Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1272: Huangliang 1 dream

Uncle Dongyang was sure that Qin Sang would not dare to kill in public.

As long as you are careful, you are not afraid of Qin Sang's small actions.

Qin Sang really took off his mask.

Uncle Dongyang keenly found that the attitudes of others towards Qin Sang were intriguing, and they were a little bit afraid and cautious. This was the status brought by strength.

After learning what happened in the blood gate, Uncle Dongyang was even more shocked.

Qin Sang's performance was more dazzling than he expected. Destroying Ye Laomo's incarnation was an unprecedented feat for the Alliance of Two Domains!

At this time, Qin Sang raised his head slightly and looked at Dongyang Bo.

The eyes of the two did not fluctuate, and they were separated at a touch.

Qin Sang guessed a few points about Uncle Dongyang's thoughts. He took the initiative to hide the fight. First, he didn't want to tear his face with himself in public and force others to stand in line now. Second, he covered up his ugly act of plotting against his allies.

Open it up in public, even if he bites himself back, others may not believe his nonsense.

Sometimes the truth doesn't matter.

Qin Sang won the Nascent Soul Talisman, so naturally he wouldn't take the initiative to mention it.

Qingjun, the only one who knows the inside story, can only sigh with emotion that he will meet a good talent when he sees the two who seem to be nothing.

At this time, Demon Lord Tongyou, who entered the blood fog exploration, returned and said solemnly: "The monster is similar to a flesh-and-blood puppet, and its strength is similar, and it is more violent and bloodthirsty. This place is dangerous, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other.

They had their own minds before.

Some want to go back to the Black Tower Array, explore the ruins, and find treasures.

Some want to search for the fragments of the blood mulberry.


But it can't be done now. If these monsters wander around like this and stop sleeping, it will be difficult to have the opportunity to enter the blood lake in the future.

Qin Sang and Qingjun decided to leave after a secret discussion.

Jing Yu just didn't find Wujianxuesang in the Blood Pond, and the blood lake is vast, so looking for Wujianxuesang here is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

There is no positive and negative nine palace formation, full of variables.

If he is besieged by monsters, even if he has an extraordinary evasion technique, he will not be spared.

He has plenty of time, and there will be opportunities in the future.

Demon Lord Tongyou understood everyone's thoughts, and after asking Qin Sang and the others for their opinions, he said coldly: "Whether to leave or stay, you can decide for yourself. However, this seat has a word in advance. Once the monster shows signs of rushing into the blood lake, we will The blood lake will be sealed immediately!"

Hearing this, the crowd burst into commotion.

The strongest ones are reluctant to take risks.

No one knows the location of the treasure, so they can only search aimlessly. If the opportunity is missed, even if he survives, he will be trapped in the lake of blood forever.

Unless there is Jing Yu's luck, wait until someone comes to rescue.

Who dares to stay?

Everyone glanced at the black tower array with nostalgia, lamented in their hearts, and agreed to retreat.

Dongyang Bo entered the front and back nine palaces.

They took turns manipulating the jade talisman, led by Uncle Dongyang, avoiding the territory of the monster leader, and darting through the blood mist to find a way out.

Fortunately, some monsters encountered on the road can still be dealt with, and they will work together to solve them before alarming other monsters.

When coming out of the basin.

The three masters and disciples of Taiyidan quarreled for some unknown reason.

"Master, it's absolutely impossible! The ancient ban there is powerful and extremely dangerous..."

Sidi exclaimed, dodging to stop in front of Daoist Chongyi.

Everyone looked sideways, and after leaving the blood gate, the three people murmured, not knowing what they were doing.


Daoist Chongyi categorically rebuked him, showing the majesty of a teacher, "What do you want to do for the teacher, do you still need your permission? Although I haven't been able to break through it before, the ancient ban was hit when the seal was broken, which is a good time. ."

Another disciple, named Yaojing, saw that Daoist Chongyi had made up his mind, so he said, "Senior brother and I accompany Master."

"Confused! Stepping into Huangquan with half a foot for the teacher, it is not a pity to die. If you are implicated by the teacher, and you have been busy for the teacher for hundreds of years, what's the point?"

Daoist Chongyi couldn't convince him, so he couldn't help shouting angrily, "I hope all fellow Daoists will witness! After the poor way, if these two scoundrels dare to take a step, they will be expelled from the teacher's door today, and they will not be allowed to step into the Taiyi Danzong for the rest of their lives. Take this as a proof, and both people and gods can learn from each other!"

After all, Daoist Chongyi flicked his whisk and drew a gap on the ground.

Seeing the master's determination, Sidi and Di were shocked, and their faces were full of grief.

Demon Lord Tongyou and others also understood what was going on, and repeatedly persuaded them.

"This place is dangerous, the Taoist thinks twice!"

Daoist Chongyi bowed his head and said calmly: "The catastrophe is coming, and there is not much time left. It is better to give it a shot than to live. Farewell, fellow Daoists!"

As soon as the news of Gu Xiu came out, he thought it would usher in a glimmer of life, but it turned into a dream bubble.

Daoist Chongyi has been devoted to his teacher all his life, and now Taiyi Danzong has two Yuan Yings in charge, and finally he has no worries and goes to death with a smile.

After that, he raised his whisk and walked towards the blood mist.

Singing faintly:

When he was young, he ascended to Taiyi, and he was so mad as an immortal?

Thousands of years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was silent, watching the back of Daoist Chongyi disappear into the depths of the blood mist.

Among them, some have just given birth and have not yet experienced the oppression of the catastrophe.

Some are in a similar situation to Daoist Chongyi, but they have too many concerns and do not have the courage to fight to the death.

However, everyone can understand the mood of Daoist Chongyi. Even Dongyang Bo, who has always been at odds with Daoist Chongyi, has sincere respect for this old They worked together to dissuade Si Di and Yao Quietly, continue to rush out of the blood lake.

Along the way, everyone found that the number of monsters was increasing.

They were silent, and finally returned to the entrance of the blood lake seal without any risk. Seeing that the monsters had not gathered here, they were relieved and flew out.

A few figures were guarding outside the seal. They looked at the blood lake in horror, and they were still in shock. It was Jin Dan who had followed in before, and only two or three of ten remained.

Everyone flew into the **** lake, did not leave, and did not rush to restore the seal.

They shot together, trying to clean up the wandering monsters as much as possible, waiting for the Daoist to rush. Touched by Daoist Chongyi's resolute determination, it is a rare unity.

Sidi and Yaojing were guarding the soul card of Daoist Chongyi, fidgeting.

Qin Sang observes all beings.

The new Yuan Yings are thoughtful.

I only heard about it before, but I didn’t have a deep experience. Most people faced the cruelty of the catastrophe for the first time.

Qingjun's expression was still indifferent, she was firm in her Taoism, and she had long determined her own path, and was not moved by foreign objects or outsiders.

A glimmer of happiness flashed in Jing Yu's eyes. He paid the price of two hundred years of imprisonment. Fortunately, in the end, he got what he wanted and got the corpse flower and blood, and there was a chance of life.

The Nascent Souls of the older generation, including Taoist Tongyou, are more or less facing the threat of catastrophe, and they all look solemn.

Uncle Dongyang stood alone on the periphery, with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The blood lake is getting more and more chaotic.

Qin Sang also took action, and everyone worked together to clean up the monster, but seeing that it wouldn't last long, the monster found the seal gap and began to gather here.

The Daoist Chongyi has never been seen.

'Snapped! ’

Suddenly, a small sound, like thunder, exploded in the hearts of everyone.

Soul card shattered.

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