The first thing I noticed about Finn was Fauna, whether to say surprisingly or naturally. Finn left Valt's report to the commander to take him to the orphanage, but Fauna, who was gathering the children playing outside, found it.


Finn called as he poured out of his mouth and frowned just a little. I can't believe I'm doing the same thing again after all when I say I'm dying and I just regret not calling you my father and mother.

But Fauna couldn't possibly have known he'd been caught like that. Because torn and bloodstained clothes were changed in the barracks, and there is not one scratch on the body that is visible or invisible.

Despite this, Fauna asked worryingly.

"Something wrong, Finn?

In unexpected reaction, Finn is frightened. And I realize I wasn't ready to tell the facts.

"What, what?

Though vaguely deceiving without being able to determine my attitude, I became unnecessarily suspicious. Fauna gave a clear and surprising look, putting the children indoors, facing Finn straight.

"Something happened to you. Is that something you can't tell me? If you care, stop it, Finn. You may not have noticed it yourself, but it's just like yesterday… yes, the atmosphere is completely different."


Finn looked at heaven silently and convinced him that there was more. Fauna is a mother, even though she has only been in the family for about five years. When Finn is upset or hurt, he's bound to perceive it, even if he's trying to pretend to be calm. There is no way you can escape that sharp observation eye. Because it's important that you just die.

Wondering what he had talked about from, Finn first put the problem ahead of him.

"When I get home, I'll talk to you"

I don't know who will ask me here either. It would be better if we went back to one of the rooms of the collective dwelling appreciated by the Legion, and after the family was face-to-face. However, if that happens, I don't know if I told Mac...

And, as if someone had conveyed Finn's thoughts, Mac and Nellis came across the garden. We're totally getting along like real brothers and sisters. Finn smiled at the look of the two of them, but, uh, he looked at the strange sensation. Something seemed to surround the two of us.

Blinking, rubbing his eyes, it faded and disappeared. Because of his mind, Finn was surprised, and now Nellis looked more at Finn and circled his eyes.

"Brother, what is it!

With a barbaric voice, Finn looked back unexpectedly in surprise. I just have a surprised face fauna as well. I don't see any substitutes for it to scream at. Mac is busily comparing Nellis to Finn because he can't figure it out.

To their reaction, they thought Nellis was gone, too. He hurriedly blocked his mouth and quickly looked around. There were a few children and a shadow of the temple's descendant, but they were all far away. Those who had stopped for something in Nellis's voice would not come by, nor would they move towards their respective ends.

Nellis breathed relieved and ran over to Finn. And then suddenly I eagle my brother's jacket, and I pull it apart.

"Wow!? Nellis, hey!

Finn panicked at the boulder about what to do. While Mac and Fauna were black-and-white with their eyes, Nellis let go, looking seriously at Finn's chest, which had been stripped out, and waving his head like it was incredible.

What would you think if someone saw this scene? Finn turns red and becomes familiar with the mundane. Releasing a bewildering Mac and Fauna, Nellis looked up at Finn with a straight face.

"Something terrible happened to you. Brother, you don't know what happened to you."

"I know my sister almost ripped me off."

I say it back roaring and Finn fixes the hem properly. I sighed at him, for Christ's sake, and then he whispered very quietly when he invited Mac. I don't want to open up when this happens.

"Don't tell anyone. I apparently bonded with the dragon."


Mac asked back in a pompous manner. He suddenly brought up a fairytale world and couldn't swallow it aggressively. Finn shrugged his shoulder a little and lowered his voice one step at a time.

"Lena was a dragon, not a spirit. But I don't know how Commander Dilgius will get out if he finds out about this. So make sure you keep it a secret."


Mac looked like his jaw was about to come off, but then he closed his mouth with a puff and snuck in and nodded deeply as it was. Then he made an odd look and gave his eyes to Fauna and Nellis.

"The aunts can hear more about the rarest stories in the world, right? Nice."

I pretend to speak freely, but my eyes have the colour of an honest understanding.

Totally reliable, Finn felt bitter and looked back at Fauna.

"Can't Mac stay with us tonight?

"Of course you're welcome."

Fauna responded instantly, grinned, and did so on the basis that she was not sure that there was a narrow, satisfied bed but she was young.

That's how, that night, Finn's experience came to be known by the family and all of Mac.

The secrecy was naturally understood, but Nellis said, "I saw some nagging light around your brother's chest," and it must have been exposed sooner or later to those with similar priestly eyes.

"But I'm sure people like that don't say what they see."

Nellis contracted with optimism. Ever since I became aware of my powers clearly, I seem to be gradually gaining an unprecedented sense of confidence and perspective.

"If God is involved, I think you know that it's not a good thing to listen to a pepper. Besides... I don't want them to think I'm crazy."

Finn nodded small to Nellis, who flaunted his shoulder. In her case, the family also very naturally accepted the power, partly because of the urgency of the situation. But not everyone is so lucky.

"Perhaps the scariest thing is that someone with half the power to see will notice your brother. I wish I could hide that somehow."

That, while saying, Nellis glanced at Finn's chest. Finn was followed and looked down, but of course he didn't know any difference. Even though I can't help but think that Nellis has no poetic expressiveness, I'm just creepy that I can't see him when I wonder if he's "nagging something" with his body.

"You shouldn't come to the temple until you find some way. Because I think there are quite a few people who can see."

I miss you, but Nellis said. Mac was unhappy, but I get the reason, so I nod without disagreeing.

"I'll pretend I'm studying something, too, and look for the temple books. If you can't hide it..."

My voice got smaller and I broke off vaguely. Anxious gaze is exchanged and everyone's expression clouds.

- Also, run away?

I knew I had the same thoughts, even if I didn't say so.

From Nanais, I thought I had escaped from Tetna and managed to find a safe place to live after a difficult journey. Will he not be here again?

"... sorry"

As soon as Finn apologized pompously, Nellis embarked on himself in anger.

"Oh, you're already an idiot to be your brother for the book! It's not your brother's fault, is it?! The bad news is bandits! And Commander Blur!

Screw you, my parents and Finn raised their voices to blame at the same time on Nellis, who showed me nasty gestures protruding at the signs of Blamed simultaneously by the three of them, Nellis looks at Mac with his neck clapped like a prank.

Finn stared at me and Mac shook his head in a panic, "I didn't tell you," he said. Nellis turned to the day after tomorrow, in a white-tone tone.

"Anyway, even if I had to run away, that's when. Either Winnea isn't my home town, or it's not my first time running away. And now... Lena will help. Isn't that right? We're not sealed anymore."

It's an easy win, and Finn had to smile back at Nellis, who laughed and showed him.

"Well... I don't know how much Lena or I can do. At least, it would be essential for eyes that can be seen far away and for a safe sleep. Nellis and Mac have become more reliable."


Nellis nodded proudly, though slightly illuminated.

"Master Fentas tells me a lot about herbs and how to handle them. I don't know, I still can't help you with Naina. But I can see a lot more than before. I can help, too."

"Even me," Mac hurried and pinched his mouth. "I practice swords every day. Better, don't you think, Brother Finn? Not only that, but the teacher here taught me how to read maps and spaces."

Looking at the two complaining of their efforts and their achievements so as to stand together, Oandus turned to Fauna as he "snapped".

"You're going to lose us."


Fauna also giggled, then smiled gently at Finn.

"Finn, no matter what happens, we'll be with you. Don't make up your mind on your own, like when you were Nanais. I'm sorry, I just need one of you to carry it, don't think about it in the wind."

".................. ah"

Stuck in words to say thank you, Finn just bowed his head silently and deeply. I can see warm emotions coming from everyone like gentle waves. Whether that feeling was due to the power of Lena or just moody, it didn't matter.

Whatever happens, this “family” is trustworthy. So sure, Finn looked up. As soon as


Hit the fist that was prepared overhead and raise your voice reflexively. It's a classic prank that young kids do a lot. I told Finn, holding the top of his head and looking sinister, as Nellis had won proudly.

"Book, my brother is too serious and boring!

Finn swallowed it wisely, arguing that he was toying enough. Though it caught my throat a little bit.

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