Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1146: robbery

Of course, it could see clearly that Qin Sang's life and death were still unpredictable.

Although Qin Sang's speed is fast, it is not fast enough to easily get rid of the demon king. There is a big realm gap between the two. Unless something unexpected happens, the result will only be that Qin Sang's real energy will be depleted and he will be captured by the demon king.

"This guy really let me go. It doesn't look like a cruel and murderous person. Qingluan's phantom can actually trigger my blood to change. If I miss this time, I will have no chance in the future..."

After hesitating for a moment, the falcon demon finally did not hold back the temptation, and actually made a big circle and followed quietly.

in the night.

The two escaped lights flew out of the Myriad Snake Abyss one after the other. It was Qin Sang and the Demon King who led the machine. .

The other little demons were left far behind.

Unexpectedly, the second escape light just appeared.

A billowing white fog suddenly spread around the canyon, and in an instant, the surrounding space was blocked, forming a huge illusion, covering the Demon King.

It wasn't that the Demon King of the Machine was unguarded. The escape light suddenly stopped, and the strange light burst out from his body, which shook the white fog, but he encircled him again in an instant.

"Phantom array?"

The demon king was secretly annoyed. Even he couldn't see through this phantom formation in an instant. It could be seen that the strength of the person in the main formation was probably no less than that of the thief just now.

This kind of anomaly is rarer than Yuan Ying, and there are two at a time.

Outside the phantom.

Qin Sang's figure flickered and he fell from the air. He was on the verge of an explosion.

Luckily, Bai arrived in time to catch Qin Sang and found something unusual in Qin Sang's body. He asked in surprise, "What did you do inside?"

When I got in, everything was fine.

The power in Qin Sang's body was extremely violent, with an unusual power, which made Bai feel shivering.


Qin Sang smiled bitterly, "I want to use all my power and force a breakthrough. As long as I break through the fourth level of the practice, I won't be afraid of the demon king. Please, Brother Bai, take me away first."

Bai Xin knew that the situation was urgent, so he didn't continue to ask questions, nodded, and took Qin Sang, looking in one direction, and fled away without turning his head.

This is just the first layer of insurance.

The fluctuation of the phantom array is extremely slight, and even the perception of the transforming monster has been concealed, but correspondingly, its power is also limited.

If you can't get rid of the demon king, the spirit of the willow tree, the old horse and the monkey, all of them have been dispatched, and they will set up a large formation in a hidden place, just in case.

Only as a last resort, will not use, so as not to expose them.

Bai absorbed the power of the corpse soul bead, his strength increased greatly, and his escape speed was also extremely fast. The corpse gas turned into a black escape light and flew in the night sky.

Qin Sang has nothing else to focus on, and concentrates on the exercise.

It's still a blessing in disguise.

When this force enters the body, it is like gangrene attached to the bones, which cannot be expelled.

If he can take advantage of the situation to break through, both he and Tianmu Die will gain great benefits. If the breakthrough fails, he is likely to be blown up by the power of Qingluan, and his cultivation will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

The brief chase and escape almost made him doomed.

Qin Sang looked inside the body and found that Tianmudie was still absorbing the power of Qingluan.

The emotions it conveys also have obvious meanings of pain.

However, Tianmu Die's wisdom is not low, and she understands that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and like Qin Sang, she is very resilient, no matter how painful it is, she has always persevered.

Absorbing these powers, Tianmu Butterfly's wings mutated into cyan, and Tianmu's pattern was gleaming with silver light, and lightning flashed inside.

The blue light on her body is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a tendency to form a cocoon.

Seeing this scene, Qin Sang was both happy and worried.

Regardless of transformation or mutation, it will never be a bad thing for Tianmu Die. But once Tianmu Die fell into a deep sleep, no one would help him share the impact, and he had to break through before that!

"The Heavenly Demon Dharma..."

Qin Sang got rid of all distracting thoughts and flashed the whole chapter of the exercises in his mind.

He was in a hurry and not in a hurry.

Seeing the real Qingluan, and having personally felt the breath of Qingluan, Qin Sang already knew where the image of Qingluan he had imagined was wrong.

He corrected from this step first.

Then start from the first layer, to the second and third layers.

At this time, he discovered that there were many omissions and even mistakes in the previous cultivation process. Only because of the low realm, he could forcefully rush up with the help of Xingyuan.

Now that it has been sorted out, the evil has been corrected, the practice has undergone a qualitative change, and Qin Sang's physical body has become stronger again.

"I see!"

Qin Sang realized something and was overjoyed.

As everyone knows, Bai outside is already dying of anxiety.

Unsurprisingly, the magic formation failed to trap the Demon King for too long.

The magic formation was broken, and the demon king chased after him again. Bai looked at Qin Sang from time to time, but there was no sign of a breakthrough. In the end, he had to rush towards the ambush.

"Brother Bai! Let me down!"

Qin Sang spoke suddenly.

Bai Wei Wei was startled, glanced at the demon king who was chasing from the horizon, and finally chose to trust Qin Sang, his figure flashed and landed on a mountain.

Qin Sang sat cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed.

The exercise method was sorted to the last step, and the first three layers were all corrected. As a matter of course, Qin Sang immediately sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough!

He first filled the body with Xingyuan, and then integrated the power of Qingluan, and he was already on the verge of breaking through.

So easy, not surprising.

"Tian Yao Dharma Phase!"

The scene of Qingluan crossing the thundercloud appeared in Qin Sang's mind.

Qingluan's every move, its charm, was deeply imprinted in Qin Sang's mind.

In the void, the storm rises!

The blue light on Qin Sang's body was dazzling, and it looked extremely dazzling in the night, illuminating the entire mountain.

All of a sudden, these azure lights gathered frantically toward the center of the wind and cloud.

A moment later, a phantom of Qingluan was born out of thin air, with its head held high, facing the stars and the moon, with extraordinary power, this is a real divine beast!

Heavenly Demons Compatible!

Compared with the phantoms in the slate, the law is still illusory, and Qin Sang needs to make further progress in order to gradually solidify.

Of course, that's enough for now!

The moment he realized the dharma, Qin Sang's body bones made bursts of loud noises, and finally broke through that layer of diaphragm and advanced to the fourth layer!

The flesh is transformed, and impurities are precipitated.

Qin Sang's breath soared, his wings were instantly stable, and he was mainly anti-customer. He was eager to absorb the power of Qingluan, and gradually turned into a real body.

Seeing this scene, Bai was thoughtful.

In the distance, the demon king who was chasing after him changed his face slightly, frowning and staring. The imposing manner of the thief made him feel threatened.

"Ha ha……"

Qin Sang laughed wildly in the sky, sweeping away the depression in his chest.


Suddenly, the sound of thunder came from the air, forcibly holding back Qin Sang's laughter.

"what happened?"

Qin Sang raised his head suddenly, and was horrified to find that the dark clouds above his head, lightning and thunder, were not ordinary thunder, but robbery clouds!

"It's just an improvement of the physical body, how can it be a calamity? And it's directly a thunder tribulation!"

Qin Sang was extremely sad and had no preparations for the calamity now.

Then, he found that something was wrong, and Lei Jie didn't seem to be coming for him.

After Tianmudie condensed the light cocoon, it was still absorbing the power of Qingluan, when it suddenly flew out of the body, and a crack appeared on it!

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