Ashes and Kingdoms

1-8. Acte Attack Battle (3)

The rematch, surprisingly, was the next day. A group of horseback riders attacked Akte before dawn, in the midst of the thicket.

"I wonder if the Second Corps has become a throwaway bowl."

The reading came off and Elecia glanced at her face as she quickly put on her chest armor.

Glaus is dead and in the Commander's absence again, so I thought I'd just step on him and frighten him in for a while and crush him or turn him over before reinforcements arrive.

The horseback riders, who broke in over the earth base, are shooting fire arrows at the tent and relentlessly pursuing soldiers in underwear around their hooves.

When Elecia and Marius both led the gesture and rushed, the horseback riding squad was out of the dirt base and aligned. Shall I ride about forty? As soon as Elecia appeared, the wildlife flew at the same time.

"Sora, the hens are out in a hurry! Cocksucker!"

"Even without a general, you can't beat a hen!

"No, no, that hen has a tosaka, watch out!

"Obsessed with broken eggs, snagged and ragged!

In addition to the childish and intolerant teasing, he mocks cocksuckers, etc. Unaccustomed to the despicable insult, Elesia turned bright red with Kaa while she saw. Her anger boiled instantly, ridiculed not only herself, but even her late husband and son for 'broken eggs' and so forth.

"How dare you bastards...!

Marius quickly took control of Elecia, who was about to pop out.

"It's not even until His Majesty has dealt with him. I'll kick your ass."

Say it quickly or jump on your own horse and run out. A dozen ready horsemen follow it, and then the infantry, who only grabbed the sword and the shield, rushes to pieces.

The intercepting horseback cavalry showed plenty of room and a move to siege a few enemies.

but what has penetrated me is that the numbers are at least elite headed by Marius. At first, the superior horseman was unable to proceed with the battle as he thought, and soon broke formation in a hurry.

Throw in a losing spree instead of the wild next, and the horseback riding squad begins an ugly retreat. By then, the rest of the soldiers, although not fully armed, were armed enough to wear breasts directly from the top of their underwear, one after the other.

When the enemy finally began to lose in earnest, Marius looked back at Elecia. It's not the face that gets lost in pursuit. And of course, Elecia, she didn't mean to stop. Don't retaliate with insults.

"Let's go! I'll pick up the rest of you, line up the bodies and expose you!

When I shook up the spear and screamed, the cry rose around me.

If he fled or crushed, he was utterly disordered in his pursuit. It's almost a child fight. Try Nornicom soldiers and the enemy won't wake them up early in the morning and feed them either. Besides, he insulted the queen he worships by calling her a hen. At least let him take a blow. It won't subside. It's out of the question, I'll miss you.

But it was already the beauty of the Second Regiment waiting after the formation that finally lit up the sun with its face in the eastern sky. In addition to the dotted trees, they are arranged on open flats, with infantry in the centre and cavalry on both wings.

Nornicom's horseback squad, which was leading the way, stopped abruptly after a moment. Marius realized he had been trapped and looked around quickly, but not in a situation where he could flip right back and escape. Too many soldiers had been dragged this far away from Acte.

"We're intercepting! Hurry!!"

Marius put the infantry together in the center and laid out a thick formation not to be broken through by the enemy. Horse-riding, which would normally be the dominant force, was mostly out of the saddle during the night, so only a few were able to cope with the sudden departure.

An infantry takes the enemy's attack and a cavalry guards the sides, retreating with a little sharpening of the enemy's power. That's the only way. Anyway, they're not properly armed, and they're empty in their stomachs. I can't fight for long. Marius regretted his unconsciousness and cursed someone who was now moving the Second Legion. I was supposed to be absent from the Commander, but I didn't expect to trap him so quickly and around today yesterday.

The Second Corps did not move until the end of the formation of the Nornicom army. Even the soldiers who come late will be going to clean it up collectively. In the meantime, the horseback riding squad, who had brought out the Nornicom soldiers, slowly went back behind the line.


With the signal of a loud horn, the infantry moved. Both winged horseback riders align their feet and move forward slowly. Before the impending Second Corps, Marius was holding his breath unknowingly. The cavalry's failure to cut ahead would be a lesson from yesterday. If Genshas shows up where he's walking, the whole horseback riding squad will fall. As for this one, I can say it's easy to protect, but......

"Don't be frightened, our power cannot be inferior to them! Master Elecia is watching us fight!

Marius raised his sword to inspire his allies. Oh, and my voice responds. I just remembered that I had the help of a dragon, and my temper returned to the faces of the soldiers.

The footsteps of more than 10,000 human horses, combined with the two armies, will ring the ground. Shields and shields, swords and swords that collided became shattering waveheads and made a scene.

It is a clearer situation with more advantages and disadvantages. Earlier, a horseback squad of both wings of the Second Legion pushed back the poor horseback squad of the Nornicom army and besieged the sides. As with Marius yesterday, it's pretty wide between one horse and another.

At the time Marius bit his teeth, the familiar feeling that had already become for him ran off his spine. A flash of spark-like warning that informs you of danger.

With animal instinct, he looks up to the source of the threat. It was the same for many soldiers.

From the height of the sky, a flaming dragon rushes down like a lightning bolt. A dazzling gleam more than yesterday, roaring aloud.

The horse riding squad of the second legion instantly disturbed the formation and crushed it to scatter the spider child. That is so intimidating that even the soldiers of the Nornicom army, who we know are allies, float. Horses on the national side can't possibly cause panic.

Genchas, who saved the left wing, with Elecia, continues to fly to the right wing. Nornicom soldiers cheered.

But that was only a few moments ago.

Second Legion, central rear, from where the flag was raised, a single horseman, someone jumped out. I'm wearing corporal armor, but I can't see my face with my helmet. But at the same time he ran, the horn of the signal rang.

What are you willing to do, Elecia hesitates to attack the right wing and looks down on the ground. As he waited for it, the man pulled his reins and stopped in the empty spot in the queue.


His name was called to slap him with a loud voice, and Elecia glanced at him.

"No way!

Gasping leaks. At the end of her gaze, the man took off his helmet.

A ghost looks up at me with a winning grin.

Stunning was also for a moment, and Elecia screamed sharply.


I didn't have to put it into words and order it. Genchas descends sharply with a glaucoma in mind.

"Don't use the power of flames, Elesia. Somehow, the dragon's power is protecting him.

Then we'll just skewer him with a spear!

Glaus was glaring up at it when Reaper said it was coming at him. Grasp the reins with your left hand, and spread your right hand aside, as if trying to stop Elecia from holding her.

But - the hand was just raised.

The horn of the signal rang again, and shortly afterwards, the infantry in front of the Second Regiment put their shields overhead, except in the front row.

Marius, who sensed intent, exclaims.

"Dear Elecia!!

Without having to hear the voice, Elesia was aware of her failure.

Troops in the rear were archers, not infantry.

The disguised spears fell, and the soldiers aimed at Elesia with a replacement bow. Hundreds of dragons and dragon horses were attacked when they twinkled and the rain from the ground to the sky was brisk.


Elecia builds a wall of flames and buys time for Genshas to turn up. But I could not burn down all the arrows. While scorching the arrow feathers, more than half of the arrows reached them through the flames.

Genchas pays it off with his nails and tails, and Elecia also swings her spear and bounces off the arrow. Still, a few pieces were stabbed in the body. Above all, I couldn't continue the attack any longer.

Escaping the second wave, which strikes relentlessly, Elecia flew away with Genshas to the heights of the sky.

Dragon Marquis, who was supposed to be invincible, was defeated, though it was only dropped that he did not. The kicked second legion's right-wing cavalry is recovering early and turning to the side again.

In this way, there is no longer anything to support the Nornicom army. Out of the fear of being besieged, the soldiers struck an avalanche and fled.

The second legion in pursuit showed its full strength from here on out with the real deal. It's never easier to kill a runaway soldier. Instead of Acte, he drove the Nornicom army in a momentum that seemed to cross the Tiol River and even attack the capital of Roflía.

- That day, at dusk, the losses of the Second Corps, which entered Acte, were only a dozen dead. In contrast, the death toll of the Nornicom army exceeded three hundred, and the prisoners numbered a thousand.

The legion soldiers, boiling in the joy of victory, honored Glaus and spoken to each other.

At this point, when His Majesty the Emperor arrives with reinforcements, he thinks he may only have to take care of the prisoners.

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