Ashes and Kingdoms

3-5. Searcher

As he continued to follow the setting sun, Finn was feeling his mood gradually becoming depressed.

I can't find the two people I'm looking for, so it's not. Of course that's one of the reasons, but every time I dipped my hands in the sea of people's consciousness with the help of Lena, it was hard to touch the starchy beings. Something exhausted and losing light, something that boils down to anger and resentment, something that greedily strips your fangs off and aims to not prey on other people......

Sometimes things with the same light as Mac and Nellis pass by, and rarely things as beautiful as breath touch your fingertips, but that alone doesn't restore your near-paying strength.

With a far-sighted view of the tiny settlement stained with cedar, Finn took a deep sigh I didn't know. I have avoided entering villages and towns so as not to draw attention, but nevertheless, I can see that my life is so rough that I left Nakte and headed west.

Beginning with the prominence of wasteland abandoned on agricultural land that stretches outside the settlement, the street bedrock grows grass in the gap and what once seemed like a sign inviting travellers, is exposed to windstorms and decayed, but left behind. There you can see signs of devastation.

If you don't touch people's consciousness directly and use normal human-like methods to search for them in the tunnels, at least the fatigue will be lighter. But it takes time, and it's not hard to imagine getting caught up in every unwanted mess. The warmth of Lena leaning aside is my only consolation.

I searched for a few days and couldn't find it, and Finn came up with a fuss and shifted the search to the south.

If Farnayne was in the Great Forest, she would have traveled with the grownups to far enough to reach the woods with her children's feet. With Oria, or be taken away, whatever that is.

(If so, they could both be near it)

Next time, when I made several searches with hope, for the first time, Finn's fingertips were blurred with signs of familiarity.

"There he is!

Unexpectedly Finn raised his voice of joy and immediately turned his consciousness back to himself and opened his eyes. I looked around busily, but within sight, there is not a single bird, not a shadow.

"You two are way more over there."

Lena taught me in a funny voice, pointing me to the end of the street. Finn shook his shoulder in the light and looked at you.

The sun is still high. Walk away and it won't be so unnatural to meet anywhere. Yesterday, when the number of travellers has dropped dramatically, not all of them are.

Finn grabbed his luggage bag on his shoulder and walked out on his own feet for a long time. It's a long walk for you to get used to the speed of flying. I want to run away and move my legs patiently. Lena had guessed and disappeared.

Eventually, in Finn's eyes, there was a small reflection of the two people coming from the goings.

"Is that it?

As Finn snaps, Lena opens his consciousness just a little. As soon as he felt signs of nostalgia, Finn ran out unable to contain himself.

Immediately over there, he noticed the shadow rushing by with all his might, and showed his vigilance as if a little. Finn waves loudly, calling the two names. Still, the two remained in such a position that they were unsure whether to escape or not.

Coming as far as a dozen steps from each other, Oria finally acknowledged Finn.

"Phineas!? No way, why are you here!

"Good, we were both safe!

Finn threw his stuff out, spread his arms and held the two shoulders at their top. Although Nix lowered the fist he had stood on, he punched his eyes and lowered them.

"Why... you, really?

"Oh, it's really me. It's Phineas from the powder shop."

Finn unwrapped his arms and chuckled, looking at the two again. I also felt it when my consciousness touched it, but it had a stubborn atmosphere compared to when we were both in Comlis. Vigilance and fear, plus it would be because of fatigue.

You should explain it to me first and reassure me. Judging by that, Finn said calmly.

"After all that, we went down to the Imperial Capital once. So I met an old friend - Nix saw him once, didn't he? Taz, the sailor, told me he saw Farnayne in the Great Forest."

Oria takes a breath. Finn nodded at her and showed her.

"It is. He was injured, but now he's being protected by the Fidae tribe. So I was wondering what happened to you and Nix."

"You came looking for me?

Incredible, all the while Oria opens her eyes and shivers her voice. When Finn nodded lightly, Oria felt nervous or seemed to lose her strength and crumble. Nix hugs it and gently turns his back. Then he turned his eyes to Finn like he was going to test again.

"Are you alone?

Seeing the meaning contained in the inquiry, Finn hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"My family went back to Comrith by boat with the Valts. I wanted to find you... and I promised to meet you over there, whether I found you or not."


Nix gave him an oddly reassuring exhale. Finn tilted his little neck, but dared not pry.

"We're going from Comris to Winnea. Dilgius died, and now the eighth legion, Ancius, became commander. So you don't have to run anymore, and if you can, I want to make the north a safe place at all. Nix, if I don't want to go to you..."


Not to mention everyone, Nix answered instantly. Shivering faintly.

"I'm not going back north. We were looking for Farnayne. As a matter of fact... Oria's relatives were caught up in a bad loan and everything was seized when we got to the village."

"The robbers were waiting at home," Oria takes over. "Me and Farnayne were forced to be taken. My mother and Nix, getting rambled... Nix helped me out later, but my mother was dead. Then the two of us managed to find out where Farnayne was sold, and the store was burned down by fire. No one knew if Farnayne was safe or where she was going."

"... you've had a rough time"

When Finn had a painful look, Oria finally caught a slight sign of a grin in her eyes. I shake my head small enough to say that I'm okay now.

"Because I got help from Nix. So, to Farnayne, if we go into the Great Forest, will we meet?

"I don't think I can. They say the Fidae are hiding in bonds, as they say. Except for humans with special circumstances, you can't get to them when you go into the Great Forest. But Farnayne's safer with them, and she'll be able to heal the wounds slowly," he said.

To Finn's explanation, Oria and Nix looked at each other. I want to talk to you about what to do, but I'm worried about Finn's ears. Finn blinked his eyes for a while, turning his back on both of them and doing a trick to block his ears. A sign of intent to hear nothing.

We whispered to each other often, and then Nix pounded Finn's shoulder with a ton from behind. When Finn looked back with the face that was enough, Nix had a familiar bitterness like before.

"If that's the case, we'll go back to where we are now. It's not that far from the Great Forest, so I think we'll be greeted when Farnayne wants to return to the outside world."


"So... Oria wants you to come too."


"I was walking from here because I can't reach a village with a decent inn by sundown. I said if I were you, I wouldn't worry."

Oria beckons behind the voices of those who know the circumstances.

"No matter how strong Phineas is or how few dark beasts there are around here, it doesn't make you wild. You, you're gonna say the same thing, even if your own kid doesn't come home from outside play?

"No way! I'm not being mean."

"I hope so"

The conversation between the two of them is looking completely inconceivable. Finn tilted his little neck, consciously using just a little dragon's vision, and looked at Oria. A new strength, dwelling in the same rustic core of warmth as before. That's...

Finn accidentally opened his mouth pompously and raised his dumb voice.

"Oria, you, the kid?

Suddenly Oria turned her eyes round, as she was told, but immediately spread a mixed grin with shame and pride, and, yes, nodded. The hand gently strokes his belly, still almost unnoticed. Nix looked strange in the face as he lit up.

Finn is surprised and delighted and bewildered, searching for nothing and flirting.

"Congratulations, but now you can walk in here..."

"You're telling me to sleep all the time for ten months. But you're telling me? It's okay. It's funny, all the men wander around as soon as they have a baby."

Oria laughs out of her voice and pokes Nix in the elbow. Apparently her husband had the same concern. Nix coughed to correct his manners and only responded stubbornly.

"It would be natural to worry. A man can't replace his shoulders."

Oria just laughs more and more because it was a missing dialogue for what she said in the face. Nix disguised himself as a tannic and took care of his sympathetic face as Finn was about to snort.

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