei Palace?

Everyone looked at each other.

"Since the passage is normal, go in and take a look!"

Really a long deep voice.

The crowd gathered towards the entrance of the passage.

This passage is different from other places. As long as everyone uses the corresponding secret techniques, they can pass through the passage at the same time and reach the Ziwei Palace. The exit is in the magic hole on the edge of the outer hall.

Everyone sacrificed their magic weapons, ready to respond at any time, sitting cross-legged in the void.

Qin Sang took out the magic rope, and just now Qingjun handed this treasure to him.

He glanced back, Qing Jun and Jing Yu hadn't come over yet.

At this time, Qing Jun and Jing Yu were still in the forbidden area.

"I'm afraid this woman's accomplishments in the way of puppets have reached the peak!"

Jing Yu looked at Qing Jun and thought to himself.

At least, among the monks she has met, no one can compete with Qingjun in the puppet group.

Because of Qin Sang's relationship, they are friends rather than enemies.

But for some unknown reason, in Jing Yu's heart, there was always a layer of inexplicable fear towards Qing Jun.

Today, Qin Sang is very famous in the world of immortality, chasing Ye Laomo, and even has a tendency to surpass the old-fashioned powerhouses such as Zhendaochang and Tongyoumojun.

What's even more rare is that he is very young, and it is no surprise that in the future, Beichen Realm will be Qin Sang's world.

Qingjun is much more low-key.

She turned into Leng Yuntian, and she only showed her edge in the blood lake, and she did not fall behind by monopolizing Ye Laomo. But in the end, it was a short move, and Ye Laomo took away the jade bone skin, and the light was covered by Qin Sang's record.

However, Qin Sang's strength is on the bright side, and his own cultivation is not high.

Thunder Escape Technique, top magic weapon, powerful magic fire, puppet, corpse refining, these cards can't be concealed, as long as they are used once, they will be remembered by people.

Jingyu recalled several contacts with Qingjun, and always felt that Qingjun was difficult to figure out and rather mysterious. There is no definite proof, it just comes from instinct.

"It should be an illusion. Hiding strength in front of Ye Laomo is tantamount to self-destruction."

Jing Yu secretly laughed at himself, being trapped for two hundred years, which is rare and strange.

Just when she was thinking wildly, Qing Jun put away the Qingluan puppet, flew out of the seal, shook his head gently, and found nothing.


channel entrance.

Qin Sang and the others formed seals at the same time, and a talisman composed of spiritual power appeared in front of them, shining with silver light, and connected with the passage.


The moment the talisman was completed, everyone rushed to the passage.

'Snapped! ’

The talisman shattered in response to the sound, turning into bits of light, half of it floated toward the passage, and the other half landed on them.

Everyone felt their whole body tense, and everything in their field of vision suddenly disappeared, returning to darkness, being pulled by a gentle force and flying upwards. The speed was slow at first, and then became faster and faster.

I don't know how far it was taken.

Finally, Qin Sang felt that the pulling force had disappeared, and he knew that he had been taken into the magic cave.

It looks like the sky is falling apart!

Qin Sang was shocked and his face changed slightly.

At this time, other people also appeared around, shocked by the loud noise.

Everyone looked at each other and hurriedly flew out of the magic cave. They found that five colors of mist were floating in the void, and it really came from the Ziwei Palace.

The moment they flew out of the magic cave, everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them.

There was no trace of Old Demon Ye.

But this is no longer important. They stared blankly at the direction of the inner palace of Ziwei Palace, with shocked and unbelievable expressions on their faces.

True Daoist, Tongyou Demon Sovereign has entered the Ziwei Palace several times.

Even Qin Sang came in for the third time.

In the previous Ziwei Palace, the inner hall was very calm, but it was not as dangerous as the outer hall. As long as they did not trespass in those forbidden places, Jindan stage cultivators could also travel unimpeded.

Tianshan Mountain, Jianhen Mountain, Xuanpu Palace, Ancient Medicine Garden, Immortal City Ruins...

These forbidden areas are heavily forbidden, but they are very stable, and their power never shows.

It's totally different now!

At this moment, the inner hall is extremely unstable, the void vibrates violently, all the ancient forbidden are stimulated, the power is revealed, and the hidden secret realm and forbidden area are all displayed in front of them.

The immortal city was flattened by one hand, leaving a huge palm print on the spot, the remnants of the ancient ban were stimulated, and the illusion of the immortal city appeared.

Sword Mark Mountain, an illusion appeared in the world, covering the surrounding mountains, but a shocking sword energy rose into the sky, shattering the illusion, with the momentum of smashing through the sky.

In the ancient medicine garden, the mysterious light forms a mask, each of which covers a large area of ​​spiritual fields, and there is a faint treasure light emerging from the inside, which is obviously a peerless spiritual medicine, which has never been discovered before.

In the center of the ancient medicine garden, a secret realm emerges out of thin air. In the secret realm, a spiritual tree canopy like a cloud, obscuring the sky and the sun, sheltering this dilapidated secret realm.

Qin Sang recognized that this was the Xuanpu Palace, the mysterious place where Yunyouzi and Jiuhuan Tianlan were He originally thought of going to the Xuanpu Palace to explore!

Also, he saw another ruined palace.

The Jushen Temple also appeared in the world, and it was the Sanguang Jade Liquid that was obtained from the Xiantai of the Jushen Temple.

The top of the Tianshan Mountain is even more visionary, and the shadows of the immortal palaces appear and disappear from time to time. I don’t know if they are illusory or real.


These are just the tip of the iceberg of the inner hall. Whether they have been discovered or secret realms that have been unknown, they all reappear in the world at this time.

This is the real Asgard!

The real Ziwei Palace!

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

A cultivator murmured, "Could it be Old Demon Ye and the devil's handwriting?"

Thanks to the leader of the temperament wandering boss for the reward!

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