Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1224: negotiated

Xiang Qing suddenly changed color.

Shengang Peak is the foundation of the Qingyang Demon Sect's sect. In order to stabilize people's hearts and prevent outsiders from taking advantage of it, the arrangement he made was seen through at a glance.

Binghan's eyes lit up, "The Taoist priest is also proficient in the art of fighting fire?"

"Yes," Qin Sang nodded, "Pindao has some experience with this."

Xiang Qing's face changed, staring at Qin Sang for a long time, and finally snorted: "Since it's a deal, what do you want?"

"Pindao just wants to collect some of the ancestral sacred fire by the way. Fellow Daoist Xiang should be very clear that now the ancestral sacred fire is more harmful than beneficial to you, like a chicken rib."

Qin Sang's tone was sincere.

Binghan's eyes flickered, and she didn't say a word, not knowing what she was thinking.

The Ancestral Sacred Fire was left by the founder of Qingyang Demon Sect, and Xiang Qing could only make decisions.

Xiang Qing put a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Just to collect the Ancestral Sacred Fire? Since the Taoist priest can see through the great formation, he should know how terrifying the power contained in the Ancestral Sacred Fire? The strength leaps several levels."

Qin Sang admitted frankly, "It is just what they need, and the poor Taoist also has to risk being attacked by the spirit fire. There is no benefit. Is it impossible to serve the Taoist friends in vain?"

Xiang Qing paced back and forth, and to Qin Sang's surprise, he refused.

"Even if Qingyang Demon Sect and Shengang Peak are blown up together, Xiang will not do anything to help the enemy! If the Taoist wants to make a deal, it is best to be frank!"

Binghan was also quite surprised, but she didn't believe that a Nascent Soul appeared in vain, and looked at Qin Sang curiously.

Qin Sang sighed softly, "I'm afraid that the original form will appear, and Fellow Daoist Xiang will not agree."

As he said that, Qin Sang's body shone with blue light, and a pair of beautiful phoenix wings suddenly opened from the back, and Bing Han's eyes showed a strong surprise.

"Mingyue Demon King?"

Xiang Qing exclaimed in surprise, his face full of astonishment.

Binghan suddenly realized, "So it is, I heard that the Taoist friend holds the twelve fire flags, which may be modeled after Kuiyin's ancestor's Shifang Yamafan, with two more poles. I thought that the Taoist and Kuiyin ancestors are the same. The spiritual fire is sealed in a magic weapon, and you cannot directly control it. Now, it seems that fellow daoists can also control the spiritual fire themselves, so they can easily command so many fire flags, right?"

She seems to have studied Qin Sang's twelve magic flags.

Naturally, Qin Sang wouldn't say anything about the embarrassment of cultivating the "Golden Lotus of Tinder", he nodded and said to Xiang Qing, "Back then, when this king was not yet transformed, he was inconvenient to move, so he used some small tricks to coax a few loose cultivators to form a magic flame. The door, drive for me. I didn't expect them to make a name for themselves, and they finally have a bit of incense, so I want to take them back to their seats. Do you mind, fellow Daoist Xiang?"

Xiang Qing smiled bitterly, "Fellow Daoist disguised himself as a human race, with no demonic aura on his body. Xiang Mou never thought it was you. Fellow Daoist has helped me a lot in the alliance between the two domains. If you want to be honest, why bother?"

"I want to use the Ancestral Sacred Fire to temper the fire flag, so that it will be easier to control in the future. You can worry about the different paths of human beings and monsters, and the two fellow Taoists are grumpy."

Qin Sang said the prepared remarks, thinking that if you have already solved the trouble and rejected my proposal, and I have revealed my intentions, how can I plan in the future?

"It is said that the power of the twelve fire flags of the Taoist priest is comparable to the best magic weapon, can it be improved?"

Binghan covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Xiang Qing was also secretly frightened, and was even more afraid of Qin Sang and Yaoyu, doubting whether it was the right choice for him to be the pusher to help the Yaozu improve their strength.

However, in terms of overall strength, the demon clan is actually far inferior to the human clan, and can only be sidelined.

The biggest contradiction in the world of immortality today is not the conflict between ethnic groups, but from the abyss of sin. Qin Sang sat in Sandieguan, first killed Yuan Yuanying, and then entered Yuanxu to bring back the news of the blood lake, at least now he is still an ally.

Moreover, Qin Sang said something, which made him unable to refuse, "The trip to the Blood Lake is imminent, and this king is also preparing to enter the Blood Lake. In the unknown place of the Blood Lake, facing the old demon Ye, no matter how cautious For the sake of exaggeration, this king does not dare to guarantee everything. Don’t you want to solve your worries before leaving, Fellow Daoist Xiang?”

This sentence hit Xiang Qing's weakness.

He knew how difficult it was to train a Nascent Soul cultivator. If something happened to him before he could suppress the Ancestral Sacred Fire, it would be even more impossible for the younger generation to suppress the Ancestral Sacred Fire.

It is foreseeable that the mountain gate will be forced to relocate in the future.

Losing the inexhaustible Qingyang Shengang on Shengang Peak, unless the Qingyang Demon Sect can find a new one, the inheritance will be cut off.

Xiang Qing is also a decisive person, he didn't let Qin Sang waste more words, and promised that as long as Qin Sang swears not to mess around, he can let him try.

Bing Han put his palms together and smiled: "Ben Gong and Fellow Daoist Xiang have racked their brains, but failed to suppress the Ancestral Sacred Fire. It depends on Fellow Daoist Mingyue's magical powers."

Qin Sang nodded with a smile.

Refining the Ancestral Sacred Fire and cultivating the "Golden Lotus of Fire Seed" is the only option right now, and he can't help but breathe a sigh of relief if it can be settled so quickly.

The three of them acted resolutely, drinking up the nectar in the cup, and taking Qin Sang to Xiangqing to fly up to Shengang Peak.

Qin Sang once refined a piece of astral jade, which touched the great formation and almost caused the Ancestral Sacred Fire to get out of control.

This time, he was very careful, listening to Xiang Qing's explanation while observing and deepening his understanding.

Fly to the top.

Xiang Qingxu raised his palm, and a group of Qingyang demonic fire gathered in the palm of his hand, forming a fire mark and hitting the big formation, and the Qingwu separated to reveal a narrow passage.

Qin Sang's observation of Xiang Qingyu's envoy Qingyang Demonic Fire is different from how he manipulated the Demonic Fire through the magic flag.

Qingyang Demon Fire is like a part of Xiang Qing's body, it has been integrated with him, without any barriers.

"I should be able to do it when I complete the "Tinder Golden Lotus"."

Qin Sang secretly said.

Going deep into the formation, Qin Sang was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Blue fog obscures the sky.

Within the azure fog, there is a complex large formation entirely made of azure gang jade, shaped like a square jade platform.

Above the jade platform, a flame is dancing, it is the Ancestral Sacred Fire.

Surprisingly, the body of the Ancestral Sacred Fire is actually a human shape, like a spiritual fire that has been channeled. All limbs and five senses can be seen, but it is only half human height.

Xiang Qing said: "Don't be fooled by the appearance, the ancestral sacred fire is not a living thing, because there is the remnant of the ancestor's breath, and it changes later, and then it becomes a human form."

"Friend Xiang is cultivating the same-origin cultivation technique. Your sect also has the secret technique of refining and refining fire. Can't you directly subdue the Ancestral Sacred Fire?"

Qin Sang asked with doubts in his heart.

Xiang Qing sighed lightly, "Maybe it could be done when the patriarch first fell. Now it's too late. The patriarch's sacred fire was sealed by the patriarch on the top of the Divine Gang Peak. The breath and nature have changed, and it has become more and more manic. Over time, when the ancestors found something wrong, it was irreversible, and they could only let the ancestral sacred fire develop. The current ancestral sacred fire and the ancestors left behind are two completely different spiritual fires. Even if I have the Nascent Soul cultivation base, and I don’t dare to act rashly… How sure are you, fellow Daoist?”



Sorry, it took a few days. These days will be busier, so make up quickly.


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