Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1135: 0 Mangosteen Sea

Qin Sang once met the Feather Demon King.

Before entering the Ziwei Palace, you need to pass through the outer fairy formation. Yu Yaowang used the treasure of the Wu clan to find out the flaws in the immortal formation, and then he could set up the Xiao Beichen Xingyuan formation and break into the Ziwei Palace.

The Feather Demon King is very mysterious.

The red-haired ancestor and the old man Shinichi were both very jealous of him.

"It seems that the interior of Tianyao Hill is not stable."

Qin Sang thought thoughtfully. .

The white cat seemed to have experienced danger, and said with lingering fear: "Other places are not like Qianshan Bamboo Sea, there are many gentle spirits of plants and trees. The territory controlled by the major demon kings is relatively stable, but it is only internal, if If a monster outside broke in by mistake, it must have been swallowed alive..."

Qin Sang sat opposite the white cat and inquired about the situation in Yaoyu in detail.

"Does Fellow Daoist Liu know of my existence?"

Qin Sang continued to ask.

He needs manpower to help him plot the slate, but he doesn't understand the temperament of the old willow, and the wanderer didn't have time to remember and say too much.

Xiaobai seems to be trustworthy, has no ill feelings towards him, and has a relationship before.

I just don't know if the other monsters in the Qianshan Bamboo Sea will hate the human race.


Because of Yunyouzi, Baimao trusts Qin Sang very much, "After Senior Bamboo Demon sent me the message, I will send it back to Qianshan Bamboo Sea. Grandpa Liu ordered me to stay in Xian Yao City and wait for Senior Bamboo Demon or Qin Gongzi. Come back. Don’t worry, Young Master Qin, Grandpa Liu is very kind and loyal to Senior Bamboo Demon.”

Qin Sang glanced at the white cat.

The cat demon's tone was a little eager, and it seemed that he had seen his worries and was eager to dispel his worries.

"Did something happen to Qianshan Bamboo Sea?"

Qin Sang's heart moved, but he didn't hide it, and asked directly.

The white cat was startled, lowered his head and said, "You can't hide it from your son's eyes... Over the years, the demon clan has also been moving troops to the front line. Some time ago, I received news that the demon king sent an order to let the demon kings continue to train their troops. , prepare for a deadly battle. It is said that this time is different from before, and the results may be very tragic. Senior Zhu Yao is not here, I am worried that the disguise left by Grandpa Liu and Senior Zhu Yao will not be concealed, in case they are seen through..."

Now that the war is still brewing, the demon clan temporarily deploys troops according to the previous rules and follows the steps.

Once the situation is urgent, the Lord of the Thousand Mountains and Bamboo Sea is slow to show up...

Thinking of the terrible consequences, the white cat couldn't help shivering.

Yunyouzi didn't expect Sinyuan to make a comeback so quickly, and the situation was so tense.

The arrangement he made before may not last long.

The monsters in the Qianshan Bamboo Sea understand the truth that their lips are dead and their teeth are cold. It is not that they refuse to participate in the war, but they are worried that other monster kings will see through the truth. In the end, all monsters, regardless of age or strength, will be driven to the front line.

On the battlefield, without the protection of the demon king, they can only be cannon fodder.

Some of the monsters in the Qianshan Bamboo Sea have become enlightened by plants and trees, and many of the spirits of plants and trees have limited ability to fight, so sending them into the battlefield is killing them.

"Senior Bamboo Demon highly respects Young Master Qin, I wonder if Young Master Qin can do anything about it?"

The white cat looked expectantly at Qin Sang.

Yunyouzi has fallen, and she can only pin all her hopes on Qin Sang.

Hearing this, Qin Sang was also very troubled and under great pressure.

Yunyouzi entrusted Qianshan Bamboo Sea to him before he died, and he would definitely go all out. But even before the Nascent Soul Stage, sheltering one side is really embarrassing for him.

However, for Qin Sang, the critical situation of Qianshan Bamboo Sea is not necessarily an opportunity.

Qianshan Bamboo Sea urgently needs a backer, and the best choice is to help him obtain the mysterious slate and help him to have a baby.

Thinking of this, he decided to go to Qianshan Bamboo Sea first.

Qin Sang stood up, paced back and forth, and pondered: "Before the situation is critical, I may be able to help you to delay for a while. Once the situation is tense, I can't do much, unless I can give birth before that."

Qin Sang's answer made Bai Mao's eyes light up.

Then she heard something unexpected.

"Can you get away now, take me to the Qianshan Bamboo Sea and see fellow Daoist Liu," Qin Sang asked after a pause.

"Master Qin is going to Qianshan Bamboo Sea?"

The white cat said with a worried face: "I stayed in Xian Yao City just to wait for Young Master Qin, so I can go back at any time. However, the journey back to Qianshan Bamboo Sea is long, and I need to bypass the territories of other demon kings. I should be fine myself. But Young Master Qin is a human race."

The human cultivator entering the Heavenly Demon Hill is very eye-catching and can be easily spotted.

"It's okay if it's not a human race? Look at it like this..."

Qin Sang silently urged the chanting, and used the magical power of heavenly demon.

A pair of phoenix wings were born on the back, and the body was even more demonic, extremely pure, and it was easy to be mistaken for a monster without looking at his appearance.

The white cat's eyes were round, and his face was full of shock, "Young Master Qin was also a demon before? No wonder!"

Qin Sang was helpless.

I don't know what this cat demon was thinking, but he thought that he, like Yunyou, was also a fusion of human and demon souls.

"I'm not a demon clan, I just practiced a secret technique. Not only can I transform into wings, but I also have a demonic energy from my body for no reason. Also, look again!"

Saying that, Qin Sang ran the camouflage secret technique that Yuanzhu passed on to him, and his breath suddenly became obscure and restrained, unfathomable.

"I can disguise myself as a big demon, and if I come forward, it should be able to deter those with bad intentions, so that they will not dare to oppress the sea of ​​​​the thousand mountains and demons for the time being. However, this secret technique will reveal its contents if it uses its true essence. bluff."

Qin Sang also told Bai Mao about the flaws of the secret technique, and said with emotion: "The safety obtained by means of the outer door is only temporary, like a mirror and water moon, and a dream bubble. Standing in the world of immortals, strength is the foundation."

The white cat felt the same and nodded again and again.

Hearing that Qin Sang really had a way to solve the crisis in the Qianshan Bamboo Sea, although it was only temporary, Bai Mao couldn't hide his excitement, and his tail swayed.

"Young Master Qin, it's not too late, let's go as soon as possible!"

The white cat acted resolutely and took care of all the trivial matters that Only she and Qin Sang were the two of them, and they would travel very fast.

Even with the magical powers turned on, Qin Sang's appearance is still too eye-catching. He doesn't want to meet other demon kings outside.

They tried their best to keep a low profile, chose remote and difficult roads, and with other camouflage methods, they managed to reach the Qianshan Bamboo Sea without any risk.

Xiaohanyu and Tianxing Alliance are bounded by Yuncang Daze in the north and the south.

As Yuncang Daze moves westward, its scale will gradually shrink and become the Yuncang River, where the river flows and merges into the vast and desolate sea of ​​ice in the extreme west of Beichen Realm.

Tian Yao Hill occupies the northwest coastline of Beichen Realm.

It's just that Jiangnan is a desert, and most demon kings prefer to occupy mountains in Jiangbei as kings.

An area near the sea in Jiangbei, the mountains are continuous, and there are endless bamboo forests growing all over the mountains.

Hence the name Qianshan Bamboo Sea.

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