Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1165: Demon King discussing matters

Remember [New] for a second,! "It's really not an easy thing to start a sect."

Qin Sang arranged the Demon Flame Gate and set off on the return journey.

Thinking of the busy days, he felt a little tired and couldn't help feeling emotional.

As the leader of a faction, it is really cool to think about it, but it is not what he really pursues after all.

He originally intended to accept a few useful disciples.

Fortunately, there are already a lot of available people under them. Li Yuaxe and Mei Gu can both be independent, and they can become the mainstay of the sect in the future.

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Zhao Shanran and Tan Yien are a little less talented, but Qin Sang has no shortage of demon pills and intends to help them form pills.

The two of them are both good-natured, one assists Aunt Mei and is familiar with sect affairs, and the other is exquisite, just suitable for handling trivial matters inside and outside the sect.

In addition, Qingyang Temple is similar to Yulingzong, and has advantages that other sects cannot match.

By uniting with the demon clan in Qianshan Bamboo Sea, the disciples in the sect can try to gain the approval of the spirit beasts, thus establishing a sect that spans the human race and the demon clan.

As long as the ancient teleportation formation is still there, there will be a steady stream of demon pills in the future.

Of course, compared with other famous sects, Qingyangguan is still far behind, especially its heritage and successors. Even the highest-leveled Li Yu Axe was only in the early stage of forming a pill, and he was born early from Yuan Ying.

Qin Sang knew very well that these things should not be urgent.

With him around, Qingyangguan's strength will become stronger and stronger. The frame has already been set up, and we just need to find a place full of spiritual energy as the resident of the mountain gate.

In the future, Qin Sang will not devote too much energy to the sect, and his own cultivation is the foundation.

On the way back, Qin Sang made a detour to Shaohua Mountain again, wanting to meet Mu Yifeng.

I didn't see it last time.

Mu Yifeng became an ascetic monk and retreated all year round.

At that time, Qin Sang did not dare to contact Mu Yifeng recklessly, which would implicate him instead.

This time, Shaohua Mountain has been closed early, and Qin Sang still hasn't seen the real person.

Qin Sang thought for a while, but was not too eager.

He was definitely going to the front line, and Ruo Mu Yifeng was also there, just in time to meet. His strength is not what it used to be, and it is still possible to protect Mu Yifeng's safety.

Afterwards, Qin Sang returned to the Yuan Mirage Gate, ready to wait for the first step in the qigong to be completed.

Unexpectedly, Qin Sang came back and found that the greedy and lustful two birds group had come and had been waiting for him for many days.

"Master! You're finally back, it's been a long wait for the little one! If you haven't seen it for a day, it's like every three autumns. If you haven't seen it for a year, it's like..."

The fat chicken rushed over, his face flattering, and his mouth was eloquent.

Halfway through speaking, he found himself keeping his mouth open, but seeing Qin Sang's unpleasant expression, he was rather obedient and quickly shut up.

"Bai He didn't come with you, where did he go?"

As soon as Qin Sang asked the exit, he heard a crane chirping in the distance, and the white crane and a colorful spiritual bird flew together.

Halfway through the flight, the white crane waved its wings dashingly and said goodbye to the spirit bird.

"Master is fine."

Bai He did not dare to be too arrogant in front of Qin Sang, and was very respectful.

Qin Sang sneered: "You dare to touch flowers everywhere in the human world, I think you have lived enough! You kid not only likes to hook up with the descendants of the Phoenix tribe, but a spirit bird who has just enlightened in the demon stage. Can you linger?"

Bai He sighed, "The demon clan in this world is so unsatisfactory that even a single phoenix blood descendant can't be seen, so she can only take the next step. Although she is in the normal demon stage, her wings are very good, straight and straight, and the texture is clear. The curvature of the mouth is shocking, especially the ecstasy. Although there are many shortcomings, the color of the feathers is not bright enough, the color blocks are too messy, the sound is not clear enough, etc., but it is also rare..."

While talking, it slaps its mouth.

Bai He's expression has a trace of melancholy, and he has fallen here, and he does not know what year and month he will be able to return to the scenery of his hometown. Qin Sang even gave it a gag order, not daring to mention the Monster Sea.

Qin Sang's eyes twitched.

This lustful bird said it righteously, why didn't he see that the spirit bird was more beautiful than the others.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Qin Sang ignored the melancholy Bai He and looked at the fat chicken.

"Master Qi, Lao Lao ordered the two of us to come here. Yu Yaowang sent a message that he will discuss matters in Wan Yao City soon, and asked if the master and the senior Zhu Yao have time to participate. It is not compulsory."

Fat Chicken gave Qin Sang a jade slip.

Qin Sang's eyes flashed, "But how has the situation changed?"

Fat Chicken said hesitantly, "Lao Monkey just sent back the news, and everything seems to be normal."

After looking at the jade slip, Qin Sang learned that one of the purposes of this discussion was actually related to Ziwei Palace.

Qin Sang pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, you go back and tell Lao Lao, I will go to Ten Thousand Monster City in person."

"My lord, my lord..."

With a flattering face, the fat chicken came up and said, "You're pretending to be a demon king, if you don't have a mount and squires by your side, wouldn't you be weak? Our cultivation base is acceptable, it's better to let us stay by your side, even if it's a trivial matter. I'll give you a shot."

"Dog legs!"

Bai He couldn't stand it any longer, he secretly complained, and then Pidianpidian followed.

Qin Sang agreed after thinking about it.

The fat chickens have been wandering in the demon realm for many years, so bring them with them, so as not to show their legs because of their unfamiliarity with the demon realm.

Qin Sang simply did not return to the Yuan Mirage Gate, and headed north again, with two more birds beside him.

Pass through Li Yuaxe's cave.

Li Yufu and Tan Yien came out to greet him and told him good news.

"Master, Han Qiu sensed the opportunity to build a foundation, and is retreating and breaking through."

"Yes, this time should be her last chance. I hope she can seize it. Yien, I asked you to contact your father's old friend Do you have any eyes?"

Qin Sang looked at Tan Yien.

Tan Yien replied: "In recent years, according to my uncle's instructions, I have contacted several old friends or their family members. They either died unexpectedly or were trapped in the foundation-building period. I cut off contact with my father. However, it was confirmed from an uncle that there were two seniors who had close contact with my father in the final period. If you go to the battlefield, you will not be able to get in touch for a while."


Qin Sang's heart moved, "I'm going to Tianyaoqiu, I just want to come back and take a look at the front line, Yien, you go to Cangheng Island to wait for me first, and go with me. Jade Axe, this time I'm going to the magic way. Earth Realm, accept a disciple. I used to leave a seed in the Demon Realm Realm, but I didn't expect it to grow into a big tree... You can go and help one or two if you have nothing to do. Get familiar with them first, and Moyan Sect will also be merged into Qingyang in the future. view."

Hearing this, Li Yu Axe was suddenly surprised, "The disciple will go tomorrow!"

The beginning of everything is difficult. He racked his brains and found that the establishment of a sect has a lot of twists and turns. It is really not that simple.

With the foundation of Moyanmen, it is much easier to develop the Qingyang concept. (To be continued)

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