Ashes and Kingdoms

3-2. Old and young and

The day Phineas and Lena arrived at Nacte, the sunshine spread through the winter sky and the Orne River shimmered in the light of the white sun. At the earthen end of the shore, the daffodil stretches out the green leaves and still holds them to hide their little buds dearly. It was taught that the season was indeed shifting during the dark and harsh days, and Finn softened his expression to a whispering discovery.

but the calm light in the blue eye also shook as soon as it was directed at the Lords' Palace.

"... I guess I misjudged you"

Small and twinkly in the mouth. It was the mage Taz asked me to see from afar the other day that went through the back of my brain. Sure, I didn't think it was dangerous then. It was dimly that was not darkness, and I didn't even see it as having any more power than a crowd.

But now, when I see the Lordship Hall on a hill opposite the city, I want to question its memory. Despite beneath the blue sky, the hall looked dark and covered in darkness in his eyes.

At the very least, you could have warned me not to neglect caution even if I didn't imprison you.

(No, or maybe this darkness has nothing to do with that magician, it's something nestled in the hall. Either way, don't you see if I don't go once)

I don't feel comfortable, but I can't help it. Finn threw a glimpse into the city and then slowly walked out on the trail that leads to the hall by sewing between the fields.

I didn't ask the lord any questions about Oria and Nix's whereabouts. If you have that information, you can get it in the city. But when he finds out that he is listening around, the Senato Marquis will suspect that it is the emperor's money.

As for Finn, since I turned down the gift of Marquis Senato, I've been awkward to look at each other, but I can't go bare without saying hello.

You shouldn't be here.

When Finn said it, the funny signs came back to me.

Go into the darkness without the light? Finn, it's not like when I was already sealed up and helpless.

"That's right..."

Everywhere I go, I'm with you.

The figure remains disappeared, with signs of flutter and warmth leaning in. Finn smiled bitterly and nodded small.

But in the end, maybe you didn't have to be so vigilant. As it approached, the darkness faded, and the Lordship Hall was transformed into a normal building that was only flattered by the light and revealed its antiquity.

Few servants for the size, and poorly maintained gardens. I couldn't hear anything or talk when I was walked through the front door to the reception room. Finn looked around at the mural in a restless mood and tilted his little neck as he stood.

That's crazy. There's no mistake.

"I'm not sure either. I can feel the darkness somewhere, but if I get close, it's just for what I get close to, it seems to keep me away."

Lena's signs are confusing too. A small footsteps approached the hallway as Finn unconsciously handed to the hips sword.

"Welcome, welcome"

It was the tall blonde brown hair woman who showed up quietly and bowed. When Finn hurried back to thank her, she held words so that she could be rushed.

"I'll see you first. I am Fernena, Senato's mother. My father will be here soon. Lord Phineas, have you met Senato in the Imperial Capital? Was he a breath disaster, nothing happened?"

Finn answered concisely, saving his extra mouth even as he chewed on the arrowhead questions that worried about time and human eyes.

"You're safe. There were no injuries, no illnesses, no dangers."

Fernena relieved herself of her breasts, as she finally felt comfortable hearing the reply.

"... Really? Thank you, because after she left Nakhte, she was anxious."

(And take such a creep)

Her concerns whisper in her voice. "It's okay," Finn responded in a firm tone.

"Master Senato also had a wise samurai, and His Majesty the Emperor has nowhere to include him. My friend is here by Senato's side, giving me some kind of attention."

"Oh, you did."

Fernena was smallly gaveling in relief, but as for Taz, he hesitated to say the word of approval. Reading her insides, which appeared in the first place, Finn takes his true face with a smile on his face.

"Taz is my childhood tame. You look like a good person, but you're a trustworthy and honest person. Guaranteed."

"Oh... yeah"

Fernena looked away when she was told what was in her heart, and of course she understood. But she nodded all the time.

Earlier than an awkward silence descended, the footsteps of an army tone approached his dignity, and Marquis Senato coughed as he appeared. Fernena quickly avoids to the side and lowers her head. Senato gave his daughter a chilling glance before walking over to Finn.

"Well done, Lord Phineas. The other day, the invitation came true, but I was wondering if you were finally willing to accept the hospitality."

"Long time no see, my lord Ryuhoussenato. Seems like a good win."

Finn greeted him politely and thanked him deeply. But when he raised his face, he told me that he had only come here on his own errands, with a clear expression.

"Thank you for your warm attention. But we've come to Nakte to find people, so we won't accept your invitation, knowing the disrespect. You'll hear about this in the city, but I won't bother you."

"Looking for people," he said?

Even though he refused to be generous, Senato frowned uncomfortably. Finn bowed his head again and said yes.

"It's how an old companion was caught in a disaster in the west of Nakte. We must find them as soon as possible, and if they are alive, we must help them. Please understand."


Senato was staring at Finn, but slightly and humbly snorted, commanding Fernena with his jaw.

"Call Rufus."

Fernena stifled her face when she was treated as a servant, but wisely on this occasion she held her mouth and gently left the room.

To Finn with the suspicious face, Marquis Senato turned his emotional unreadable eyes and explained without hesitation.

"You will remember that the Fourth Corps went out to crack down on riots in the West after a peace agreement was reached. Rufus would be familiar with the situation there. Ask me what you want."

"Thank you"

"I can't thank you enough. Dragon Marquis himself seems to be a very important companion to the search."

Is it ironic or prying that you were told to tick? Finn couldn't measure his opponent's sincerity, just nodded vaguely. The fact is simply that if you're looking for people, you say you're the lightest, but you also need to correct what Hou said and make your heart certificate even worse, which is just not good.

As it was for a while, an uncomfortable silence ensued. Senato accidentally opened his mouth when Finn glanced into the hallway wondering if Fernana would be back soon.

"What is the power of the Dragon Marquis?"

"... what?

Whatever you are asked, you will not be able to respond easily. Finn blinked at his eyes and tried to guess his opponent's intentions. Senato looks at Finn with iron rusty eyes and repeats the question.

"How does it feel to get far more power than people?

The tone was quiet, but there was much enthusiasm behind it. Dark, deep, hungry (and) eager fever. I felt like I had embarked on a swirling bottomless abyss, and Finn unwittingly lagged behind.

"Not really... like I've changed, I don't think"

Manage to push the word out and make it a jetty that separates Hou from himself. But Senato cut in even further. Put a sign of mockery on the edge of your lips.

"That can't be right. Even if we don't wield the same power as the ancient wars, we can burn people down with Elesia in the east. It gained the power of a heavenly dragon belonging to the God of the Three Pillars. But nothing changed, etc. If that's what you mean, then you're not a person anymore than you can already feel the change."

A harsh blow was made, and Finn was frightened. Reluctantly pull back and admit what they say.

"Of course, a little has changed. But what I was given was a very slight force. Feeling sharper or more resistant to the cold. Keeping the Dark Beast away is the best thing to do."

"I despise myself and do not underestimate my power"

The voice of Marquis Senato descended on Finn as a heavy and huge axe.

"Whatever it is, power is power. It's both a sin to let it rot without use, and to spend money without giving up value and usage, Dragon Hou Phineas. I would have seen it in the Imperial Capital. Those who possess power in national politics, but only use it in a non-descending way. Rest in the lowly world and be ashamed, women, on the grounds that they have no power. Such fools are poisoning this country."

Words gradually turn to roar. Anger and humiliation, disappointment and circumstance swirl to the bottom of the dark. Finn could only look at it in detail. The various emotions inhaled erupt next into vengeance resentment, wrapping around the Senato Marquis.

"It gained its strength as a rare dragon marquis. Don't make it rough."

I'll take it from you.

On the face of it, it is a valuable piece of advice that the elderly have given sincerely. But Finn had a different look in his eyes and a different voice in his ear.

Long accumulated resentment and disappointment. To fill that void, it is not enough to add vengeance to contempt and anger, and a hungry hand is stretched out for strength.

Finn took a step back deceptively wanting to escape his phantom hand, breaking his hips deeply and thanking him.

"Your words will be remembered for your liver."


Senato never dreamed his inner heart was exposed, he just nodded heavily. The dark vortex fades and slowly disappears.

Rufus still doesn't show up. The air in the field is tense. Even so, rather, the Senato Marquis was in a mood that was satisfied with the situation that was putting pressure on Finn. Finn was dropping his gaze on his nail tip feeling like he had no place to put himself, but he was slightly more willing and raised his face and opened his mouth.

"As you cross, I ask you one thing. How does Senato intend to use his powers?"

Upon a straightforward inquiry, Senato raises his eyebrows slightly, wondering if he was frightened or surprised. Finn continued with the thought of stepping on thin ice.

"Your Excellency's help is still stronger than ever now that His Excellency's grandson, Senato, has been granted the right to inherit as the adopted son of Emperor Varis. How will it be exercised?"

If I could, I didn't want Marquis Senato for hegemony. As long as the country is stable, I don't care who the emperor is, Nornicom tries to be independent - that's what I was thinking, but now that I've seen the dark inside of the man in front of me, I wasn't willing to say the same thing.

(It only fades, such as a country dominated by despair)

There was no light of hope in his heart, and his eyes seemed to look only at the past. What would happen if such a man became emperor?

Senato said emotionally as Finn hid his anxiety and waited for a response.

"You want me to start acting like a nobleman? And I have to say, it's pretty rough diplomacy."

"It's not. I just... want my country to be healthy. Retrieving the land of the north from the beast of darkness will not be as rich as it once was. Reconstruction will take time, and in the meantime we need help from home countries"

"How could you possibly be obsessed with the North?"

Senato narrows her eyes softly as she tries to explore sincerity. Finn nodded deeply from his heart.

"Because it's my home town. Besides, there must still be people out there who continue to fight darkness and despair against them. You can't abandon it and live in peace.... whether it's power or not, don't get involved."


Frequent silence. And inadvertently, Marquis Senato laughed a lot smaller. A kind of twisted reverence is revealed in the sight, harsh yet warm. As Finn was surprised, Hou nodded in a resounding manner.

"Young people who are so self-centered are also rare. Do you still want to proceed knowing that there is only a pile of rubble to go? Whatever you want, you can build your own kingdom in your ashed homeland."

I scoffed that it was a reckless, unprofitable and unrealistic dream, or ironically held back that the reality was only poor and helpless land, even in an attempt to distract the kingdom - words that could be interpreted as such. But Finn felt that there were no such thorns in Hou's emotions.

Neither ridicule nor irony. That's not to say, it wasn't admired or favored. I got the complex and odd impression, as if I were recognized as a reciprocal opponent.

Without knowing what to say, Finn silently thanked him deeply. I felt like I deserved it.

Towards his lowered head, Senato continued like a soliloquy.

"Knowing that I am already sick, I will also move on to where I aspire. I don't know if removing rotten meat will bring life back."

As Finn raised his face, Rufus came into the room. When Senato turns his daughter son-in-law, he commands him to help Phineas and walks away to replace him.

Dropping off his disappearing back into the hallway, Finn stood still often.

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