Ashes and Kingdoms

2-7. Councillor Islev

The freezing wind chops my ears off and runs away. All men were hurrying down the street trying to escape indoors as soon as possible, claiming their necks like turtles and exhaling at their red-frozen fingertips.

"I'm sorry to hear about your use on such a day, brother."

The lord of the eight hundred houses hands over potatoes and vegetable leaves. Finn clasped his shoulders as he put it in Roba's cage.

"I can't resist authority."

"Hey!" Immediately protested Nellis on the side. "Will you not call people tyrants? You can't help it, because we all had a cold!

"Oh, yeah"

While agreeing, Finn turns to the shopkeeper and says, "Look." The shopkeeper grinned sympathetically and nodded, "Well, I can't help it," he said.

Nellis kicks Finn in the leg, pulls Roba's reins and walks out. Finn paid the price, and then he followed after him by letting Big Bang sneak one leg.

They were both new to their everyday clothes, which had been a long arrival, and blended into the life of the royal capital. Visitors who came hiatus at first also gave up momentarily because Dragon Hou was mostly away or absent. The powerful people are so busy. Then Finn's identity could not be broken unless he had a sword, and he could walk peacefully and safely through the city.

I explored every corner of the city and also found a grocery store as cheap as the current 800 houses. The Tenryu team is basically self-catering because they rent out a joint home to live in. I also thought about staying in a hotel, but the cost is considerable if the stay is long. If I hadn't tried to save money, I would have been collared to take out my debts and would have stopped going back north.

"I thought winters in my country were warm, but I knew there were cold days. It's windy and dry, but I can't help it. I'm losing more and more cream for the razor."

In a rough breeze, Nellis stares at her face. Finn stroked Pompon's head and protected him with a little light at the same time.

"All humans shrink when it's cold. I wear a lot of clothes, but I knew it was like any other creature.

Lena said with interest. By this time I have grown accustomed to the number of humans, I observe the life of the city through fins, making new discoveries every day to delight or surprise them. I never showed up in public yet on the boulder, but in time, I want to do my own shopping, etc., it seems like an atmosphere.

Finn smiled a little at Lena's thoughts and looked around.

The state of the Lower Town among the Imperial Capitals made me feel familiar with something a little like Nanais. The children with red noses and cheeks are playing outdoors and shouting in this cold. Around the public water supply, several housewife-like people are washing vegetables while exchanging information about Peppa and her neighborhood. At the store, he looks like a man who shops and then spills his work and home stupidity.

Until only a year ago, it was a sight seen even in Nanais. It's the natural, uninspiring view there.

Finn exhaled small and regained his nearly sinking mood. Sooner or later, the day will come when this landscape will become normal even in the north. I'm sure.

(Let's do our best)

He spoke to himself and looked up, and, uh, noticed the crowd at the end of the line. Ooh, and beside Finn, who stopped walking, Nellis also tilts his little neck.

"What is it? It doesn't look like it's rubbing, but I'm guessing it's selling cheap."

"It doesn't look like either one of them."

Finn replied bitterly and walked out slowly. The light of strong colour, visible at the centre of the crowd, caught his interest. It's not like glittering like Nellis or Mac. Not even dazzling. But something stands out, and I can tell it's not like a lot of others.

Earlier, I saw a man there. The figure is qualitative, but there was a crimson stitch on the hem of the jacket. It's a sign of the councillor. He listens to the words of the surrounding citizens complaining orally, hmm, hammering.

"... I see, I get it. We shall take that matter up on the agenda tomorrow. But the Emperor's wallet isn't endless either. I know what's going on, but I want you all to help each other out for a while."

It wasn't just a deception of words, it was a sincere empathetic voice. The grey-green eyes stare calmly at each and every one of them and do not distract them.

"As long as I'm the only one thinking about making money, making it easier, running out, everyone just pulls their legs together. Those who cannot afford it should do what they can to benefit everyone, and trade fairly and at a price commensurate with the item. If you're kicking people down, you're not gonna make it through your current predicament. Well, the last thing you can count on is family and neighbors. Put your hands together with each other, and even if one of you is about to roll, hold onto it and pull it back. As long as we do that, we can move forward one by one."

Calmly impelled, men and women, old and young, are listening.

"If I could only do that, Master Islev."

"But, Master Islev, what do you mean, you can't make money?"

"No, no, I didn't say that," Islev grinned bitterly. "Get what you need. But don't be greedy. Especially not good business like feeding someone"

"Hey, hey, I always pull my brother's hand outside. Isn't that a good thing?

A young girl seriously asks and praises Islev for narrowing her eyes and being great. The adults around smiled.

Finn and Nellis were in the mood to see something unusual and stood up flattered. Eventually, Islev cut up the story and urged everyone to get back to work, raising his back from the barrel at the store where he was also sitting. Blush your shoulders in front of your jacket, chill, and smile back at your waving child.

For the first time since then, it turns out he's alone. Councillors are probably the ones who, besides their secretaries, bring their fellow senators and surrounding citizens, but there is no one in Islev.

(Maybe the emperor said he wanted me to see him)

Isn't it about him? Finn thought so and stared seriously at Islev. He noticed Finn's gaze on the other side and gently glanced at him.

"Do you know him?"

Hiccup, and Nellis whispers. Finn shook his head. You must have never met him. But Islev knew Finn. Walk over slowly and offer one hand very naturally.

"I see you first, Lord Dragon Hou Phineas. I am Islev-Forsana-Caelius, a councillor."

"Nice to meet you. Please don't be hard on me. I was originally just a powder shop, so I'm oblivious to manipulation."

"Oh, Master Varys tells me. I hear you're from Nanais. I don't know, could you tell me a little bit about the other side?"

"I don't mind that..."

I'm in the middle of shopping, and if I'm standing here talking, I'm freezing. When Finn clouded his words, Islev guessed and nodded.

"I guess I'm just leaving. Then let's say I take a walk with you. I wonder if that's your sister."

With a gentle smile on her face, Nellis hurries and bows down a bit.

"Yes, it's Nellis, nice to meet you"

"Oh, nice to meet you. By the time a young lady like you got here, there would have been a lot of trouble. If there's anything I can do to help, just say anything."

"Thank you"

Nellis thanked her embarrassingly and nagged. Little has ever been politely called upon, lady, etc. Finn looked a little funny, but didn't dare to pinch his mouth.

As we walked away together, Islev asked Finn again.

"So, what's it like up north?"

"It was in the fall that we left the North, so we don't know exactly what happened after that. But towns and villages north of Winnea will be almost devastated by Dark Beasts. Winnea is also believed to have suffered damage while the Corps moved to Karsum and was away."

"Hmm... you don't seem to have any bright news at all"

"Barely Comrith was safe. There were ships coming from our own side, and neighboring farmland was protected, at least until the grape harvest was over."

"So it would be a good idea to proceed from Comris to Winnea at the beginning of the Northern recapture."

He said hello, so Finn unexpectedly agreed, "That's right," and then let him close his eyes and look at Islev.

"... No way, Senator"

"I don't mind you calling me by my name. Um, I'm thinking of heading back north with you guys, too. I haven't consulted His Majesty the Emperor yet. I know it's important to keep screaming for a little eye on the border in the Imperial Capital, but to see from the fragments of rumours that get us this far, I think we're going to need one politically discerning person to rebuild the North."

Islev said so, smiling bitterly at Finn's concerned face.

"It doesn't mean I'll keep an eye on your trends in place of His Majesty the Emperor. Don't worry about it. How are you going to bring people together and lead them at the same time, even if you have defected the Dark Beast with that power and defended the city? Once your safety is ensured, you can imagine what kind of noise a group without a leader would make. I have a title, a background, and I have less resistance because I'm from the North."

The tone was only pale. Don't try to tell me, don't try to deceive me. Finn stared at the side of Islev without stopping his steps. As always, the colors surrounding him are deep and clear. Finn opened his mouth carefully.

"I know what you're not saying about wanting power."

Oh well, Islev just raises his eyebrows. Finn did not move silently and continued.

"But why? The North is dangerous, and some will misunderstand you."

I have to do it.

Islev clasped his shoulders and responded lightly.

The role that needs to be assumed by someone. The duties that I believe I can fulfill are there. That's why I said, without any feelings or hesitation.

Finn was stunned, but remembered a conversation he had previously had with Valt.

(If there's such a strange person, I'll go back north with you and do the bonfire)

At that time, I was just going to call Valt's concern a concern. In fact, he wondered who in his rich country would think of such things as reigning in the north, which was dangerous, poor, and not worth just ruling.

But I don't know if anyone is crazy enough to skip the gain and take the job.

"... the situation is tough."

"Above and beyond. Otherwise, we can't think of anything we can do until we whip the old bone."

"I may not be able to protect you"

"You forget the fact that the majority of councillors are corps experienced, don't you? Admittedly, it's been a long time since I left the battle in action, but I'm not like Hiroshi Aoyagi, who grew up in a nanny umbrella."

Islev's determination seems stiff. While halfway acknowledging his offer, Finn finally said something unpleasant, just in case.

"If we talk about this, there's definitely one of us who's going to call you a hypocrite."

"Ha ha, you're being honest!" Islev, unfortunately, laughed off. "I thought you were used to calling me hypocrite. I don't care. They often use the word hypocrisy without really knowing what it means."

"Meaning, is it?

"A good deed to repair a rumor is called hypocrisy. I'm not fixing anything. Not to mention, I'm not hiding or deceiving. I guess I see it as insidious because if he did the same thing, he would be hypocritical. Let whoever wants to say it say it. I just move according to my beliefs. Don't worry about it, too. The more you insist it's not hypocrisy, the more suspicious you are."

There is no remorse in the voice of Islev, even though he may have felt remorse for being suspected of good intentions and beliefs. Is there room for those who have already gotten over the rugged ones that Finn has not yet experienced?

"I'm here."

Finn surrendered with his hands up and nodded.

"I'll tell my people about you. I know some of you will regret not being a mountain general, but you don't have to worry about your back because you don't mean it."

Maybe Islev laughs at Finn, who he adds. Then he looked back at Nellis as he remembered.

"Do you mind if I ask your daughter? One more nasty old man."

"Master Islev is not annoying. Compared to some of us, no more, not at all."

Nellis answered with great seriousness with daily indignation, then went on to seem a little sorry.

"And... I'm ashamed to say this, but Master Islev is rich, isn't he? At least, better than us. Then it would be easier and helpful to find a ship heading north"

"This is it. She's a solid lady."

Without giving in, Nellis and Finn blushed all together. I'm just a little uncomfortable when my nostalgia touches a warm human eagle fry just because I often struggle to interact with something.

Finn distracted himself from the deception and noticed the hustle and bustle of the boulevard. It's always a crowded street, but the atmosphere is somewhat different today.

"Will anyone come back or leave?"

I have not heard of the Emperor or General Glaus entering or leaving the capital. I wondered if Finn's a leading man I didn't know, but an unexpected answer came back.

"Brother, you have to watch out for rumors. Today, the younger Senato is returning to the Imperial Capital. We're all glad to know that it's not just on paper that you're adopted with the Emperor, you're relieved that you don't have to worry about your successor."

Nellis shudders and Islev laughs bitterly. Finn tilted his little neck and turned into an obscure face.

"Will you go back?"

To the unconscious twinkle, Islev, too, shushes as he roared small.

The situation will be somewhat stable with the adoption of an unmarried emperor with grandchildren of leading western figures. That in itself is a pleasure. But how is the heart of little Senato all the time? Are you taking a breath that this is safe, or are you being taken back to a place you don't want to be and given the weight of your duty?

Islev coughed up one more thing.

"Then it's time for me to go back. If Senato Jr enters the royal palace, the emperor will summon you soon. You go back and get it ready."

"Oh, yes."

As Islev gently waved away, Nellis looked at the boulevard and crumbled.

"I wonder what kind of grandson Senato is."

You'll see.

Finn answered, fumbling with prank.

"If you look good, I'll tell you."

"Because I'm not interested in younger people"


Finn noses whitewashed after being kicked. When Nellis blew out, he said, "Fool," and he just walked out.

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