Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1228: inherited

Come to an open area.

Qin Sang spared no effort to mobilize his consciousness and sense the changes in his consciousness.

In the process of subduing the spiritual fire, he could feel that every spiritual fire was fused with his own divine consciousness, as if he was a small flame clone, tempering and strengthening his divine consciousness.

He has never fought with other Nascent Souls simply with his spiritual sense, and he is not sure of the exact strength of his own spiritual sense now, but he will definitely be able to outperform the monks of the same level.

"This year's hard work has not been in vain, and the spiritual consciousness has made great progress. When the fire lotus seeds germinate and truly enter the second layer, the spiritual consciousness will also make a leap. Mu Laomo estimates that he is reluctant to refine the cold winter flames. Hua, should be able to help him break through the second layer, at least not weaker than the demon master and others, maybe he can still win. Only then can he escape under the siege of the two demons, and later he cheated his death in Yitian Peak and concealed it. Perceived by all."

Qin Sang pondered for a moment, withdrew his consciousness, and spread out his hands to call out the eighteen demons.

That's the top priority.


The twelve-pole magic flag flew straight into the air, put down the battle, and released the magic fire.

Qin Sang was already able to make twelve magic flags, and the movement kept moving. The fire lotus seeds flickered from the eyebrows, flew to the center of the flag array, merged with the magic fire, and then raised his hand and offered three more poles.

The three-pole magic flag merged into the formation, and it stabilized with a slight shake. Nine secluded magic fires flew out from inside, revolving around the fire lotus seeds, which was unusually tame.

Qin Sang was overjoyed when he saw this, and at the same time, the envoy of fifteen magic flags did not feel beyond his control, and immediately threw the remaining three poles up without hesitation.

As for the last shot, the magic fire inside was partially refined by Qin Sang, and it no longer fits the banner array. Forcibly integrating into the banner array will cause the banner array to become unbalanced, which is harmful but not beneficial.

The other magic flags made way for a gap, and put these three poles to join.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the big formation was formed, a sudden change occurred, and all the eighteen magic flags trembled.

The flags danced wildly, and the hunting sounded.

The flagpoles vibrated, and some even began to tilt.

The Jiuyou Demonic Fire was even more turbulent, causing the heaven and earth here to be chaotic.

Qin Sang's complexion changed slightly, and he used all his power, his fingers were like wheels, and he disappeared into the great formation like countless bans. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to stabilize the magic flag, barely quelling the chaos.

The magic flag and the magic fire both returned to stability.

Eighteen magic flags stood in the void, forming a circle above Qin Sang's head.

In the middle of the big formation, with the fire lotus seeds as the core, the nine secluded devil fires form a black flame dragon, majestic and majestic, and the real devil flame is soaring to the sky!

Qin Sang used his divine sense to draw, and the demonic fire rushed towards the mountain on the left.

'boom! ’

The white snow melted in an instant.

The smoke and dust stirred, the ground shook and the mountains collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang's eyes were full of splendor, and he said goodbye again and again. After laughing a few times, he put away the magic flag and returned to Sandieguan to continue his retreat.


Sandieguan has become a training ground for Qianshan Bamboo Sea monsters and Li Yuaxe.

Qin Sang had already revealed his identity and had already transferred Mei Gu and other Demon Flame Sect disciples from Shiqu Mountain.

Aunt Mei was stunned for a while when she learned that Shizun was actually a demon king.

However, Xiaohanyu has always been a coexistence of humans and monsters, and there is an ancient covenant. The hatred and estrangement between each other are not as big as the ocean of waves, so it is not difficult to accept.

Aunt Mei was apprehensive at first, but she was relieved when she saw that Shizun was not only a human disciple under his command, he treated both races equally, did not hesitate to give advice, and had a deep understanding of human cultivation.

However, Aunt Mei was a little puzzled.

When the master appeared, he was clearly in human form. Could it be that at that time his old man was the demon king in the transformation period? Or is the bloodline special, so you don't have to wait until the transformation stage?

She was destined to not understand these questions.

As for the other Demon Flame Sect disciples, they have been suppressed by other major forces for too long. There is a big backer, and they are finally able to raise their eyebrows. They are all ecstatic.

In this way, Qin Sang's forces were basically integrated.

In the future, as long as you find a cave and a blessed land, you will be able to open a sect and establish the Qingyangguan Taoist line!

The first is the Qianshan Bamboo Sea lineage. In the future, a few demon cultivators will be selected to pass down the "Tian Yao Refinement", and they will support each other with the descendants of the human race.

The second is the inheritance of Yunyouzi, including the exercises and alchemy he practiced, which will be carried forward by Li Yuaxe.

The third is the lineage of Moyan Sect, headed by Aunt Mei, "Seven Suns Art" was carefully selected by Taoist Jipao, and it is a good inheritance.

As for Qin Sang himself, most of the secret techniques he cultivated are not suitable for others. At most, he can only leave some of his own cultivation experience and previous exercises, such as "Du Tian Mo Yin" and so on.

In addition, Qin Sang has always had an idea to develop a line of sword cultivators in Qingyangguan, and inherit the "Green Bamboo Sword Sutra", which is regarded as the inheritance of Qingzhu seniors.

Senior Green Bamboo is in Xu Jiandao, condensed his life's efforts to forge the "Green Bamboo Sword Sutra", and does not have to practice "Yuanshen Yang Jian Zhang", as long as a sword cultivator with sufficient talent can comprehend it.

Qin Sang was just learning from it, it was too wasteful in his hands.

He asked his sister for her opinion.

Senior Sister didn't care, "You are the heir chosen by I won't bother, it's up to you."

Bai Hanqiu is not suitable, and his talent is not enough, so he needs to find someone else.

The Xiaohanyu is no better than the Canglang Sea, and the top famous mountains and rivers are basically owned, and careful planning is needed at that time. However, it is a time of chaos now, and if he is not broken or standing, with his strength, there is definitely no shortage of opportunities.

After the Qingyang Temple was established, half of the wishes of the wandering child were completed.

"With this arrangement, are the seniors still satisfied?"

Qin Sang murmured while holding the burnt wood left by Yun Youzi.

After conceiving a baby, he could vaguely sense the faint true spirit in the charred wood, and would not die in a short time.

The situation is unknown, and he does not dare to refine the coke wood for the time being, lest there will be an accident if he cannot use the ebony sword. He also has to scrutinize every step carefully before he dares to act.

Involving Yunyouzi's last touch of true spirit, the refining process must not be as rough as before. There is no room for error, and there is no exaggeration to be cautious.

Qin Sang remembered Binghan's invitation, and now he needs to continue refining the magic fire, familiarize himself with the eighteen magic flags, and prepare for entering the blood lake. After returning from Blood Lake, go to Ethereal Sect to borrow some books and make plans.

Jiaomu was dead silent, unable to answer his question.

Qin Sang sighed softly, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and put away the burnt wood.

There are frequent news from Wuyagu.

But when the blood lake will open is still uncertain.

The war on the Tianxing Plateau has never ceased, but Sin Yuan's momentum has become significantly weaker, and it is no longer as aggressive as before. It is estimated that it has something to do with Ye Laomo's plot for the blood lake.

On this day, Qin Sang, who was immersed in cultivation, received a message from his senior sister.

After hearing the news, Qin Sang was overjoyed. Senior sister actually understood the pattern of the magic cord, and sent Qin Sang to Shiqu Mountain to see if she had any suggestions.


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