Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1183: lure

'Boom rumble...'

Deafening, resounding through the mountains.

The mask alternated between light and dark, flickering erratically, broken and cracked in some places, nearby cultivators were killed and injured, some vomited blood and went backwards, and then a new team came up to repair the mask.

The battle formation can always remain undisturbed.

The first wave of the two-domain cultivator's attack failed to tear open Sin Yuan's defense.

Not to be outdone, Sin Yuan rushed forward while taking advantage of the gap, and at the same time launched a violent counterattack.

After several waves of confrontation, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the protective masks are a little shaky.

In the cold fog.

A part of the monks threw out a magic weapon similar to a shield. The shield was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Once activated, the light would shine brightly, shooting out a phantom that was countless times larger than the body.

These phantoms flew into the air, superimposed and spliced ​​together to form a light shield with sharp edges and corners, blocking the top of their squad.

Lack of resources for many years, and facing threats from two aspects, Tianxing Alliance has refined this magic weapon with the same shape after countless generations of research.

It has proven to be very effective on the battlefield.

After the alliance of the two domains, it quickly became popular.

In addition to the shield, another part of the cultivator in the team sacrificed a unified black iron heavy sword and heavy sword.

At the moment when the light shield was formed, the sword, light and sword energy rushed out of the battle formation, extremely neat, row after row, row after row, shining with cold light, rushing towards the enemy like a mountain.

In comparison, Sin Yuan's side looks a little weirder.

A part of the team formed a circle, and these people were shaking a kind of black bell in their hands, chanting words in their mouths, as if they were casting some strange magic.

Soon, a cloud of black aura condensed and formed over the center of the team.

This black aura was twisted and deformed in plain sight, like a mass of viscous sewage, changing into all kinds of weird shapes, which was disgusting.

When they came into contact with the black awns shot by the crystal tower, they seemed to come alive, stretched out tentacles, and finally changed their torso and limbs.

The shape of the black breath changes is different, not only birds and beasts, but even humanoids.

However, their shape is not stable, and sewage is still flowing on the surface of their bodies.

They uttered strange whistles, shrill and ear-piercing.

At this time, Qin Sang and Jinglin quietly left the Hanling Great Array and were slowly lurking in the direction of the Crystal Pagoda.

Qin Sang clearly saw that Old Demon Pei, who was manipulating the Crystal Pagoda, was not among the three Pagodas at this time, but was hiding beside one of the Pagodas.

Old Demon Pei thought that he would be safe under the protection of the Crystal Pagoda, but Qin Sang actually saw it all.

"What is the origin of these things?"

Qin Sang's attention was attracted by the monster released by monk Sinyuan, and he frowned greatly when he saw this strange scene.

Jinglin said: "As far as I know, this should be a mimetic magic spell, which is used in conjunction with the weird bell in their hands, but the core is still the crystal tower. This kind of monster is more difficult to kill, but it is not immortal... …”

Qin Sang stared at the nearest monster, not seeing why.

At this time, Old Demon Tan saw the sword, light and sword shadow flying over, and gave an order after a cold snort.

Hearing a burst of roars, these monsters quickly floated to the front of the battle formation, facing the incomparably sharp attacks without fear, they charged forward one after another.

'Hey! ’

The sound of cracking silk came one after another.

The monsters in the front row were torn apart, their limbs flying around, but they did not die, and the remnants were still fighting back, tearing and entangled with those swords, lights, swords and shadows.

Rows of monsters were chopped to pieces, but the sword, light, sword and shadow were also rapidly consumed.

The two sides were obviously familiar with each other's ways, and they launched the second round of offensive without waiting for the monster and the sword and sword shadow to decide the winner.

Under the leadership of Old Demon Tan, the cultivator of Sin Yuan dashed forward continuously, and finally rushed to the front of Han Wu. Then, without hesitation, he led his troops into the great formation!

Suddenly, the wind blows.

In the cold fog, heavy snow fell from goose feathers, and endless snowflakes fell from the sky.

At this time, the light film that the Nether Crystal Pagoda gave to the monks of Sinyuan played a role, and the snowflakes melted silently when they fell on them.

It seems that this kind of attack has little effect. The bell rang out from the cold bells, and the manipulator changed the battle.

The Xiaohanyu cultivator took the opportunity to attack with all his strength.

Seeing this scene, Old Demon Pei, who was manipulating the Crystal Pagoda behind him, snorted coldly and changed his phantasm. The crystal ball on the top of the Crystal Pagoda shot out countless black lights one after another, hitting the wind wall and forcibly tearing open the passage.

During this process, the monks on both sides were also in a fierce confrontation, and the masks on the battle formation were already shattered and crumbling.


'Crack! ’

The protective mask on Sinyuan's side shattered first, and the casualties suddenly increased, and the ground was red with blood.

Old Demon Tan showed anger, and immediately ordered all the monsters to be released. These fierce monsters faced waves of attacks and finally shredded the mask above the heads of the monks in the two domains.

Sidi looked cold and stared at Old Demon Tan.

Seeing this scene, his expression was not moved at all.

Being in the big formation, they occupy the geographical advantage, the defense should not have been broken so quickly, it was Sidi deliberately.

The two sides continue to fight against each other in such a battle, and these Nascent Souls have been unable to confront each other. He was worried that if it took too long, the Jindan cultivator who manipulated the Hanling Great Array would not be able to hold on and would reveal flaws.

Naturally, the plan to kill Lao Mo Pei was in vain.

'call out! ’

A golden light circling around Si is the magic weapon of his fame, Yue Jinjian.

This treasure is only the size of a palm, and in the middle is inlaid a mirror surface that is polished by something unknown. Except for the mirror surface, the entire surface of the Yuejinjian is uneven, and there are large and small gold bumps all over it.

The speed of Yue Jinjian's flying is getting faster and faster, and the naked eye can only see a golden streamer.

At the same time, Old Demon Tan had a grim smile on his face, and looked at Sidi without showing weakness.

The fuse on his arm vibrated gently, emitting a fiery flame, and the surrounding air was distorted by the flames.

The two Nascent Soul masters have already been eyeing each other!

Sin Yuan advanced rapidly.

The monks in the battle formation on both sides were all nervous, holding their breaths, preparing for the next tragic battle.

Hundred feet!

Fifty feet!

ten feet!



In an instant, an earth-shattering roar erupted at the same time.

The two battle formations collided fiercely, and the battlefield was chaotic in an instant, and the screams of killing shook the sky.

The chaos didn't last long.

They are all battle-hardened, and the two sides take the team as a unit, gradually stabilize their positions, and become entangled with the enemy.

View from above.

The two sides opened their battles, like streams of water, converging, merging, and differentiating each other. The whole process was full of **** fighting.

Sidi and Tan Laomo each had their own insinuations, completely ignoring others, directly jumping over the crowd, flying towards each other in the air, and the magic weapon collided first!



Thanks to the leader of Nanwang jf for the reward.

I still owe a chapter.

I have been affected by the epidemic in the past few days. Because there are mainly elderly people in the community, there are not many young people. I did some things along with it, and I have no time to make up for it.

But the epidemic is about to pass, and it is about to return to normal.


List of chapters of high-speed text hand-pulling and inquiring about immortality https://

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