Ashes and Kingdoms

Sailors prefer adventure

The harbour of the Imperial capital Ordos was bustling with many boats under the summer sky with clouds gleaming white in blue.

Saying that the empire is completely smaller and that the prosperity of old has been lost has not diminished the trading activity of carrying supplies across the sea to all parts of Diatius. Instead, demand for ships only increases as the North and East rebuild their economies.

As in the past, sailing with escorts and loads of army supplies and nobles' luxury goods is inexpensive. Competition also intensifies and pirates flock.

But it's a world where it's possible to live up to your talents. Yes, the orphanage-grown boy, who became an apprentice sailor by himself, also became a magnificent merchant ship at the age of twenty-eight.

"Alright, then I'll ask you later!

Prestigiously, he confirmed his men's reply, and Taz gently disembarked the ship with one back sac. One young sailor entrusted to leave a message says enviously, leaning on the side of the boat as well.

"Oh, I'm gonna go play soon, too."

Then the hell-eared captain looked back and shouted back.

"Horse deer, I have a business meeting with my valued superior!! Yesterday I just got up on the boat yesterday, a hundred years early!

Ugh, a young man claps his neck and gets his head around an elderly sailor. No offense. Taz laughed a little too, raised his hand gently, and now it's time to go into the city.

After I can't see that completely, I hold my head and the young man blurs.

"... but the captain's array, it's not an important business deal. Looks like you haven't even stopped by the office, and you said you were going straight to the tavern or the flower inn?

It was the most suspicious.

They have just become independent of the merchant fleet to which they originally belonged, and although they are growing significantly, they are still small. The ship is large, but only this one. Nanais, home of Nanais, has a large trading mall, but there are only two or three other ports with offices. The bulk of the deal will not go to the port's loading yard, and if it is important, we will go to the other party's trading mall or mansion.

"Is new arrivals new to Ordos? Then remember. There are a lot of good dealers on this ship, but it's special that the captain is good at going out on his own in Ordos. It's not like meeting someone grandiose in a fine trading mall and showing off that they're dealing."

"Oh, that's a bad story"

"You idiot, you don't"

And the sailor drops his fist bones again.

"You know how friends with the dragon marquis in the north are, our captain has an unexpected connection. The shipment wasn't the only one. The captain himself said it was worth meeting and talking to."

"What... no way, Your Majesty, or something"

"Exactly. That's the outfit."

"It's a suss."

"Well, I'm seeing someone next to you, if that's what you mean."

They say it like it's nothing, new young people don't know if they should be surprised, they look complicated. The senior sailor flaunted his shoulder, watching the clutter and solitary.

"Damn, I don't look like such a big guy. Is it good or bad?"

He's been on this ship since before independence, and he doesn't even know who and what the current captain is doing in the Imperial Capital. If I had, I might have gotten a different person review.

"It's bad behavior to go straight to your bedroom just because of an important business meeting, Mr. Taz."

"Excuse me......"

Apologizing for once, my hands continue to stroke soft rounds. The white body held in the arms of the sailor who burned in the day twisted to reject, but turned into a gentle embrace immediately, a sign that he didn't mean it.

"I'd like you to at least bathe first."

Nella protests as she toys a little with her dark hair, which has been wrecked by the sea breeze. "Together now," Taz chuckled.

It was about a year and a half after the old capital of the Empire disappeared that Taz, who once distanced himself from Senato Jr. by saying, "I'm not for you because I'm easy to use," became in current relationship with Nera, his Senato samurai.

Some time ago, Taz offered his previous employer independence on the occasion of his first assignment to a single ship. He told me honestly that he didn't just want to follow the policy of the Chamber of Commerce, he wanted to have a business that would benefit his hometown of Nanais more.

For the time being, Taz, who was allowed restricted freedom in the form of subcontracting, was led by Nella to the mansion where she is now coming from Senato Jr., where she was looking for a new trading partner in Ordos, waiting for her.

"I heard you were independent."

From where did she purchase the rumors, plainly she said, and asked him once again to help Master Senato.

With the empire turned into this, there was no room for a hidden political rush, as before. Of course, the present emperor and the next emperor do not have enemies, but they are of a different kind than the enemies in the former imperial politics. He wants more than one friend right now.

"Ha... well, if Nella asks, I don't have to take one skin off for that kid"

Taz himself answered vaguely for the first time, as he did not feel the need to say no for the same reasons as before. I'm a little more confident than I was back then that I'm feeding people's eyes, and if I see how the Imperial Capital looks like it's harder than Nanais, I honestly want to manage to help.

but now Taz is one captain. It's not what I carry when I jumped out of one small boat. He dared reluctantly reply.

"But is this a story that benefits me, too?

"Of course it is. There are loads you want to leave to your ship, and make it convenient to set up an office in the harbor.... if that's not enough"

Nella said pale, and in front of him, she pulled the cord out of her tied hair. Rich hair streams down his shoulders and back, and the beauty of the sight, where it means, Taz takes his eyes off his breath.

As it was, Nella reached over her shoulder and tried to remove the clothes fastener (fibra), so Taz stopped in a big panic.

"Hey, wait, wait! You're serious!? That fucking kid, you told Mr. Nella to get that far!?

As he moved, Nella was decent and then puffy. It makes me smile like my sister watching warmly, just like before.

"Good, that hasn't changed, Mr. Taz. After all, you are a trustworthy man."

"... uh... that was tried, me"

He laughs and blushes, and Taz scratches his head with a confusing face. And added in a whisper blur.

"I don't care if you trust me with this...... honestly, I'm glad"

A solo half-way voice, like you don't want to be heard, but you want me to know and forgive you. Nella stood up and laughed this time, reaching out.

"I didn't try it, it's not Senato-sama's order. It's been a long time since I've seen you, and... it's been a pleasure to feel like you're still an honest person. So."

The following was not a word, but a talk of connected hands and hands, tangled fingers and fingers.

Since then, every time Taz came to the Imperial Capital, he went to Nera to inform him of the situation everywhere.

Says this mansion was offered for Senato Jr. After the assassination prevented Myon from being stabbed to death, he said the speech worked, or was it due to the progress of the New Capital expansion, with some improvement in security to afford popularity and housing.

But as always, the man is pickled at work in the former city hall with Emperor Varys. Very occasionally Taz and Senato had the opportunity to face each other directly, but mostly Nella brokered the information. Now she is the focal point for petitions and negotiations with the next emperor.

"Master Senato will be here this time. Sometimes you say that if you don't show up, you're not gonna be called out for a kid forever."

One hour after finishing up and eating, the two relaxed in the living room. Cushioned on the carpet, lower back, enjoy prepared drinks and light confectionery.

Nella leaned against Taz, who turned her hand around its shoulder and buried her face in soft hair to indulge in the scent of moist flowers.

"Uh, I was a lot taller when I saw you before. I know. I know. If I wasn't there, I'd feel the way I used to."

"It's been seven years since we first met... eight years. There's no way it's going to change. You would also be completely reliable and a fine captain from anywhere. Even with a beard like this, the contents are the same as they used to be, Mr. Taz."

Hehe, and Nella laughs and kisses Taz's cheek like a tease. Taz scratched the jaw of the toy as if it were illuminating, and once again he looked at his mistress.

"Mr. Nella looks just as pretty as ever."

"Oh, do I look young? Even" The Dragon's Daughter "will grow old."

Nella deliberately pretended to be in a bad mood. In fact, I am concerned about makeup and appearance, but still aware of the unavoidable changes in appearance. I'm more anxious to know what to do if a change is noticed than to be happy that it won't change.

Taz was not sure about the femininity of the mind, but he realised it had been misunderstood and said it again.

"Uh, no, I'm sorry, I didn't. For me, it means that the contents and appearance are much the same."


Exactly without words to give back, Nella dyes her cheeks and puts an end to it. Plenty of one breath solidified as it was, and then she grinned bitterly as if she had lost.

"Thank you for the pleasant compliment. But can we stay the same or not? I'm sure it'll change a lot."

"I see, it'll be cleaner," he said.

"I hope so."

Nella looked serious after she recieved it. Watch over the servant who refrains on the wall, then correct his residence and turn back to Taz.

"I have a different story to tell you today. … Do you remember the assassination attempt on Senato about three years ago"

"Oh...... yes. It was rumored everywhere at one time. The sun hasn't set yet."

Taz also stretched his spine and tightened his expression. The painful severity is revealed between the brows and in the mouth, far from the anesthesia and gratitude shown by many people at the time. Nella looked at it and loosened her eyes like she was relieved.

"After that, Master Senato removed me from the maid. I'm not a child anymore, so I'm not dressed up to be taken care of by women all the time, you said. I want to entrust the management of this mansion, but you can go home to Nakte, serving the Mistress of the Austra family would be the original cliché,..."

"No, that's what I was talking about"

If you go back to your ancestors, the blood muscle that leads to the first Nakte lord, the Dragon Marquis, and his dragon. The secret has been told only to generations of female masters. Nera was also originally serving Fernena, Jr., Senato's mother.

"Yep. If Senato tells me I don't need my hand anymore, it would be reasonable to serve your sister, Lady Efferna, next... in fact, my body over there is dead. He told me that Fernena would want the earth dragon to be free to live about the last person, who doesn't have to be trapped in his bloodstream anymore."

"Thank you for being so kind, but I'm in trouble even if I can't help you from both."

Taz smiles and says, and Nella nods with a slightly easier look as well.

"So I noticed unexpectedly. If I don't have a baby like this, my blood muscles will go out. No, more than a blood muscle. It's just that I get lonely," he said.

"Mr. Nella."

Unexpectedly Taz embarked on himself, but Nella took control with her bare hands. A sailor young man who once saw the plight of a stranger's sister and brother and popped up without asking what was going on, before he did what he had done first again.

"That's why I picked up my adopted son"

She said, look, she showed with her gaze. Taz also turned around and circled his eyes at the figure of the toddler the servant had brought in. One or two years old, I still can't even walk. Fluffy thin dark hair and daisy-colored crushed eyes as if inherited from Nella.

"Wow...... cute sss! Girl?"

"Yeah. She said her mother died of illness after being protected by a temple by just two mothers and children. It was called Lumina, so keep it up. I really thought I'd make a prank about letting you see me without explaining anything, your child."

Laughing Nella says, hugging Lumina to her knees. Taz looked up to heaven with a surprised look on his face.

"No way, Mr. Nella is like that! I'll be serious, me. Anything from now on."


"If only a father who rarely stays home"

Taz affirms in a serious tone that caught his usual plagiarism, staring straight into Nella's eyes. Nella also returned a sharp gaze to make sure she was as determined, slightly, and spread a convincing grin.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Taz."

"Welcome, please"

A fearful, sure courtesy. And then you broke up already, and let me hold you, too, cute cutie, wow, your amusement is wet, fuss.

Nella asked a tough question because there was no such thing as cowardice in 'My Son' that suddenly came down and sprung up.

"I thought you'd be happy with your adopted son, but I wasn't expecting a pleasant reaction so far. Don't you suddenly have a family and feel a little frightened?

Formal marriage will put some constraints on you, and you will have obligations to your children. Isn't it such a thing for a free-handed sailor that he can suddenly weigh his hands and feet?

But Taz laughed off that concern.

"A sailor is an adventurer. Isn't it like rowing out a new life, an unknown sea, for a new family? He said he couldn't help but be excited. Raise the sail!

Exactly, as refreshingly as a teasing and sunny sailing day, I raise my little girl high. I was so impressed by his attitude that Nella saluted him with a great deal of enthusiasm.

"Copy that, Captain!

- Shortly afterwards, I encountered the timing of my daughter's great cry and began to mumble, but that was one form of happy sailing.


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