Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1178: Jin Shenjian

Remember [New] for a second,! "Fellow Daoist Mingyue, this is one of the core arrays that control the Hanling Great Array. In case of an attack by Sin Yuan, fellow daoists manipulate this treasure to evolve the formation into seventy-two changes according to the situation to fight against Sin Yuan. I know. The demon clan daoists who came to reinforce are only a few people, we hope to be caught off guard, daoists try not to show their deeds in the camp, so as not to be seen by spies and spread the news.”

Jinglin gave Qin Sang a blue bell and warned carefully.

Just now they brought Qin Sang in, and they did it quietly.

The bell is only the size of an adult's fist, and I don't know what kind of spiritual material it is made of.

Holding it in your hand, it conveys a cold feeling.

Qin Sang urged Jinglin to pass on the secret technique to him, and he could sense that the bell and the power of the spiritual array were inextricably linked, and he instantly understood all the changes in the great array.

The cold bell array is very comprehensive, with both defense and offense. The most powerful one is the seventy-two cold bells hidden in the surrounding area.

Of course, it was impossible for them to completely hand over the entire formation to Qin Sang's control. All Qin Sang could do was to use the bell to manipulate the formation and cooperate with them to fight the enemy.

Then Qin Sang asked them about the recent situation and got a general understanding.

In front of Sandie Pass, there is another pass, which is regarded as an outpost. As long as the front is stable, Sandie Pass will be fine for the time being.

"In the future, fellow daoists will sit in the center! Usually, fellow daoists can just meditate in the building."

Jinglin and the others took Qin Sang to the quiet room on the roof, and did not assign him any extra tasks.

This is what was agreed before.

The three of them had nothing to do and chatted for a long time. The content was not only related to Sin Yuan and the Three Domains War, but also related to worldly affairs, martial arts, Taoism, and even sidelines.

Qin Sang has been to the Sea of ​​Waves, and Jinglin and Jinglin once traveled to the Beichen Desert in the Peaceful Era.

From their mouths, Qin Sang gained a lot and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

After enjoying themselves, the two said goodbye.

"Fellow Daoist Si, please stay, I have something to ask for," Qin Sang called to stop Si Di.

Jinglin said goodbye.

Qin Sang said the purpose, "The daoist is from the Taiyi Danzong. I don't know if there are any daoist friends in the camp, who are good at alchemy. I need to refine a single pill, and the formula is quite complicated. Please ask your sect's pill Only teachers can rest assured and are willing to pay for it.”

It could have been made by Li Yu Axe.

But he was the only descendant of Yunyouzi, and was left behind by Qin Sang. When he came here, he could only ask the alchemist of Taiyi Danzong to take action.

"Oh? Daoist wants to make alchemy, and let the junior do it, I'm afraid it's not safe. I'm not talented, and I have also studied alchemy. It happens that Sandieguan is not far to the east. fire room."

Sidi actually wanted to do it himself.

Qin Sang waved his hand, "Don't bother fellow Daoists. Although the refining process of that kind of medicinal pill is cumbersome, it is not of high rank, so it is not for me. The younger generation of Jindan stage should also be sure."

"It turns out that Junior Sister Weng happens to be in the camp. She is extremely talented in the Dao of Pills. She has been personally passed down by the master, and I let her come."

Sidi's fingertips shone brightly, transforming into a bird that flew out of the tall building.

After a while, a female cultivator of Jindan period who looked like a girl hurried over.

"Senior brother, are you looking for me?"

The female cultivator surnamed Weng met them one by one. It was the first time she saw the demon king. She was very curious, especially the wings behind Qin Sang.

This pair of beautiful phoenix wings is obviously very lethal to the female cultivator, and the female cultivator's eyes are full of envy.

Sidi explained the reason, Qin Sang took out the elixir, and the female cultivator looked at it carefully, and she responded confidently. As long as the elixir was delivered, she could start alchemy.

After sending the two away, Qin Sang closed the quiet room and began to get acquainted with the Hanling Great Array as soon as possible.

That night, Tan Yien came to report that Tan Hao's old friend was not here and decided to find someone elsewhere.

"You go with him."

Qin Sang called out the fat chicken and ordered.

Tan Yien is still a bit dangerous to travel between the major camps. The fat chicken is good at concealment and disguise, and his strength is sufficient.

At the beginning, Fat Chicken's backbone that he would rather die than recognize his master has disappeared. Since Qin Sang became a baby, he has been obedient to his words and self-proclaimed as a dog's leg.

The fat chicken patted his chest and assured that he would bring people back safely.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Sang had been in Sandieguan for a month.

More than ten days ago, the elixir was delivered, and a female cultivator surnamed Weng went to Fangshi to refine a bottle of Flaming Pill.

Qin Sang feeds Huoyu Centipede every two days.

Unexpectedly, after taking only two fire-melting pills, the fire jade centipede began to become restless, which was a sign that it was about to transform. After taking the fourth pill, the whole body curled up into a ball, spit out a red light cocoon, and fell into a deep sleep.

Qin Sang guessed that it should be because he had taken Red Fire Gilt before, otherwise the effect of the Fire Pill would not be so immediate.

Holding a light cocoon in his hand.

Qin Sang recited words in his mouth, entered a series of restrictions into the light cocoon, performed the secret technique of Yulingzong, and subdued the fire jade centipede.

After many years of breeding, Huoyu Centipede has long since rejected him, but only by doing so can he truly recognize him as the master.

Mystery is nearing completion.

A weak counterattack came from the light cocoon, which was subconsciously resisted by the spirit worm, which was far weaker than when it was awake. Because of this, the success rate of using secret techniques was the highest at this time.

Xu Shi felt Qin Sang's breath, the resistance quickly disappeared, and the secret technique was successfully completed.

"The potential of the Fire Jade Centipede is definitely not comparable to that of the Tianmu Butterfly. After all, it is also at the level of a strange insect. After the third change, it should be useful..."

Qin Sang stared at the light cocoon, thinking that only the first change of fire jade centipede could sense the red golden vine, even if the ability to hunt for treasures became stronger, it was worth cultivating.

He also doesn't expect to have another four-transformation spirit can advance, it is purely a coincidence and cannot be copied.

Putting away the light cocoon, Qin Sang thought for a while, left Sandieguan, flew to Fangshi, and prepared to refine the flying sword himself.

Fangshi was built in a canyon, which is as warm as spring, large in scale, and once very famous.

Bing Feng arrived here, everyone was forced to evacuate, and this square city was temporarily abandoned.

Qin Sang found a fire room and took out the golden wood and other spiritual materials.

In the past month, he had already made a plan, and the process was quite smooth. He refined a sword that was not more than a foot long, with a golden light, like a mid-grade flying sword made of gold, and named it Jin Shenjian.

The spiritual material is mainly made of gold sinking wood, and it is refined by Qin Sang himself. It is more convenient to use than other spiritual swords, and it is used as a substitute for the time when the ebony sword cannot be used.

"The flying sword has already been refined, just wait for the seven sword souls to begin to fuse with the seven souls, and after the first step is completed, you will be able to exert a part of the power of the seven soul killing formation, and the power of the sword formation will go to a higher level. Take advantage of now There has been no change in Sin Yuan, and it is the right thing to cultivate as soon as possible..."

Qin Sang thought to himself, and returned to Sandieguan the same way. (To be continued)

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