Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1295: Mutation

From Qin Sang's mouth, he knew the story of the Battle of Blood Lake.

In Bai's mouth, he talked about jade bones and golden skins...

"It must be a life-saving secret technique to make oneself inhuman in order to survive. The mysterious man in the water prison, who made his bones into a bone formation, has the same intention."

Bai Shen said, "This kind of secret technique is not too common. If I still have memory, I can definitely see his origin. Are you sure that his spirit has completely dissipated?"

Qin Sang said: "Senior sister's Qingluan Ling Puppet is equivalent to her incarnation. When competing with Ye Laomo, he personally touched the jade bone and made sure that the person was dead before giving up the fight."


Bai nodded lightly, his tone stopped, and he turned to ask about Old Demon Ye.

He was very interested in Old Demon Ye, and asked about every detail.

It's a pity that Qin Sang fought against Ye Laomo twice, but he was only dealing with avatars, and he didn't have a chance to fight Ye Laomo directly.

When the Battle of Shuangjingshan happened.

Old Demon Ye fell into a trap and escaped with another injury. He seldom showed up afterward, and Qin Sang never met him once.

"What is Brother Bai suspecting?"

Seeing Bai Buyi Bu Rao and questioning Ye Lao Mo, Qin Sang asked curiously.

Bai said of course: "Your feeling about the Crystal Pagoda is not necessarily an illusion! How did Sin Yuan discover the relationship between Sin God Palace and Ziwei Palace? How did You Crystal Pagoda come from? How did they know that there are ancient people in the blood lake? Xiu is trapped, and still alive? Behind everything there is the shadow of Ye Laomo, the number one person in Beichen Realm must know many hidden secrets!"

Qin Sang is of course curious about this, but Old Demon Ye is not so easy to deal with.

Actually, as long as what Ye Laomo did not threaten him, Qin Sang didn't want to fight Ye Laomo for life and death, and he still had a deep fear of Ye Laomo.

Enough of his own secrets.

Needless to say, Nanming Lihuo and Killing Sword Fragments.

The Asgard on the Hall of Seven Kills was waiting for him to explore.

The Four Sacred Palaces is the only God Transformation heritage that Qin Sang knows about now. It has a profound background. He has a token sent by Bao Zhengnan in his hand, and he can visit the Four Sacred Palaces justifiably in the future.

If you can find out these secrets, maybe there will be a late Nascent Soul, or even a chance to transform into a god.

Qin Sang has many choices, so there is no need to fight with Ye Laomo. At least, before breaking through the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he will not take the initiative to trouble Ye Laomo.

This time the war has subsided, and the Qingyangguan's frame has also been set up.

Qin Sang had to focus on his own practice.

"Ye Laomo is cunning and cunning, and now he is even more determined to withdraw his troops. We will soon reach the Yucheng city, and there is no way to retreat. It is bound to fight to the death according to the city. At that time, Brother Bai should have a chance to fight against Ye Laomo. However, before that, I need Brother Bai to do me a favor..."

Qin Sang's tone turned cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


Only Qin Sang and Qingjun knew about Bai's return.

On the second day, Qin Sang led his army out of the city to pursue him as usual.

Sinyuan no longer hides his intentions. The various armies race against time to move things on the grasslands, destroying what they can't take away, and fleeing to Yucheng like locusts crossing the border.

In this situation, killing the enemy is not Qin Sang's main task anymore, but grabbing resources as soon as possible.

Due to the vast area of ​​the plain, Qin Sang had to split up with Jingyu on the third day. Jing Yu chased and killed the remnants of Sin Yuan all the way, aiming at a small town in front of him, while Qin Sang changed direction in the middle to **** the spirit mine.

For the next few days, the two fought on their own, and there was almost no chance for them to meet.

Qingjun is also doing the same thing, and the distance from them is getting farther and farther.

From beginning to end, Bai never showed up.

Ten days later.

Qin Sang led his army into a city.

The cultivator Sinyuan in the city had already escaped, and before leaving, he did not forget to destroy the spiritual formation in the city, leaving only the broken walls. In the ruins, the mortals who were unable to leave looked tremblingly at the immortal cultivators who broke in, waiting for their fate.

Although it is a war between monks, mortals are inevitably affected.

Most cultivators will not embarrass mortals, but there are also people with cruel temperaments.

There are some demon cultivators who practice magic arts and need a soul. They don't dare to be unscrupulous in the alliance of the two domains. They come to the enemy's territory, and take the opportunity to kill and kill countless people.

Qin Sang and Qingjun could only restrain the cultivators under their command and prevent the tragedy from happening around them.

"Master, all the immortal-cultivating families in the city have been evacuated, and the treasure house has also been evacuated. There used to be a few medicine gardens outside the city, but the spiritual medicines have all been destroyed."

Li Yuaxe came forward to report.

Qin Sang nodded, "Go on, let's take a rest in the city tonight, and leave tomorrow to go straight to Yucheng!"


Li Yuaxe withdrew.

Qin Sang came to the place with the strongest spiritual energy in the city, and used a spell to condense a simple stone house.

"It seems your plan failed."

Bai Dun came out of the corpse puppet bag.

It turned out that Qin Sang made a plan to lead the snake out of the hole after discovering that Bai had made a breakthrough and had extraordinary strength.

He was about to drive Sinyuan into Yucheng, and then either peace talks or long-term confrontation, it would be difficult for such a chaotic situation to occur again.

When the situation stabilizes, there is no chance.

If Uncle Dongyang has bad intentions, these few days are the best time to do it. If you kill Qin Sang, you can still put the blame on Xuyuan.

With Senior Sister and Jing Yu by their side, Uncle Dongyang would definitely not dare to act rashly, so Qin Sang quietly separated from them and took the initiative to reveal his flaws.

With Bai Xiang's help, Qin Sang is confident that even if Ye Laomo and Cang Hong arrive together, they will be able to hold on until Jing Yu and Senior Sister arrive.

Of course, this is the worst case. Qin Sang thinks it is extremely unlikely. These two old guys are old foxes, and they won't easily trust Uncle Dongyang's information.

The main purpose was to lure Uncle Dongyang and his comrades However, after ten days everything was normal, Qin Sang even deliberately distanced himself from Jingyu.

I don't know if Uncle Dongyang thinks that he is not sure how to deal with Qin Sang alone.

"The more forbearance an opponent with this kind of cultivation is, the harder it is to guard against. Fortunately, Shaohua Mountain is his concern, and he doesn't dare to use any means to deal with me, otherwise it will be a big trouble."

Qin Sang sighed softly.

At this moment, the restriction outside the stone house was suddenly triggered, Qin Sang's consciousness swept away, and found that Li Yuaxe hurried back, holding a jade slip in his hand, which was an urgent report.

"What happened?"

Seeing Qin Sang taking the jade slip, his expression suddenly changed greatly, Bai asked curiously.

"Brother Bai, you are really a lucky general!"

Qin Sang withdrew his consciousness, his face was fluctuating, and finally he uttered an emotionless sigh to Bai.

He handed the jade slip to Bai, and said somewhat incredulously: "I just received the news that Yucheng was suddenly in chaos. I don't know why... Brother Bai, see for yourself!"



These are the two chapters from yesterday. I wrote most of them last night, and I finished writing them in the morning. I didn't expect a wisdom tooth that was out of position in the morning and was crushed. I rushed to the hospital to have it pulled out.

All day, the pain was piercing my brain, and I felt a little better just now.


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