Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1250: lure

Although Qin Sang was not worried about the calamity, he was covered in dust, and the foreign objects were hard to disappear.

Qingjun also had a deep blood feud, fell into a demonic barrier, and struggled to get out. He felt empathy for Qin Sang, but he also knew that it would be effective to directly break through the difficulties.

Qin Sang just had a fight with Uncle Dongyang, which was the best time.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your enlightenment."

Qin Sang's eyes were fluctuating, and he finally returned to calm, only to feel clear and sweeping away a layer of dust.

Back then, it was like a plaything, at the mercy of others, with two hundred years of resentment, how could it be easy.

Finally let go today.

If there were not many people here, it would not be an exaggeration to bow down to the senior sister.

Of course, this does not mean that he has forgotten the grievances between him and Uncle Dongyang, I am afraid that only a saint can do it.

As the saying goes, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

When Dongyang Bo returned this time, how could he be willing to give up? There will definitely be entanglements in the future, and what should be done is still to be done.

However, Qin Sang can already look at him calmly.

His eyes are no longer deep in this, but look at the next catastrophe, towards a higher realm.

Qing Jun nodded with a smile, talking about other things, "This Nascent Soul talisman should be taken from the Tao of Fu Soldiers. But the Dao is the same, after the matter, I can try to find a control method for you, and I can also participate in the way. Understand one or two. Even if this talisman is not the strongest puppet born in Beichen, it is not far behind."

Qin Sang also said: "There are hundreds of ghosts in the puppet, and it is not easy to control it."

"Since Uncle Dongyang already knows it's you, there is no need to pretend to be a demon king in the future. Instead of letting Uncle Dongyang make a fuss, it's better to take the initiative to clarify his identity."

Qingjun reminded.

Qin Sang also thought of this, looked around the crowd, and said, "To explain directly, it is too abrupt, and we need to find an opportunity. There must also be an explanation for the demon clan."

When they communicated in secret, everyone had already arrived.

Demon Lord Tongyou said: "Just now, fellow Daoist Xiang and I went to the front to investigate and determine the direction of the blood soul, which happened to be in the same direction as the location where the vision appeared before. These blood souls are very strange, but they appeared suddenly. Combined with the previous vision, it may be that Old Demon Ye touched Gu Jin and accidentally released it."

"What does the Holy Monarch mean, let's go directly to the location where the vision appeared?"

someone asked.

Demon Lord Tongyou shook his head and said, "We will act separately! Both the center of the basin and the place of vision are possible. Old Demon Ye is treacherous, perhaps deliberately creating visions to mislead our judgment, so we have to investigate. Yuan has some methods. Sending people to investigate alone is like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Divide into two teams, form a battle, and you can stand up for a while when you meet Sin Yuan. When you find someone, all Taoists remember to be patient, don't take the initiative to provoke them, and send a letter to the other party. , wait until everyone arrives before starting. This will delay some time, but this place is densely covered with ancient bans, and they will not be able to easily succeed."

These two places are the most special and most likely to be Ye Laomo's target. They suspected that they were the center of the basin and were disturbed, so it was difficult to tell which one it was.

In this case, everyone did not argue for too long and chose to believe in the Demon Lord Tongyou.

Qin Sang and Qingjun followed Daoist Chongyi and others to the place where the vision appeared, while Demon Lord Tongyou took the other half to the center of the basin.

There are more and more blood and souls along the way, and they are prepared and will not repeat the same mistakes. He started killing and speeding up, but he did not lose his vigilance to prevent Sin Yuan from setting up an ambush.

Qin Sang and Qing Jun walked side by side, releasing fat chickens from time to time to make them feel their loved ones.

After walking for a long time without any danger, I finally saw the target.

"It's actually a mountain of corpses!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the scene in front of them, with a look of surprise.

In front of them is a mountain that is not very high, not comparable to those majestic mountains around the basin, the whole mountain is surrounded by blood mist.

However, this mountain is very strange, the ancient forbidden in the mountain is filled with blood, the whole mountain is filled with blood, and nothing can be seen clearly, but the top of the mountain is exposed.

On the cliffs on all sides of the top of the mountain, there are huge black iron cages, each of which can hold three or four people.

Most of the iron cages were badly damaged, but there were several intact iron cages, which were actually white bones wrapped in iron chains!

The iron cage hangs here, and it is constantly eroded by the yin and wind, and various punishments are imposed, and people are tortured to death.

Everyone looked terrified. Everyone trapped in the iron cage must have far surpassed them, but they were imprisoned and died here, leaving only the bones.

When they came here, they did not see Ye Laomo and others, but they found that a **** light behind the mountain was shaking violently, which was obviously abnormal.

"Just now is where the blood is soaring to the sky, shining on the blood mist!"

Qingjun said solemnly.

After everyone detoured the mountain, they only saw a huge blood-colored archway standing at the foot of the mountain, with a stone step straight up.

The torii is in tatters, and the handwriting has long since been erased.

I don't know what color the stone steps were originally, but now they have been eroded into blood stones by the blood mist.

"There is no one at the foot of the mountain, but there is no news from Taoist Tongyou. Let's form a formation, go up and take a look first, everyone be careful."

Daoist Chongyi was in front, and the two apprentices were protecting the Dharma, one on the left and the other on the right.

Qing Jun walked at the back, and Qin Sang was guarded in the They knew that Qin Sang had a keen sense of perception, so they let him concentrate on running the mysterious art.

Qin Sang was happy to be at ease, silently activating the supernatural powers of Tianmu, alerting the surroundings to avoid ambush. The crowd formed a formation, passed under the archway, and encountered the interception of the ancient ban.

Even Qin Sang didn't notice that shortly after they entered the mountain, a figure silently flashed out of the void in the distance, which was the blood demon incarnation of Old Demon Ye.

The avatar sneered, "Old Demon Tongyou is indeed treacherous, but it's not a waste of my arrangement to lead half of the people here. It's a pity that Mingyue's child is here, it's not easy to approach, otherwise the old man will let you taste the ancient corpse mountain. The taste of prohibition! The mere little monster dares to participate in the battle of my human race, I don’t know whether to live or die!”

The avatar turned and disappeared into the blood mist, leaving a cold snort. His arrangement here is more than that, but he can only give up because of Qin Sang.

Even if Demon Lord Tongyou was so alert, Old Demon Ye succeeded.

This is a conspiracy, just to delay their footsteps. Xiaohanyu was forced to divide his troops, fearing the head and tail, and Ye Laomo and others would have more time.


"Not good! I've been fooled!"

Halfway through the distance, Daoist Chongyi suddenly shouted, the letter sword in his hand trembled, but it was the communication from the Demon Lord Tongyou.

Everyone looked at each other, and as expected by Demon Lord Tongyou, Old Demon Ye set a bait here, and then used his blood soul to lure them over to cover up his true goal.

I don't know what means Ye Laomo used, these blood souls were drawn by him to block them.

Fortunately, they couldn't be driven, otherwise they would have to flee.

"Come on!"

The crowd did not dare to hesitate, they quickly descended the mountain and went straight to the center of the basin.

There were no obstacles along the way. When they arrived at the center of the basin, they still did not see any trace of Ye Laomo and others.

The two blood gates were closed, and the Demon Lord Tongyou and others were attacking the blood gate with all their strength.


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