Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1190: Demon Sealing Pile

"Although it's a little late, I still have to say, congratulations to Junior Brother Qin Yu Dao for going a step further and becoming a member of my generation."

The corners of Qingjun's mouth twitched slightly, congratulations.

Qin Sang smiled casually, "Junior brother is just following in the footsteps of senior sister."

"Hehe, I don't have as much ability as you, and I can kill a monk of the same rank as soon as I get a baby."

Qing Jun shook his head slightly and retorted with a smile.

"I'm also quite afraid of Zen Ling Taoist, you can actually kill Lao Mo Pei in front of him. I already knew that you have dual cultivation of law and body, and your strength after conjugation is by no means easy, but I didn't expect you to become famous so quickly! "

There was a bit of surprise in Qing Jun's eyes.

When she first learned the news, she and Shinichi thought it was a misinformation.

Qin Sang waved his hand, "The content reported by Daoist Jinglin has a lot of exaggeration. If I fight alone, even if I defeat Old Demon Pei, it will be difficult for me to kill his Nascent Soul."

"Indeed, Yuan Ying cultivator's means of escape emerge in an endless stream."

Qingjun's beautiful eyes flashed, and he said meaningfully, "You don't need to belittle yourself. If you replace yourself with others, you can't do it even under the same conditions. Fortunately, you used your identity as a demon king to cover up, otherwise such a person would appear out of thin air. The two domains must be carefully investigated, and they won't be able to hide it for too long."

Qin Sanghun didn't care, "It's okay to expose my identity. I did this not because I was afraid of Uncle Dongyang, but because I didn't have the strength to defeat Uncle Dongyang head-on. If he knew it was me, he would take precautions, and it would be more difficult to find opportunities."

Qingjun knew very well that the grievances between Qin Sang and Uncle Dongyang could not be good, so he did not talk much to persuade Qin Sang.

She changed her tone and said, "Tell me, is there something important this time that you must come over in person?"

Qin Sang looked outside the side hall, waved and placed several restrictions to cut off all prying eyes.

Seeing Qin Sang being so cautious, Qing Jun's expression also became serious.

"There are two things, one of which is related to the Crystal Pagoda. Senior Sister, do you still remember what I mentioned to you, the strange magical powers that the ancient demons of the Seven Killing Halls used..."

Qin Sang's tone was low, and he told Qingjun about his findings.

Behind Sin Yuan, Mo Ying ****, he has to discuss with Qing Jun how to deal with it in the future.

"The Crystal Pagoda is related to the ancient demon!"

Qing Jun's eyes narrowed, "How sure are you?"

"Intuition! The functions and fluctuations of the soul-killing cone are similar to those of the ancient demon magical powers, but the power and performance are completely different..."

Qin Sang struggled to organize the language, describe his feelings, and then said, "Because there is no evidence, it is difficult for others to believe it, and it will only be regarded as an alarmist."

Qingjun did not doubt his judgment.

She pondered for a long time, raised her eyes and said, "In the years I left, I actually traveled in the abyss of sin."

Qin Sang was surprised. At that time, there was no sign of Sin Yuan moving troops. The ancestors of Yuan Ying were all in the cave. Once Qing Jun revealed his identity, he would definitely be besieged and hunted down.

Sinyuan's native land is no different from Longtan's tiger's den, and she has traveled there for so many years.

Qin Sang thought for a second, that Senior Sister Qingjun's ability to disguise as Leng Yuntian is enough to prove how strong her disguise ability is.

Qing Jun continued, "I got your reminder before, so I wanted to look for evidence that Sin Yuan was involved with the ancient demons. After traveling for many years, except for the top sect of Sin Yuan and several important secret places, I basically left. I've searched all over, except for the use of military force, I haven't found any obvious abnormality..."

Qin Sang frowned, "Senior sister means."

"According to the discovery of the younger brother, it can only show that the crystal tower is related to the ancient demon. Perhaps, the crystal tower is a treasure created by the ancient devil, and Sin Yuan got the refining method from somewhere..."

Qingjun said her guess, which coincided with Qin Sang's previous thoughts.

It is very likely that Sin Yuan has acquired some kind of ancient demon inheritance.

Qin Sang thought about it for a while, and said with some anxiety: "Senior sister, you should be cautious in the future. I have asked my juniors to find a way out. If something changes, it is best to avoid the limelight."

Qingjun appreciates it, "Thank you for your reminder, I will be careful. If there is such a strong ancient demon, I will not be brave. I am a lonely man and can retreat at any time."

She has no feelings for Yuan Mirage.

Qin Sang believed that Senior Sister Qingjun would have her own judgment, so he stopped persuading him and talked about another matter, "Some time ago, I went to Yuanzhaomen to ask Shifang Yan Luofan, who asked for Kuiyin Patriarch, and learned that Senior Sister also Looking for this thing?"

Qing Jun was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said, "The fire fan you used to deal with Old Demon Pei is the Shifang Yamafan, right? I heard that you shot twelve strokes at a time, two more than Kuiyin ancestors, so I didn't dare to go here. The above thought. It turns out that the inheritance of Kuiyin ancestors has fallen into your hands, no wonder I have been searching for so long and have no clues."

Saying that, Qing Jun raised his hand, and seven magic flags appeared in his palm, which he handed directly to Qin Sang.

"It's useless in my hands, you can take it all. After all these ten directions of Yama fan are repaired, you can walk sideways in the Nascent Soul period."

One of the magic flags was intact, and the other six were damaged beyond recognition.

Qin Sang's consciousness swept over and found that the nine secluded demonic fires in the six-pole magic flags had all been lost. Fortunately, the flagpoles were intact.

In this way, the Xuan Tiezhu will be assembled.

It's a pity that there is no Jiuyou Demon Fire here. He can't repair the damaged demon flag, and it will only be up to nineteen in the future.

"Senior sister, why are you interested in Kuiyin ancestor's magic weapon?"

Qin Sang asked curiously.

Qing Jun smiled mysteriously, and picked up a bare flag pole, "You have so many yama flags of ten directions in your hand, and you have seen ancient demons with your own eyes, don't you know the origin of this thing?"

She paused, did not continue to sell off, and said in Qin Sang's surprised eyes, "The prohibition in these flag poles comes from an ancient treasure called the Sealing Pillar. It is said that it is a treasure specially designed to restrain ancient demons! These are the I found it in Ziwei Palace, exploring an ancient forbidden place. Thinking of the ghost when Sinyuan attacked, I was also a little worried. When I saw the flagpole at Wujimen, I learned that the flagpole is the tenth of Kuiyin ancestors. Fang Yan Luofan thought about repairing the Demon Sealing Pile, but later found that it was impossible.

Qin Sang became more and more surprised after listening to Senior Sister Qingjun's eloquent words, "The Demon Sealing Pile! The Demon Binding Cable! It's really the same kind of treasure!"

"You know the magic cord?"

Qingjun was surprised.

Qin Sang nodded again and again, his consciousness swept away in the thousand-crust ring, and took out the magic binding rope obtained from the ancient Xiu's palace, "Senior sister, look, is it it?"

Qing Jun recognized the Binding Mosuo at a glance, and said in surprise: "It is the Binding Mosuo, where did you get it?"

"I found it from an abandoned mansion in the Ancient Immortal Battlefield..."

Qin Sang briefly explained the origin of the magic rope, "Unfortunately, the magic rope also needs a special spiritual formation to cooperate, otherwise, the ancient treasure that restrains ancient demons can be more confident."

He and Bai rubbed the spirit array in the ancient Xiu's palace.

I wanted to wait for the advanced corpse king Bai, if he recovered some memories, he might be able to restore the spirit array. (To be continued)

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