Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1321: spirit embryo

Inside the mountain within the mountain.

The nature of the power of fire has mutated here.

The mountain is almost transparent, and the swaying flames of the stone heart can be clearly seen.

Strangely, these flames are actually blue.

They seemed to be walking in a sea of ​​fire, and the ice pendant could no longer shield the fire poison. Qin Sang urged the fire lotus seeds to form a layer of fire armor on the body.

The breath of the magic fire exudes, and the blue flames show a shrinking posture.

Seeing this scene, Binghan was overjoyed, the deterrent of the magic fire to the flames was stronger than she expected.

Soon, Qin Sang saw Huoyu.

This is the core of the mountain within the mountain. There is a small space. The power of the flame veins in the space is thick like a pulp, like a clear blue spring, which is very strange.

However, the water in the clear spring is the power of pure and incomparable fire.

In the center of Huoquan, there is a blue jade the size of a human head, which is exactly the Huoyu Binghan said.

The fire jade is oblate, floating on the surface of the fire spring, and has been quenched by the fire all the year round.

Its surface was up and down, and the fluctuations Qin Sang sensed outside came from it, and it seemed that the texture was very soft.

Qin Sang noticed that around Huoyu, there was a phantom of Fang Ding, which happened to incorporate Huoyu into the tripod.

Fang Ding is obviously not formed naturally.

Qin Sang swept his gaze, and sure enough, he found a spirit formation around him. Fang Ding was the manifestation of the power of the spirit formation.

"This spirit-breeding formation was created by the ancestors. One function is to absorb the power of the subterranean flame veins to speed up the breeding of fire spirits, and the second function is to suppress and subdue fire spirits. But this fire spirit is too special to be able to Suppressing it with a spirit formation..."

Binghan walked forward while talking.

Jade pointed to the void lightly, Fang Ding shook slightly.

The fire spirit reacted immediately.

The fire spring was surging, the subterranean flame veins changed, and the fluctuations swept over, and the mountains in the mountains shook, just like the roar of the fire spirit.

This is exactly the fluctuation Qin Sang sensed outside, and the feeling here is even stronger, and the power of fire from all directions is impacting them.

Binghan immediately stopped, and Huo Ling returned to calm.

Qin Sang looked at the fire jade and asked, "How sure are you, fellow Daoist? If we find a similar fire spirit outside, can we also use this method to refine the spirit treasure?"

Binghan didn't hide it, and explained in detail: "Until the day when the Lingbao takes shape, we won't dare to be sure! Even if fellow Daoists find the Fire Spirit, it will be very difficult to do. Because of the strange terrain of the mountain in the mountains, and the fact that the patriarch made it. All kinds of arrangements have given birth to this special fire spirit."

Qin Sang nodded disappointedly.

The Ethereal Sect has been laid out since the founder of the Sect. It took a long time, and he couldn't wait so long.

Instead of using this method, it is better to study the way of refining equipment, to ensure that Yunyouzi's true spirit is safe and integrated into the ebony sword, and look forward to its transformation.

"After fellow Daoist Xiang recovers, we will start. During this time, fellow Daoist Qin has thoroughly penetrated the secret art of refining the jade slip. During the refining process, in case of an accident, two fellow Daoists will be needed to help."

Binghan took out a jade slip.

Qin Sang took the jade slip, smiled and said, "So, even if Qin doesn't ask for it, he can learn the art of refining. This time, it's a bit of a loss."

Binghan said sternly: "These kinds of artifact refining secrets are only part of the collection of my faction. After this is done, I will open all the classics to Daoist friends, and Daoist friends will definitely feel that this trip is worthwhile."

After inspecting Huoyu, the two flew out of the mountain pass.

Qin Sang returned to Yanhuo Pavilion and comprehended the contents of the jade slip.

After reading it for the first time, Qin Sang suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. I sighed in my heart that there is really a big gap between my own exploration and the accumulation of others from generation to generation.

He initially got the experience of refining tools from the virtual spirit school Jindan. After arriving in the sea of ​​waves, although he also paid attention to collecting the books related to refining tools, it was not a system, and it was difficult to obtain the core secret techniques treasured by other sects.

When encountering problems, Qin Sang could only explore on his own. With his cultivation and powerful magic fire, he had some achievements. Only after seeing the contents of the jade slip did Qin Sang know that there was still a long distance between himself and the master craftsman.

Binghan deliberately ordered, no one disturbed.

For the next few days, Qin Sang threw himself on the jade slip.

Yujian opened up a wider world for Qin Sang, and many problems were easily solved, which made him fascinated. In just a few days, Qin Sang discovered that there were several unreasonable points in his previous idea of ​​conquering Nanming Lihuo.

Until the end, Qin Sang was still unfulfilled, and could not wait to immediately break into the place where the scriptures were stored by the Ethereal Sect.

a month later.

Qin Sang, who was immersed in the art of refining, was awakened by the ban.

Binghan and Xiang Qing were waiting outside.

Qin Sang walked out of Yanhuo Pavilion, the three of them said a few words, and swept to the top of the mountain side by side.

Back to the mountain within the mountain.

Qin Sang and Xiang Qing appeared on both sides of Huoquan, and Binghan flew above Fangding. The three looked at each other, sat down with their knees crossed, and closed their eyes.

The three did not move at all.

Huoquan was silent, only Huoyu beating gently.

I don't know how long it took, Bing Han suddenly opened his eyes, stared at Huoyu, his hands and fingers were like wheels, and the seals flew towards Fang Ding like flowing water.

Qin Sang and Xiang Qing also moved at the same time.

They had already made plans, and they went their separate ways without needing to communicate.

Fire lotus seeds flew out from between the eyebrows.

Qin Sang turned his eyes and stared at the spirit array, and a magic fire was differentiated from the fire lotus seeds.

These demonic fires have been subdued by "The Golden Lotus of Fire Seed", and they are extremely gentle in front of Qin Sang, like a black horse training, fluttering lightly on the spiritual formation.

Silently, the magic fire merged into the spirit formation and spread to Fang Ding along the runes in the spirit formation.

In this process, extremely precise control is required, otherwise the conflict between the magic fire and the spiritual array will be for nothing.

At the same time, Xiang Qing stretched out his hands and tentatively on top of the spirit formation. Qingyang demonic fire erupted from his whole body, slowly rushing towards his hands, just like Qin Sang did.

If the disciples of the Qingyang Demon Sect were on the side, they would be able to see that Xiang Qing's Qingyang Demon Fire was different from them, and changed after the fusion of the Ancestral Sacred Fire.

The two kinds of spirit fires each occupy half of the spirit array.

The moment Linghuo was about to touch Fang Ding, they stopped their hands together and looked up at Binghan.

The next moment Bing Han completed the last seal, and the jade hand came close to Fang Ding and tapped lightly.

'Snapped! ’

A slight noise, but it became the beginning of the mutation.

The fire spirit instinctively felt uneasy and started to fight back without hesitation.

'Whoa! ’

The power of the surrounding flame veins was stimulated by the fire spirit, rushing in, the fluctuations reappeared, and the earth shook!

Binghan's figure trembled slightly, but it didn't matter much, because Qin Sang and Xiang Qing blocked the impact.

She turned a deaf ear to everything in the outside world, her palms were close to the Fang Ding, and the Fang Ding was used as a furnace to refine the fire jade!

Qin Sang and Xiang Qing used two things in one mind, resisting the power of the flames, and at the same time urging the spirit fire with all their strength. The two kinds of spiritual fires closed under Fang Ding, burning roaringly, and the breath radiated out without concealment.

At this time, Fang Ding turned into a stove!

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