Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1282: get carried away

The figure was like a tide, and the opening torn from the wind column rushed into the big formation.

On the battlefield, Qing Jun and other monks who were manipulating the array did not move. They were still concentrating the wind with all their strength, attacking the lake in the sky crazily, and pulling the space.

The monks of the two-domain alliance can be described as 'influx'.

The monks who rushed in seemed a little chaotic, but in fact, all the squads maintained their formation and order. After experiencing countless battles, everyone understood that on the battlefield, chaos means death.

Qin Sang held the wooden sign in one hand and played with the unicorn hairpin in the other hand, and floated into the lake of the sky.

Through the torn lake water, you can vaguely see the true appearance of Shuangjing Mountain.

The mountain was covered with snow, and the monks of Sinyuan were in neat formation with solemn expressions. When they saw the incoming enemy, they swooped down in the sound of shouting and killing, and the treasures flew together.

The gaps in the sky lake were not uniform, and were forced to divide into small battlefields.

Here, water waves and fog are mixed together, and the two sides are also using the power of a large array to strangle their opponents.

The two sides have long been prepared to use their own means, either evading or resisting...

In this scene, everyone fights together.

Qin Sang interspersed between the great formations, he sacrificed the unicorn hairpin, and when he saw the opportunity, even if the other party was only a cultivator in the formation stage or foundation stage, he would not show mercy.

According to Mrs. Luo's habit, Qin Sang urged the unicorn hairpin, suspended in front of his chest, and sometimes a few hairpin shadows flew out, like a sharp sword, and sometimes a unicorn turned into a unicorn.

He silently observed the surroundings, waiting for the enemy to come to the door.

After reaping a few lives, Qin Sang noticed something, frowned slightly, turned his head to look at another battlefield, and after pondering for a while, moved there quietly.

In that direction, there are several teams from the Two Domain Alliance that are doing very well.

In these teams, not only the cultivators of the Core Formation Stage, but also the Monster Beasts of the Demon Core Stage, rushing to kill in the enemy's camp, killing the opponents to lose their helmets and disarm their armor.

They are Li Yuaxe, Mei Gu, Fat Chicken and others.

At the beginning of the big battle, no one could be alone. Qin Sang also intended to let them experience it, so he ordered them to lead their teams and make them together so that they could take care of each other.

Qin Sang was well aware of the fate of being an outcropping bird on the battlefield, but these juniors didn't seem to understand this.

Among them, the most coquettish is not the fat chicken or who?

Recently, the fat chicken can be said to be very high-spirited, successfully breaking through the late stage of transformation, killing the enemy with his own hands, and saving the birth mother, and he is in a very comfortable mood.

Jing Yu was on his way, too late to participate in this battle.

However, before leaving, Jing Yu prepared some protective treasures for Fat Chicken.

The fat chicken has a strong bloodline, and his strength is the leader among monks and monsters of the same rank. Now he is even more powerful.

The killing started, and Fat Chicken and Hu Peng Gou friend Bai He shouted loudly.

Although Li Yufu and others were able to keep calm, but their strength was not as strong as Fat Chicken, they almost couldn't catch up, and they tried to persuade them to catch up.

At this time, several teams of Sin Yuan cultivators rushed forward, aggressive, obviously coming at them. It was too late to think about retreating, and everyone had to fight with all their strength.


The fat chicken sacrificed the thunder rosary, complacent, and fluttered its wings forward, majestic and majestic. Fearing that the world would not be in chaos, Bai He shouted loudly, even Yue'er couldn't hold back.

A Thunder-Swallowing Falcon composed of thunder light rushed straight to the enemy line, followed by the attack of Li Yuchu and others.

The cultivator Sin Yuan felt threatened, his face changed slightly, and he quickly gathered together, mobilizing the power of the great array to protect him, and urging their respective magic weapons to resist.

'boom! ’

The Thunder Falcon exploded the moment it was blocked.

Lei Rosary was re-refined after Jing Yu, and then handed over to Fat Chicken, which is not the same thing. In addition, Fat Chicken's own strength is outstanding, and its power is even more extraordinary.

In the dazzling thunder light, countless electric snakes scattered, and there were bursts of exclamations and screams.

The fat chicken laughed loudly, bathed in thunder light all over his body, and led his team to kill.

It's a pity that the cultivators of Sin Yuan were not so unbearable. They had already seen the performance of the fat chicken. How could they have been unprepared.

The fat chicken and the others only felt that the eyes were dark, and the soil bamboo shoots did not know when they appeared in front of them. The tips were aimed at them, and they shot at them.

Everyone was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped the escape light, urging their respective magical weapons to bombard the bamboo shoots.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

The soil shoots were torn apart and the gravel splashed.

Cultivator Sinyuan took the opportunity to adjust the formation and came to cover up. There were a few fiery eyes staring at the Thunder Rosary, obviously very moved by this treasure.

The fat chicken was furious, grabbed the bamboo shoots and ordered a quick attack.

The high-ranking cultivator in the sinful abyss exchanged glances, changed his formation quietly, and pulled with the fat chicken side.

For a time, everyone was fighting together, colorful rays of light flew together, you came and I went, it was so lively.

The fat chicken has never taken advantage of it, and Sin Yuan sent a few people to stare at him, and he felt constrained. His mind gradually recovered, and he finally realized that no matter how strong he was, he couldn't do whatever he wanted like a big demon.

The calm down Fat Chicken was about to make a remedy when Li Yu Axe suddenly shouted anxiously from behind.

"Sister, be careful!"

The junior sister in his mouth is Qin Sang's new disciple Mei Gu.

Li Yufu was more interested in Qingyangguan than Qin Sang, and Aunt Mei was the second disciple of Qingyangguan besides him, and the relationship has always been very close.

It turned out that during the melee, their formation was torn apart unknowingly, and Aunt Mei was unable to keep up.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared on the ground, twisted and disgusting, and suddenly rushed towards Mei Gu.

After dealing with Sin Yuan for so long, no one can recognize it. This is a monster transformed from the crystal tower. Someone is secretly manipulating the crystal tower to hunt and kill!

At this time, there would be no more Nascent Soul cultivators in the Shuangjingshan Camp than in the Alliance of Two Domains, and all Nascent Souls had a heavy responsibility and a lot of pressure.

Against the Alliance of Two Domains, it is difficult for them to be distracted and unable to take into account the battlefield of low-level monks.

And once it appeared, it revealed bloodthirsty fangs!

Everyone was in a hurry and rushed back to help, and cultivator Sin Yuan had been waiting for this moment, how could they let them easily save people and immediately start a frantic counterattack.

Aunt Mei leads a sect with difficulty, and she has more experience than Fat Chicken and Li Yuaxe. Realizing that he was alone, there was no panic at all, Qiyang Chi attacked the monster head-on, and then a treasure mirror appeared on his chest, facing the monster, shooting a white light.

But these two attacks failed to kill the monster.

She won a short time, and Fat Chicken and Li Yuaxe fought off their opponents with difficulty. At this moment, a stream of light suddenly flew in. It turned out to be a fierce unicorn auspicious beast, and it tore the monster into pieces with a few strokes.

The crowd broke out in a cold sweat, looked up, and saw a graceful young woman flying over.



I am adjusting my schedule recently, and it is very difficult due to the disturbance of the biological clock.

I find that getting up early is better than going to bed late. I force myself to go to bed before twelve o’clock. If I can’t finish writing, I will get up early to write, so the update time is very unstable, but it is definitely guaranteed to be updated every day.

Please bear with me for a while, there have been some results recently, and I believe it will definitely defeat the biological clock!

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