Ashes and Kingdoms

1-4. Nostalgic Friends

Coming back to the windmill cape, an unexpected guest was waiting.

"Oh, Finn!

Someone is waving with a loud voice that often passes and a back of the sun that sets into the sea. Finn gazed into his shadow, but before he could tell who he was, a hurried opponent ran. And sooner than Finn shouts his surprise, he opens his arms and hugs them rough. The momentum set Finn free and he stomped on his feet in a hurry.


"Heh, it's really you, you're alive! Bad luck, you bastard!

Surprise, joy, and gratitude go hand in hand, and my voice is turned upside down. Finn was stunned, but when he was slightly and the other person let go, he turned back to me and stared seriously at his face. I can't forget, the childhood smile I grew up with in the orphanage was there. Dark hair is damaged by the sea breeze and becomes crispy, skin is completely burnt in the day, and the mumped arms are thick and successful enough to be seen differently, but the way you laugh hasn't changed a bit.

"You... right, you were in this town"

Taz is two years older than Finn, but he was not blessed with foster care until he was only fifteen. Almost as often as Finn was taken to Oandus' house, he was to board a merchant ship as a single, apprentice sailor. Since then, sometimes when I went back to Nanais, he came to show me his face, but that was just enough to count, too.

"Long time no see."

To Finn, who spread his grin softly, Taz nodded, "Not at all," and again, held him in a scuffle. Now Finn also returns a firm embrace and makes sure we're safe with each other. Then Taz looked around at Finn's companion and moistened his eyes.

"Nellis was safe, too. Really good...... I thought Nanais was dead."

"-! Now, what!?

Finn and Nellis scream in a different tone, stuck to Taz. Taz wandered and let his eyes swim in haste, wondering if he had lost his voice.

"Taz, tell me. You saw Nanais, didn't you? We left Nanice about three months ago. By that time yet, the legions had managed to retreat the beast of darkness. Then Nanais..."

Mouthfeel, find words to deceive and continue.

"I fell... I heard rumors. Did you see it with your eyes?"

By the time Taz answered, there was a long silence. I drop my gaze and say it in an ambiguous tone that doesn't seem like it.

"Oh. If you've heard rumors, yeah... you're probably right. It was a total mess. The city must have burned. The rubble, the ashes... and the temple seemed to be falling apart."


Nellis covers her mouth with both hands, silencing a slightly leaking voice. Finn dropped his eyes silently with a sinking look. After all, Nellis felt right. It wasn't a mistake.

To his darkened brothers and sisters, Taz was forced to console him with a bright voice.

"But we didn't land either. No, a few people went a little on a small boat and refilled only the water, because it was already close to sunset, so in the end, the... I mean, I didn't make sure. Sometimes, for a moment. Huh?"

"Right," Finn talked strongly, too. "I don't think that Captain Musdo is going to get screwed easily, or maybe he's just getting out and running away. You'll be in Winnea by now, or on a ship to Vertier."

"If I were to go, I'd be Winnea."

Taz clapped his shoulder. Taz scratches his head a little and explains it to Finn, who asked with his eyes what it meant.

"No more ships to Vertier. There are refugees everywhere... Accidentally approaching, all the food and clothes will be ripped off and driven back, or if they do poorly, they will kill them or take every ship away. I guess it's been about six months now. Still, for a while, I was able to replenish the water. Not now at all. So this was the last time our ship was going north."

Finn slammed his unconscious gavel at Taz, who concluded that there was no decent buyer. Was it? So Masud could not even escape by boat? Probably must have tried it once. But...

"Taz? Could it be Taz?

"Ah, Mr. Oandus! Long time no see, Gus!

Taz greeted him all the more out loud so as to pay for the shady signs. Fauna also comes out after Oandus, and, alas, he raises his voice of joy.

"Well, it's been a really long time. I'm glad you're safe."

"You know exactly where I am."

Taz smiles again when she looks like a happy couple.

"Hey, I'm surprised. Because my buddy who went to see me came back disappointed and said that the windmill was a powder mill. Me, I don't know what you're talking about, and that would be obvious, I said. Excellent liquor and women before... No, it was a place where you could buy all sorts of sailor fun."

"No way, was that what you were looking for, too?

When Finn glanced sarcastically, Taz laughed and slapped him on the shoulder, without a distracted breeze.

"Horse deer, you can't be. I'm trying to stay away from my cousin. The secret to survival. Anyway, the guy who came back gave Mr. Oandus his name, so, no way, he just flew away. No, really, I'm surprised."

"Anyway, you've come a lot"

When Oandus nods, Fauna invites him to join us for dinner. Of course, it's not a reluctant pattern. Taz joined the family without hesitation.

The building, where a large number of people originally lived, left a large number of things convenient for everyone in the powder shop to live in. Large kitchen, large pot, kamado, qualitative but large table and sturdy hips. If you're going to make it home-style, you're going to sit around in a carpet or lie in a sleeping chair and eat, but only a limited number of rich people do the same thing in the north.

When the appetizing hot air rises from the pan where fresh fish and vegetables are simmered, the faces that were rolling out to the tavern return. I don't make enough money to eat full stomach in the store, and it's not possible to just leave Fauna and Nellis with a meal schedule for everyone, so as a strange compromise, how long has it been this habit?

Nellis cut it out, yes, in a conversation without any other love at the table.

"Mother, one of your customers might come and see you soon with a treat"

"What do you mean?

Nellis and Mac verbally explain their previous daughter to Fauna, who squeezed her eyes out. Valt whistled and chilled.

"Hey, Phineas, you colored man!

"No, I'm not."

Finn makes a bitter laugh by hiding his chest pain. Unaware of that, Nellis and Taz teased slightly.

"What are you talking about, that one definitely cares about your brother! You love precious things, you have to catch them!

"I envy you, I'm surrounded by bastards and living an unhydrated life. Uh, I thought I'd change my job, too."

Finn just kept his mouth shut without saying anything.

- Finn had a dream that night.

It was that girl's dream in the evening.

Finn had long felt that he had less desire for a woman than his friends of his age, so I was surprised in my dreams. I've had a passion before, but in most cases, it was to the point where suppression or deception worked with reason.

Not in this dream.

Finn was holding an unknown daughter, mouthing her mouth, knitting her hair, and making her take off her clothes. It didn't matter what she thought of her, what she thought of her, etc.

I felt the tenderness of my warm, round breasts, the smooth curvature of my hips, the taste - all the time, I was devouring it. Literally.

Instead of dropping your mouth, stand up and eat your fangs and bite off your meat.

Feeling the same as gently touching it, it feeds on sharp nails and cleaves skin.

He eats flesh and blood like a hungry beast, his appearance turns into something alien. The nails, the fangs, the horns, the sharp, pointed, the wings on the back...

"...... Huh!!

At the same time as I forced my eyelids to snap open, I jumped. My hand is eagling a thin blanket and a cold sweat is floating tightly on my forehead.

Without waiting for the severe palpitations to subside, Finn jumped straight out of the bunk and ran out of the cabin to tumble, even if he didn't mind stumbling on the sleeping men nearby.

The tide hits my ear, and the raw wind hits my body.


I called it to the sea. There is no response. Finn held us and called us, again, stronger.


Surprised signs came back. Finn relieves the tension in a hoax and looks up at the dark sky. Eventually, a giant, white, blurry dragon flew in and descended upon the rocks of Iso. Staring at Finn with his full moon-like eyes, he blinked a few times, and as Lena leaned her little neck, she leaned over her nose. Finn buries himself in the fluffy warmth of a cotton cloud.

Where have you been?

I wanted to fly a little. I can't come out at all during the day, so at least I want to see the ocean at night.

Finn remembered talking about wanting to show the sea of Nanais once and felt a little sorry for him. At the tedious convenience of man, I was ashamed to be restricting Lena's freedom.

But the ocean at night was so scary.

Are you scared?

"Yes, because... Audia will envelop Master Narug, just as she will shine in the light of Master Deia."

Narug is the god of darkness. There is no such thing as hostility or confrontation between the gods, but nevertheless, there is incompatibility in nature. The sky god Deia is also the god of light, the opposite of Narug. But Audia in the ocean holds both of them in her arms.

For Lena, who belongs to Deia, the sea at night is something conflicting, something dangerous, I guess.

Maybe it's because of that.


I had a bad dream, too.

Phew, exhale, and lower back. When Lena also looked like a person, she leaned next to her and sat down.

I know dragons don't eat creatures.

Reminds me of a dream as I say it. That alone seemed to pass on to Lena. She frowned worryingly and gently touched Finn's cheek.

Finn, you're afraid. The part of you that's different from the rest of us that hurts other people.

Could be.

Or that the fact that you are a dragon marquis destroys and devours the mediocre, serene world symbolized by that daughter and makes it just a chunk of blood and meat.

Lay your own hands over Lena's hand touching her cheeks. Soft light appears to stain the body through the palms of the Even though I know that this light doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't burn people's eyes or hearts.

(Don't be afraid)

Finn tells himself and meditates his eyes. Lena's brightness was felt to mirror Finn's anxiety, which cut off his stray.

(It's all right. Dreams like old times don't have to come true anymore, I won't change anything)

Even now that the mediocre and serene life I once wanted has become a distant one, Finn still has a family. And Lena. And it's more about who you live with than how you live.

Finn slowly opened his eyes and laughed softly at Lena.

As relieved, Lena laughs fluffily, too. As she brought herself, Finn stretched her arm to hug her...


Unexpectedly, he looked back, caught in a strange sensation. I frown and look around suspiciously.

"What's going on?

Lena whispered in her voice. Finn tilted his little neck as he unconsciously rubbed his back of his head. For a moment, I did feel strongly “something". The signs are fading and disappearing as soon as possible, but.

"I felt like someone was watching me."

And I felt like it sounded slight. Huh, and - you know, the voice of the Dark Beast.

"Though I didn't realize anything"

While Lena blinks her eyes, she turns her gaze around for once. But of course no one. Finn had a tough eye and stared at the darkness whimpering between the houses.

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