Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1261: Galaxy Catalog

The four mobilized the magic weapon and attacked Gu Jin in unison.

The yin thunder gourd spewed out countless yin thunder, and then they merged together, like a black cloud, shining with dark thunder light, but also faintly exuding a masculine meaning.

This treasure was made from the suffocating qi that was collected by the Demon Lord Tongyou, and then used the magic secret technique to refine the heavenly thunder into it.

It is the treasure that the Demon Lord of Tongyou consumes the most energy, except for the magic treasure of his life.

Qin Sang still uses magic fire as the main means of fighting the enemy.

He took out all the eighteen magic flags, so as not to be caught off guard by unexpected situations after entering, but he had reservations when urging them, and the performance was almost the same as the previous twelve magic flags.

Even so, the power of the magic fire is enough to make people wonder.

Demon Lord Tongyou couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Jing Yu turned into a demon body ahead of time and was ready to fight.

Lei Rosary floated in front of him, Jing Yu spewed out clumps of essence and landed on the Thunder Rosary.

I saw the thunder rosary sparkling, and finally the rays of light blended inside the thunder rosary, giving birth to the shadow of a small thunder swallowing falcon, like an arrow from the string, rushing towards the ancient ban.

The three attacked almost in no particular order and kept pace with each other.

Qingjun's five-square tower is the fastest.

The five-sided pagoda, which should be in the word 'suppression', is a treasure of suppression, shocking the five parties, and can also act on itself, suppress others' attacks, and use it for defense.

This ability can also be used on ancient forbidden.

The Wufang Pagoda body is only the size of a palm, exuding a faint black light, and it cannot feel the power of the best magic weapon.

Flying over the Ancient Forbidden City, the Five Square Pagoda suddenly paused, and then a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the void, similar to the Five Square Pagoda.

At the moment the tower shadow appeared, the surrounding blood mist stopped flowing.

The fluctuation of the collision of the large array passed over, and it also encountered a barrier here.

'boom! ’

The shadow of the tower fell straight on the ancient ban, suppressing the fluctuation of the ancient ban.

At the same time, Qin Sang's three men's attacks followed, penetrating the tower's shadow.

'Boom! ’

The magic fire, the dark thunder, and the ghost shadow were just rightly integrated, and they all bombarded the weak point of the ancient ban.

The cracks above the ancient ban were originally interlaced, and it was the weakest point. After suffering such an attack, it was too late to counterattack. Those cracks spread rapidly, and the quantitative change caused the qualitative change. The ancient ban suddenly shattered, and the fragments flew.

The shattering fluctuations of the ancient forbidden form a hurricane, and the power is terrifying.

However, after being suppressed by the Wufang Pagoda, its power was weakened. When the attack hit Qin Sang and others, they could barely block it by urging the magic weapon.

At the same time, the ancient ban shines brightly and frantically flocks to the broken place.

With the help of the previous damage of the ancient ban, although they can break the ancient ban, their strength is not enough to damage the ancient ban, and the ancient ban will repair itself.

At this time, the five-sided pagoda shook again and again, and the pagoda shadow stubbornly suppressed the ancient ban and slowed down the speed of the ancient ban's recovery.

Tongyou Demon Lord placed the yin thunder gourd on his head, opened the way with the yin thunder, took the lead, and rushed into the ancient forbidden.

Then Qin Sang and Jing Yu, Qing Jun finally put away the Five Square Pagoda and followed closely behind.

And when they attacked the ancient ban, the people in the blood pool had a perception.


Above the blood pool, Ye Laomo, the incarnation of the blood demon, and the old man Tianzheng are concentrating on cracking the seal.

The old man Tianzheng was worried about the situation of the battle. From time to time, he looked at the entrance of the blood pond. Seeing that the flag gate formation was abnormally stable, and firmly blocked the opponent, he felt relieved.

The three figures cast the same secret technique, quickly punching runes into the blood pool, some merged into the blood, and some floated to the black cable.

Under their continuous spellcasting, the blood pool seal was on the verge of being opened.

The water in the blood pond could no longer remain calm, and the waves rose one after another, affecting the black cables, making a clattering sound.

At this moment, the old man Tianzheng suddenly sensed the fluctuation of Gu Jin, his expression changed greatly, he immediately guessed the reason, shouted badly, his figure flashed repeatedly, and rushed to the direction of the fluctuation.

Ye Laomo and the incarnation of the Gorefiend are oblivious to everything from the outside world, regardless of Tianzheng's actions, the speed of casting spells is a little faster than before, racing against time to break the seal!

The old man Tianzheng had a gloomy face, and his opponents seemed to know as much about the Blood Lake as they did. Not only did he quickly find the core of the Black Tower Array and track him down, he also knew exactly where the Ancient Forbidden was weakest.

They obtained this information only after searching for the ancient demons. Where did the other party know about it?

The old man Tianzheng was puzzled. These thoughts flashed through his mind, and he saw that a crack appeared in the ancient ban in front of him, and a familiar aura of thunder came out.

"Old Demon Tongyou!"

The old man Tianzheng snorted coldly. He had fought against Demon Lord Tongyou several times, and he recognized the identity of the person at a glance.

It is not clear how many people are behind the Demon Lord Tongyou.

The old man Tianzheng knew that he would never be allowed to break in and affect Old Demon Ye to break the seal. He immediately waved his sleeves and a meteor pierced through the blood mist.

A picture scroll is wrapped in the starlight.

The scroll opened slowly, first revealing a vast expanse of deep space, and then little stars emerged, converging into a sea of ​​stars, which was originally a catalog of galaxies.

It looks like a picture, the starry sky depicted on it seems to be real, and the stars inside are moving indefinitely.

When the Galaxy catalogue was fully opened, the scrolls suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Disappearing together, there is also the ubiquitous blood mist.

This space has become the sea of ​​stars depicted in the Galaxy catalogue, which is blocked by magic weapons.

As soon as Tongyou Demon Lord passed through the ancient ban, he found himself in chaos, which was different from what Jing Yu said. Then, an incomparably huge star flew in front of him, dragging a long comet tail, and it was hitting him with amazing momentum!

In front of the The Demon Lord Tongyou had a delusional feeling and only felt that he was as small as an ant.

Seeing that the stars are approaching, they smashed him into powder.

Demon Lord Tongyou showed no fear, and said coldly, "Xinghe Catalogue! Tianzheng old ghost, so you are here!"

As he said that, the yin thunder gourd above his head vibrated, and countless yin thunder gushed out, rushing towards the stars.

The menacing star, after being penetrated by the dark thunder, was like a phantom pierced by a needle, torn apart on the spot, and disappeared.

Demon Lord Tongyou was unscathed, and the voice of the old man Tianzheng came from his ear, saying threatening words, "Old Demon Tongyou, you can actually track down here, it's the old man who underestimates you! However, you know that there is a seal underneath. What? Ignorant people, be careful to fall here!"

Demon Lord Tongyou sneered and shouted: "It's just an ancient cultivator who is suppressing here! He has been tortured and lonely day and night, even if he didn't become a devil, he must have gone crazy! You opened the blood pool seal without authorization and released the devil, but Have you ever thought about the billions of beings in Beichen?"

Hearing this, the old man Tianzheng was shocked.

Old Demon Tongyou really understands this place very well, and he is very clear about the seal of the blood pond and Gu Xiu.

The old man Tianzheng's thoughts flickered. Unlike Sinyuan, he found the blood lake after searching for the soul. Xiaohanyu knew about the existence of the blood lake for a long time. Did he come to the blood lake before?


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