Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1238: Blood Shadow Evil

When Uncle Dongyang followed Gong Liangyu in, Qin Sang followed him to the top of the blood river.

"That is the Yuan Ying Fu Puppet of Shang Yuan Qing Jing Palace, and it really lives up to its reputation."

Although Qin Sang was far away, he could still feel the threat from this Nascent Soul Talisman.

Fu Puppet's own strength is strong, plus he doesn't know pain, and he is not afraid of death. If Dongyang Bo wants to win Fu Puppet in a short time, I am afraid it will not be easy.

Unexpectedly, Gong Liangyu can bring out the Yuanying Fu Puppet, and in the case of such a disparity in strength, he can manipulate the Fu Puppet alone without being attacked.

This time, Uncle Dongyang was afraid that he had miscalculated.

Qin Sang sneered, the stronger Gong Liangyu's strength, the better. He had a fierce battle with Uncle Dongyang and forced Uncle Dongyang's means out. He just took this opportunity to explore the truth of Uncle Dongyang.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang was already inclined to save Gong Liangyu.

Regardless of Shangyuan Qingjing Palace, Gong Liangyu's ability to manipulate such a strong talisman is enough to prove his worth and qualify to be his ally.

However, the timing of action needs to be carefully considered.

Qin Sang doesn't know much about Gong Liangyu, so he doesn't know how brave this person is.

At least until Uncle Dongyang reveals his true colors, after the two tear their faces.

Of course, it is best to show mercy to Gong Liangyu at the most critical moment to rescue him and show mercy to him.

After all, Yuan Ying Fu Puppet is a dead thing. As a manipulator, Gong Liangyu's realm is far inferior to Dong Yang Bo. This gap is not only reflected in the cultivation base, it is not something that a Fu Puppet can easily make up for.

Uncle Dongyang must have this kind of confidence, seeing Yuan Ying Fu Puppet, he still followed without hesitation.

In addition, Qin Sang was also curious about what treasures Gong Liangyu found that would make Uncle Dongyang tempted, and he would not hesitate to attack his allies.

As for bullying the small.

Uncle Dongyang has done it many times, and he must have lost his face a long time ago.

While thinking about this, Qin Sang used Tianmu supernatural power to observe the internal situation of the blood river, and saw some clues, and his eyes gradually showed a bit of solemnity.

"No wonder Gong Liangyu called out the Yuan Ying Talisman..."

Seeing that Gongliangyu and Dongyangbo were getting deeper and deeper into the river of blood, Qin Sang couldn't wait any longer, and secretly prepared the eighteen magic flags to enter the river of blood.


At the moment of entering, what I felt was not a gentle current of water, but a violent and incomparable wind impact. The blood mist seems to be calm on the surface, but in fact, the inside is constantly colliding, turbulent and chaotic.

Accompanied by the impact of the blood mist, there is also the power of Yin and evil that is extremely rich.

These yin and evil forces are like essence, like bone scraping steel knives, flesh and blood grinding discs, continuously impacting Qin Sang's body protection spirit armor condensed with true essence, and he is about to twist him into blood.


In order to resist the invasion of Yin evil, Qin Sang had no choice but to increase his True Yuan, which greatly increased his consumption.

At the same time when the evil spirits attacked, several long snake-like blood shadows appeared silently in the blood fog, sensing Qin Sang, and immediately rushed over.

These blood shadows have no substance, some are several feet long, and the short are only three feet.

In the chaotic blood mist and the ubiquitous force of terrifying evil spirits, they were not afraid at all, like a fish in water, swimming freely everywhere.

The few things Qin Sang was alarmed about were only a trivial part.

In the whole river of blood, there are countless blood shadows, more than ten million, which cannot be avoided.

These blood shadows are a kind of evil spirits that have been bred by the blood mist in the blood river for many years. They were born in Si and grew up in Si, and have grown up with the power of Yin evil for many years. Naturally, they are not afraid of the power of Yin evil.

In other words, they are the masters of the blood river.

Alarmed by Qin Sang, all the blood shadows rushed over involuntarily. They had almost no intelligence, and had only one instinct to devour the invaders.

Without waiting for the blood shadow to get close, Qin Sang's figure paused slightly, and fire lotus seeds appeared between his eyebrows, and then a few small flower-like spirit flames flew out lightly, accurately capturing the positions of all blood shadows, and the last hair fell on them.

These spirit fires were refined by Qin Sang, and the fluctuations were minimized. When they came to Xue Ying, they didn't feel the danger, and they were ignorant.

When he was caught by the spirit fire and reacted again, it was too late.

The flames quickly jumped to the blood shadow, and in a moment, the blood shadow was completely burned, leaving no trace.

Immediately afterwards, the flames were collected into the fire lotus seeds.

All this happened very quickly, and neither the blood shadow nor the fire lotus seeds fluctuated significantly. Moreover, the blood fog here is too chaotic, and it can help to cover it up, so Gong Liangyu and Uncle Dongyang are not aware of it.

"Although Jiuyou Demon Fire is not designed to restrain the fire of evil spirits, the strongest of these evil spirits is only at the level of Qi refining, and killing them is as easy as the palm of your hand."

Qin Sang secretly said in his heart.

However, these blood shadows are only the weakest among them. The deeper the blood river, the stronger the blood shadows. In case thousands of blood shadows are disturbed at the bottom of the blood river, Nascent Soul is estimated to be severely affected.

After thinking about it, Qin Sang tentatively scattered his consciousness, and immediately attracted more than a dozen blood shadows, which were killed by him one by one.

"Sure enough! These blood shadows are similar to blood mines, and they are very sensitive to spiritual consciousness. It is best not to spread the spiritual consciousness too far here. No one knows if there are any monsters at the bottom of the blood river. The probability of discovery is even Qin Sang can find out the blood shadow's ability and continue to explore.

However, he deliberately slowed down and opened a larger distance from Dongyang Bo.

This is also a last resort. There are too many blood shadows in the blood river. Even if you don't use spiritual consciousness at all, it is impossible to avoid all the blood shadows.

It's fine on the upper floors, no matter how much blood shadows there are, there won't be any movement.

The further down, the stronger the blood shadow, and the harder it is to kill. Qin Sang didn't know what means Dongyang Bo had, so he didn't dare to follow too closely.

And Bo Dongyang's goal is Gong Liangyu, so there is no such trouble, and he still follows closely.

Qin Sang was far behind, maintaining the level of Tianmu's supernatural powers barely capturing Dongyang Bo's movements. Gong Liangyu has Yuan Ying talisman by his side, it is not a problem to resist Dongyang Bo for a while, enough to last until he arrives.

Tianmu Die not only stared at Uncle Dongyang, but could also see through the traces of the blood shadow.

Qin Sang chose to go where the number of blood shadows was small, and his momentum was even more insignificant.

The river of blood is bottomless.

Gong Liangyu walked for an incense stick for a long time, but he still did not see the riverbed.

He doesn't have the ability of Tianmu Die, and he can't see where the blood shadows are dense and where the blood shadows are sparse. He can only rely on the Yuan Ying Talisman to break through.

Countless blood shadows came forward and surrounded them.

'boom! boom! ’

The Yuan Ying talisman was extremely powerful, and seemed to vent all his grievances against Gong Liangyu on Xue Ying. The talisman on his body was shining, his figure was like electricity, and his fist was like thunder, leaving behind afterimages.

The strength of the blood shadow here is far superior to the upper class, but it can't stand a punch, and the body is torn apart on the spot, unable to condense.

All the blood shadows were blocked by the Yuan Ying talisman and could not get close.

Behind Gong Liangyu, Uncle Dongyang was also entangled by the blood shadow, but the blood shadow has been led away by Gong Liangyu.


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