Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1205: Bone curse

The twelve devil flags and the ebony sword protected the master, but Qin Sang was not attacked, but the shock became more violent.

He stabilized his body and carefully observed the surroundings. The power of the seal here is the same as the outside.

This is where the main body of the seal is. The secret realm on the opposite side is actually part of the power of the entire seal. For some reason, it stands out from the Yuanxu. The Heavenly Corpse Sect uses the connection between the altar and the seal to communicate with the trapped mysterious person.

The source of the shock comes from above.

However, according to previous experience, Qin Sang analyzed the restrictions in the water and found that the power of the seal converged in the opposite direction, deep in the water.

After thinking about it, Qin Sang decided to go down first.

He opened the way with a flying sword, dived quickly, and found a place soon after.

At the bottom of the water stood mountains as steep as sharp swords.

These peaks are bare and without the slightest vitality.

At the top of each mountain, there is a hole, which is dark and bottomless. The seal seems to be suppressing these mountains, or the unknown existence in the mountains.

These caves are like cages, and the entrances of the caves are all open.

Qin Sang was still very cautious, and with the help of the Tianmu supernatural power, he quietly observed the surroundings.

If there is any strangeness, it cannot escape the Heavenly Eye.

After confirming that nothing was out of the ordinary, Qin Sang came to the edge of the mountain and spread the twelve magic flags outside as a retreat. In case there is something strange in the cave, surprise is better.

These mountain peaks and caves don't look very different. Qin Sang chose one at random on the edge and tried to enter.

As soon as he entered the cave, Qin Sang immediately felt the suppression. Although the seal had been broken, the remaining power was still trying to suppress the prisoners.

Qin Sang's body-protecting gods fluctuated. He found that the seal was not a simple repression. The power of the seal transformed into thin needle-like thunders, forming a punishment. Even now, there is still some power left.

If the seal is intact, it is hard to imagine how the people who have been suppressed here have endured the pain for countless years.

Qin Sang protected his body with sword qi, resisting punishment, and slowly descended to the mountainside.

This is the end, and the inside of the mountain is a square and regular space.

In the belly of the mountain, one after another electric snakes roamed.

The seal penalty is only for living creatures. When he sensed Qin Sang, he rushed towards him frantically, but was easily blocked by Qin Sang.

This is the place where the power of seal and punishment is the strongest, but there is no one here, and no unusual traces have been found.

I explored several caves in a row, all of which were like this.

Qin Sang came to the tallest mountain in the middle. This is the place where the power of the seal is strongest. Qin Sang found something unusual as soon as he entered.

The mountainside was not as empty as the others, and Qin Sang saw a deep white light on it.

When he saw the source of the white light, his expression changed slightly, and his figure suddenly stopped.

On the ground, unlike other caves, there is a stone platform, but it is empty.

And in front of the stone platform, there is a bone formation!

Qin Sang took a look and determined that this bone formation was made of human bones.

I don't know how many years the bone formation has existed here, and there is no trace of blood on it. The white light of the forest, from the luster of the bones itself, is especially gloomy here.

Humerus, tibia, clavicle, patella, phalanges, ribs...

In a human body, every bone can be found here, even the spine has a complete one, which is bent and placed in the center of the bone formation, all refined and shaped like a yin and yang diagram.

It came from a human bone!

The people who set up the formation were vicious and unusual, and they skinned and split a whole person into a large formation.

But Qin Sang counted them one by one, but he couldn't find the skull.

The bone formation was a bit scattered. With Qin Sang's knowledge, he could still see some clues. This bone formation might have been used to resist the seal penalty.

"Is the skull damaged, or..."

Qin Sang was slightly startled.

He may think wrong, maybe the people who set up the formation are not tearing apart other people's bones, but their own!

How could there be a second person in such a place to make the trapped person into a bone formation?

Unless there are two people stuck here in the beginning.

There are countless strange things in the world of immortals. The trapped people are on the verge of running out of oil. In order to resist the punishment, it is entirely possible to forge their flesh into a bone formation, hide their souls in their skulls, and survive.

Seeing this, Qin Sang probably understood why the mysterious man did everything to ask for help outside. It was most likely that the bone formation couldn't hold it, and she was going to die here, on the verge of death.

The seal was broken and the skull was not there, indicating that he had escaped.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang also felt a chill down his spine, and he might not be able to make up his mind to use such a vicious bone formation technique.

Qin Sang looked around and observed carefully, wanting to find some more clues.

Otherwise, the clues may be broken again.

Not surprisingly, Tan Hao had rescued the mysterious man, but he disappeared, and his whereabouts became a mystery. This was Qin Sang's biggest confusion.

Like the previous mountains, the ground and walls are flat, without any pattern or writing.

Finally, Qin Sang's eyes fell on the bone formation.


Qin Sang found out by accident, and then his figure flashed to the side of the bone formation.

On each bone, there are actually curved patterns like a kind of rune that has never been seen before.

These runes are directly engraved on the bones, and they seem to be a kind of peculiar bone spell.

"Bone curse, corpse refining, will there be a connection?"

Qin Sang thought to himself.

The way of the bones is different from the way of the corpse, but they both make a fuss on the corpse.

He suspected that the inheritance of the corpse sect was obtained from the mysterious person through the altar.

Back then, the Heaven Corpse Sect had a Corpse King-level corpse refining, but they were unable to rescue the mysterious person. Maybe it was because they were on guard against the mysterious person and only wanted benefits and didn't want to let her out. Maybe it was because the power of the seal was too strong at that time, and the Corpse King was powerless. break open...

Qin Sang's thoughts flew in his heart, and he put away the bones one by one. Since Tan Hao and the mysterious man could not be found, these bone spells could be regarded as a harvest.

After going back, you may learn something from it.

When he put away the spine, Qin Sang's eyes suddenly changed, and he stared at the bone curse on the spine.

"This rune..."

Qin Sang's heart moved, and the Heavenly Corpse Talisman appeared in his mind.

The rune of this bone curse is very similar to the one on the corpse talisman.

"There is indeed a connection!"

Qin Sang was overjoyed.

The inheritance of the lower half of the corpse sect may not be a simple corpse secret technique, but a fusion of the way of the bones.

No wonder he had no idea.

Unfortunately, there is still no way to unlock the Heavenly Corpse Talisman.

Qin Sang kept these bone curses in his heart while putting away the bones, hoping that starting with these bone curses would help crack the Heavenly Corpse Talisman.

In addition, you can take it back and let Bai Shen realize the bone curse.

Bai has obtained the Corpse Soul Orb for decades and has been in retreat, but he has never been able to refine it, and the advanced Corpse King is far away.

Now it seems that it is not the reason for the lack of strength, but the wrong number of paths.

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