Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1259: Mingxiu Plank Road

Demon Lord Tongyou, Xiang Qing, Daoist Chongyi, and Lord Qing each held talismans.

Originally, a jade talisman was handed over to Uncle Dongyang.

Uncle Dongyang disappeared unexpectedly and was replaced by Daoist Chongyi.

Qin Sang and the others stood behind the four, and under their guidance, they jointly activated the jade talisman, urging the positive and negative nine palace formations.

The phantom of the heavenly palace appeared in the jade talisman, and the yin and yang qi were gushing out. The big ones were like a fight, and the small ones were like chess pieces, like bright or dark stars.

The Russian star river is hanging down, in the void, performing gossip, setting the nine palaces, and transforming into the site.

From the upper to the lower ridge, from the left to the right to the right, Gen Xun Kun is at the four corners.

In an instant, the figures of everyone disappeared in the great formation, and only the formation diagrams slowly circulated.

This is the nine palace formation, which is formed according to the gossip of the day after tomorrow.

'Wow! Whoa! ’

The great formation was formed, and the blood outside was gushing out from the flag gate.

What is even more astonishing is that after the **** light surrounded the front and back nine palace formations, all the murderous intentions just encountered in the black tower formation were all presented one by one in the flag gate formation.

This made Qin Sang and the others have the illusion that they were trapped in the black tower formation, and someone was manipulating it, it was a living formation.

Of course, the power of the flag gate formation could not be compared to the black tower formation, but it also made everyone frown, and there was an ominous premonition.


Countless blood thunders rushed out of the flag gate, like rain, and exploded.

Positive and negative Jiugongzhen was a huge earthquake, submerged in blood and thunder, and suffered a violent impact.

Everyone maintains a positive and negative nine palace formation, hiding in the nine palaces, and all kinds of outside attacks cannot invade. They tried to break open the flag gate and rushed into the entrance of the blood pool.

They knew from Jing Yu's mouth that there was a blood pond below, the blood pond was covered with black cables, and the ancient cultivator was sealed at the bottom of the blood pond.

The corpse flower blood amber is also there.

Only Jiang Shenzi and others appeared in the great formation of the flag gate just now, but Old Demon Ye was not seen.

It is conceivable that Old Demon Ye is definitely cracking the seal of the Blood Pond. He has no time to worry about this place, so he can only order Jiang Shenzi to bring people over and set up a formation to block it.

And all the masters of their own side are there, and they join forces to mobilize the positive and negative nine palace formations, and the power of this formation is not inferior to that of the flag gate formation.

Qin Sang is also cooperating with the corpse flower Xuebo and Gu Xiu, secretly using the secret technique of the witch clan to improve the supernatural power of Tianmu and find the flaws in the flag gate formation.

In everyone's expectations, it should not be difficult for them to break through the blockade of the banner gate array while Old Demon Ye was distracted, but unexpectedly, the formidable power of the banner gate array was stronger than expected.

Tongyou Demon Lord and Qingjun looked at each other, shouted at the same time, and joined hands to cast spells, almost urging the power of the great formation to the extreme.

'Boom! ’

Qiguang made a masterpiece, two beams of light, one black and one white, shot up into the sky, recoiled with blood, and turned the flag gate formation upside down.

The two great formations collided violently.

But they couldn't find any obvious flaws, and they were firmly blocked here!

Tianmu Die took advantage of the opportunity of the collision of the two great formations, and searched everywhere, but the blood light was too strong, and the line of sight penetrated through many obstacles. It was difficult to sort out a little bit, and the speed was very slow.

At this time, Qin Sang finally found a clue and said in surprise: "No! The Great Banner Gate formation can actually be connected with the blood mist in the black tower formation, with the help of the power of the black tower formation!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. Only then did they realize that Ye Laomo knew much more about this place than they thought, and he was able to refine the three-pole flag and use it as a bridge to inspire the power of the black tower formation!

No wonder the power of the flag gate formation is so strong.

Even if it wasn't Old Demon Ye leading the formation, they would never have imagined that they would break through the blockade in half an hour. After the formation was broken, Old Demon Ye had already succeeded.

"Unless we consume our blood essence to forcefully activate the source of the array device, but in this case, our energy will be greatly damaged, and we will not be able to compete with Ye Laomo when we enter."

Qing Jun said in a deep voice.

Qin Sang frowned slightly. Although the corpse flower and blood amber are not something he must get, it is a treasure that can directly improve the cultivation of Nascent Soul. It is also very rare in the world and should not be missed.

He pondered for a while, looked at Jing Yu and said, "The black tower is dilapidated. Isn't the ancient ban in the core area not affected by the ancient chaos, and it is still intact? Do you remember what you saw at the beginning?"

When Jing Yu heard the words, he immediately understood Qin Sang's intention.

The corpse flower and blood perch was related to her calamity. She immediately thought hard and carefully recalled what happened in the past. After a while, she said: "The ancient ban here is far more complete than other places, but it has also been impacted and broken. When I discovered Gu Xiu’s conspiracy, I ran for my life with all my heart, but I didn’t have time to take a closer look. I only remember a few places, and I’m not sure if people can pass through those places.”

In the Ming Dynasty, they built the plank road and crossed the Chencang in the dark.

Seeing that the Qimen Great Array could not be broken for a long time, Qin Sang came up with this method, otherwise, if the stalemate continued, the result would be nothing but a bamboo basket.

Not only can you not get Gu Xiu, but the corpse flower and blood amber will also be picked up by Ye Laomo.

When everyone heard the words and looked at each other, they were all moved, and it was worth a try.

"Depletion is not the solution here. For today's plan, we can only try it out according to Daoist Mingyue's strategy."

Qing Jun nodded, then remembered something, and added, "It's best not to let Sin Yuan detect our movements, otherwise there will be variables. We must keep people to maintain the positive and negative nine palace formation, and we can't draw too many people."

Demon Lord Tongyou agreed: "Yes, there are two advantages to doing this, the collision of the big formation, the aftermath of the impact on the ancient ban, can provide cover for sneaking in. In addition, we unexpectedly appear in front of Ye Laomo, which is easier to succeed. Anti-Nine Palace Formation The main team will be killed, and the people in the main formation should remember to change their formations when they see the opportunity, and keep the flag gate big formation in check, lest they go back to reinforce Ye Laomo.”

If the following is the treasure house of ancient repairs, or the ancient secret realm, they may still compete for candidates.

After all, the cultivator who goes in first will definitely have the best chance of getting the most valuable treasure.

Now their target is an ancient As long as they can catch this person and interrogate the secrets of ancient times, everyone will benefit, and facing Ye Laomo will inevitably encounter danger, stay outside, Under the protection of the anti-nine palace array, it is the safest.

So there was no argument, and the candidate was quickly determined.

The most troublesome is the person in charge of the jade talisman.

In order to hide the sky and cross the sea and prevent Jiang Chenzi and others from being aware of it, the power of the pros and cons of the Nine Palaces Great Array cannot be weakened too obviously.

Daoist Chongyi, master and apprentice, have special exercises. After taking the medicinal pill, although their strength has greatly increased, they will be subject to some restrictions. For example, the three cannot be separated too far, and they will lose flexibility.

The opponent is Old Demon Ye, who has been famous for many years. They know that they can't hide from Old Demon Ye's eyes, so they might as well stay in charge of the Jade Talisman.

Three people work together, but one can take charge of one.

The other candidate was somewhat unexpected.

Qin Sang originally thought it would be the senior sister, but the senior sister has obtained the Yuan Mirage Sect collection, and she is quite accomplished in the way of formation.

Unexpectedly, Tongyou Demon Lord directly ordered Qingjun to go with him, leaving Xiang Qing to preside over the grand formation.

Xiang Qing has already refined several ancestral holy fires, and his strength has greatly increased.

In the eyes of Demon Lord Tongyou, Qingjun's strength is even better than Xiang Qing.


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