Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1275: purify

Jingyu Protector is anxious.

She asked Qin Sang to give Fat Chicken a name and continue to maintain this incense love.

But even if Qin Sang is by no means an ordinary person, he doesn't want his child to be someone else's mount, and he can't help himself.

In comparison, the status of the guardian spirit beast is more similar to that of Elder Keqing, and the constraints on him will be much smaller, and he only needs to come forward when the mountain gate is in danger.

She has carefully learned about Qin Sang's details from Fat Chicken, and learned that he has just given birth to a baby, and has not yet reached his peak, but he already has such a strong strength, and the future is promising. Who dares to provoke Qingyangguan without opening his eyes?

This situation is estimated to rarely occur.

As long as it does not affect his own cultivation, he can still be enshrined by the Qingyang Temple, which is completely acceptable.

Jing Yu's remarks coincided with Qin Sang's.

Qin Sang was originally worried that Jingyu would be free for too long and did not want to be restrained. Seeing that she did not reject this, he nodded secretly and said, "Being a guardian spirit beast has wronged fellow Daoist, if you don't want to return to Wuya Valley, you might as well put The dojo was established in the Qianshan Bamboo Sea. Qin, as a human race, used secret techniques to conceal it before, but now his identity is exposed, and it will be inconvenient to intervene in the future. After Qin establishes the Qingyang Temple, how about inviting fellow Taoists to sit on the position of Elder Keqing?”

Then, Qin Sang briefly explained Yun Youzi's origin and their relationship to Jing Yu.

Jing Yu's face was full of surprise, "There is still such a relationship between fellow Daoist and Senior Bamboo Demon! I have already heard about the name of the senior, but it's a pity! Well, I will take care of Qianshan Bamboo Sea for fellow Daoists in the future! "

Jing Yu readily responded, but no matter what, he did not want to be the master of the Qianshan Bamboo Sea, and the Qianshan Bamboo Sea monsters would still rely on Qin Sang as the master.

The relationship here was a mess, but fortunately it was properly resolved.

Qin Sang was also quite happy when he successfully persuaded Jing Yu to stay.

Qin Sang upholds Yunyouzi's last wish and founded Qingyangguan, but he has to go out to find fragments of killing swords. The sect was originally created, with a shallow foundation, and it is easy to die prematurely. With Jing Yu to take care of it, you can rest assured.

Fat Chicken saw that the matter was successfully resolved, and his mother was not involved, and was overjoyed.

After following Qin Sang for many years, it has long been convinced of Qin Sang, and feels that it is not difficult to recognize the master. Since the mother is in charge, it can only be obedient.

"Chaolei, I'll take you to the Qianshan Bamboo Sea and send a message to Sandieguan. Quickly order the white crane, the white cat, the old horse monkey and the willow demon to return to the Qianshan Bamboo Sea to wait. I have something to explain," Qin Sang remembered. Regarding this matter, in front of Jing Yu, he unceremoniously ordered Fat Chicken.

When the fat chicken saw his mother just looking at him with a smile, he immediately took the order.


The cave house ban was touched again.

This time, it was Elder Xun from the Yuan Mirage Gate.

"See Senior Qin!"

Seeing Qin Sang coming out, Elder Xun hurriedly gave a big gift.

After returning from Wuyagu, Qingjun summoned his disciples and announced Qin Sang's true identity in public.

Yuan Mirage Sect shook up and down, and only then did they know that the mysterious Elder Qin was already the ancestor of Yuan Ying. Although Qing Jun explained that Qin Sang was only temporarily living in Yuan Mirage Sect, they were still surprised.

"Senior Qin, these are the spiritual materials you requested, and this junior has found them all in person."

Elder Xun handed over a mustard seed bag, and Qin Sang's divine sense swept over it, and it was all the spiritual materials for the formation, all ready.

After getting the spiritual material, Qin Sang called Jing Yu, passed through the access control area of ​​Yuan Mirage, and came to the core of the spiritual veins in the mountain, which is also the core of the great formation of Yuan Mirage Gate Mountain Gate.

He asked Qingjun for a jade card for manipulating the great formation, opened the great formation, and walked into the cave, only to feel the aura blowing his face and refreshing his heart. In such an environment, it does not feel gloomy at all.

Not long after, they saw a spiritual lake formed by spiritual veins, which was the goal of their trip.

In the entire Yuan Mirage Gate, only he and Qing Jun can enter here.

It is even less likely that outsiders will break in, so there is no need to worry about the corpse flower and blood amber being stolen.

"How do you see this place, fellow Daoist?"

On the premise of not destroying the spiritual veins, Qin Sang carefully opened a platform at the bottom of the lake with Jin Shenjian, turned around and asked.

Jing Yu looked around, sensed it for a while, and shook her head: "The quality of this spiritual vein is not the top quality. It is estimated that it will take more than ten years to purify the corpse flower blood amber here, and it may take twenty years at the latest."

"It's only ten years, it's acceptable."

Qin Sang put away his sword and sighed, "The spiritual energy in this world is so thin that no spiritual vein can compare with the ancients. Yuan Mirage Sect is the top sect in the Xiaohan Domain, and the spiritual veins of the entire Beichen Realm can surpass the few here."

Even if those famous sects do not covet the corpse flower blood amber, they will certainly not damage their own spiritual veins and help others to purify the medicinal herbs.

Tian Yao Hill can be called a remote area, Yunyouzi has a high status in the Yao clan, but the spiritual veins of Qianshan Bamboo Sea are not as good as Yuan Mirage Gate.

This is the biggest problem Qin Sang will face.

The top-level spiritual veins in Beichen Realm are basically owned. If you want the sect to prosper, top-level spiritual veins are one of the necessary conditions. Where should the Qingyang Sect Mountain Gate be built?

Selecting a location, Qin Sang opened the mustard seed bag and took out the spiritual material.

The two shot at the same time, smashing the spiritual materials into the Linghu one by one, and soon the outline of a spiritual formation appeared.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, put the corpse flower and blood amber into it."

Jing Yu said.

The Thousand Ton Ring flashed and three jade boxes flew out.

According to the agreement, Qin Sang got three coins.

These three corpse flower blood amber are different in size and shape, and their texture is like amber.

Under the background of blood essence, it adds a bit of! ’

The corpse flower blood amber flew into the Linghu Lake.

Jingyu's handprints changed continuously, quickly knocking out the last few spiritual materials, integrating them into the spiritual formation, and completing the secret technique.

‘Shuh! ’

A brilliance flowed across the bottom of the lake.

The spirit formation disappeared out of thin air, and was replaced by a green spirit plant with white and flexible roots attached to the platform. The grass stems were slender and straight, and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, three flowers bloomed on the canopy, which were the corpse flower blood amber that Qin Sang had just thrown in.

The corpse flower blood amber seems to really grow on the spiritual plant, and it is flawless.

The spirit beads swayed in the spirit lake, and they were the manifestation of the power of the formation.

Qin Sang stared at the spirit plant, and after waiting for a long time, he finally saw that there was a smear of blood on the white root, which was invisible to the naked eye. The blood gradually merged into the spirit lake and quickly dispersed.

This is the role of the spiritual plant. With the help of the power of the spiritual veins, it slowly washes away the blood poison of the corpse flower blood amber without damaging the medicinal power. The blood poison is scattered into the Linghu Lake, and the spiritual veins have a powerful self-purification ability. After the purification is completed, it will not take long for it to return to normal.

Confirm that the secret spell works.

Qin Sang and Jing Yu both breathed a sigh of relief.

The corpse flower blood amber is extremely rare, and Jing Yu is also using it for the first time. Fortunately, the inheritance of this family is not corrupted.


Qin Sang raised a few triangular flags and planted them around the spirit plant.

This is the protective formation prepared by Qin Sang.

A wave of water rippling, the triangular flag shines brilliantly, and then a mask is transformed into a mask, covering the entire platform, and disappearing from sight together with the spiritual plant.

They went back the same way and came back 20 years later to get the medicine. (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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