Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1151: Qingluan Dharma

The latest website: Qin Sang thinks.

Bai's guess might be right, the yin and yang armor on his Primordial Spirit couldn't be broken for no reason. When Qingluan's phantom entered the body, he saw the scene of Qingluan flying in the void, and it might not be as simple as an illusion.

As long as he is in the Core Formation stage, he can withstand the impact of Qingluan's blood essence. It can be seen that the loss of power is severe, otherwise, he may explode and die immediately.

Correspondingly, even if Qingluan's consciousness remains, it is estimated that he is dying. Bai hid in the soul tree, and now there is only a remnant of the soul left, and his memory is almost lost.

Qingluan's consciousness was blocked by the Jade Buddha and may have been washed away.

He searched himself inch by inch, including Tianmu Die, and there was nothing abnormal.

That's all for now.

Bai didn't think about it so much. He couldn't put it down and looked at Tianmu Die for a while. He remembered something, and asked, "You have both broken through with your body and spirit insects. You should have a lot of confidence in Jie Ying, right? When are you going to hit the bottleneck?"

"Of course, the sooner the better! After I go back to settle the demon spirits in the Qianshan Bamboo Sea, I will retreat to sort out the past, adjust my state, and then go to Yuncang Daze to find a place to transcend the calamity."

Qin Sang said in a deep voice.

The situation became more and more tense, and the world of immortals was precarious.

Although he now has the combat power of Nascent Soul, it is not enough.

The threat of Uncle Dongyang is one of them.

He stole the treasure from Wansheyuan, and although he temporarily concealed his identity, the wings of Qingluan are too special.

Only after the baby was born did he really have the qualifications to be a chess player.

Bai nodded and said: "I have also reached a critical time. After you have passed the calamity, I will continue to retreat. This time it is estimated that it will take a long time..."

Qin Sang's heart moved, and he repeatedly asked: "After this retreat, Brother Bai should be able to refine the corpse soul beads, and become an advanced corpse king, right? Have you figured out a way to unlock the corpse talisman?"

Bai hesitated: "I don't dare to say too much, I only dare to say that I have a certain degree of certainty. As for the Heavenly Corpse Talisman, we will have to wait for the corpse soul bead to be completely refined before we can see the result, and the result is hard to say. You are not An old friend has found clues to the Heavenly Corpse Sect, this line still cannot be given up, it is best to find the Heavenly Corpse Sect, even if it is a relic."

"You mean Tan Hao?"

Qin Sang nodded, "After the baby is born, I will have a good talk with Tan Yien, and look for Tan Hao's former friends, maybe I can find some clues. Looking at the tone of Tan Hao's book, I guess I have a lot of confidence. , The main altar of the Heavenly Corpse Sect is in the territory of Sin Yuan, which is indeed a bit unexpected. In the future, whether I use the identity of the human race or the demon race, I will definitely go to the battlefield, and then find a way to sneak into the sin abyss to investigate. "


The two chatted for a while.

Neither Tianmudie nor Fat Chicken showed signs of waking up.

Qin Sang sent Tianmu Die back to the sea of ​​​​qi, then carried the fat chicken and swept to the agreed meeting place.

Wilderness cave.

After receiving Qin Sang's signal, the demons withdrew the large formation, evacuated from the ambush, returned to the cave to hide, and waited for Qin Sang.

They were lurking in the distance at that time, and they only sensed the momentum of Lei Jie from a distance.

Worried all night.

Qin Sang is finally back!

"Meow! Young Master Qin is back!"

The white cat jumped out.

The demons were overjoyed and gathered around.

In the eyes of anticipation, Qin Sang said with a smile: "Fortunately, I didn't lose my life! The harvest is bigger than expected, let's go back and talk about it."

All the demons were beaming with joy and returned to the sea of ​​​​Qianshan Bamboo.

Qin Sang handed the fat chicken to the spirit of the willow tree, and told them to guard the great formation.

for several months.

Qin Sang never went out.

The first thing he did was to consolidate the fourth layer of "Tian Yao Refinement".

Qingluan's blood essence is an external force, and even though Qin Sang imagines Qingluan's cultivation, he still feels a little bit divided about Fengyi. He calmed down, and while comprehending the fourth-layer exercise of "Tian Yao Refining Form", he refined the phoenix wings to the point of harmony.

At this point, the practice is completely stabilized.

Qin Sang also had some experience with the fourth-level follow-up exercises.

"Falun Gong! Now!"

Qin Sang woke up from the meditation and drank in a low voice. Immediately, there was a flash of blue light on his body, and a gust of wind blew from behind him.

Calling it a dharma, it is actually illusory to the extreme, and it is a bit reluctant to say that it is a phantom.

It's like the moon in the mirror, and it will be broken when you poke it.

Of course, it is impossible to have any extravagant expectations for this kind of dharma.

"The magical powers of the celestial demons need to be continuously condensed in order to gradually show their power. It is a gradual process."

Qin Sang looked at the Heavenly Demon Statue and recalled the description of the exercises, "In my current state, the effect of the Heavenly Demon Statue is to increase my strength after I activate the Heavenly Demon Transformation. The effect is not obvious now, with the As the dharma forms gradually solidify, the benefits I get will get bigger and bigger. In addition, there is a saying on the fourth level of the exercise method, after comprehending the dharma dharma of the celestial demon, there is a chance to obtain some supernatural powers of the celestial monster, but the dharma of Qingluan seems to be nothing. special……"

Qin Sang said in his heart: "If the monsters practice this practice, the magical powers they have learned will most likely come from their ancestors and inherited from their blood. I am a foreigner, and I practice a broken practice, so I'm missing it? ?"

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, "Could it be Lei Dun's magical power? It is very possible to integrate Lei Luan's blood essence and inherit Lei Dun!"

In Qin Sang's view, comprehending the technique of thunder escape is more gratifying than other supernatural powers.

He lived abroad, entered the Hall of Seven Killings three times, and experienced countless dangers.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend!

After the birth of a baby, the effect of the Nine Dragons talisman is not much, and the Lei Dun is much more clever than the mere secret talisman.

"The fourth layer is the same as the first three layers. In the middle, you only need to activate the power of Zhou Tianxingchen to quench the body step by step. However, the bone flute still does not show the fifth layer. Can I break through the fifth floor by filling the body with star energy?

Qin Sang took out the bone flute and probed into it, and the following chapters were still shrouded in mist.

After thinking for a while, Qin Sang put away the dharma picture and the bone and called out Tianmu Die.

During the period of his meditation, Tianmu Die has also been able to control the newly acquired power. Tianmudie has grown up, but she still likes to be as small as before, landed on Qin Sang's shoulder, and lightly rubbed his cheek.

"I don't know how the Tianmu Divine Ability will improve after Tianmu Die advanced?"

Qin Sang looked at Ling Zong sideways, wondering if she could still be regarded as the Tianmu Die clan now.

Qin Sang closed his eyes and fell into meditation, and his mind and Tianmu Die swayed, comprehending the bottleneck of Nascent Soul.

'Squeak! ’

Qin Sang pushed open the door and came out, and saw the white cat guarding the outer hall.

"Young Master Qin..."

The white cat stood up.

Qin Sang said: "Go and call Fellow Daoist Liu and the others, I have something to announce." (To be continued)

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