Chapter 67: A Signal from Yunshan!!

“Toot! – Toot! ——”

Late at night on the Giant Gorge, in the silence, there was a shrill siren, which woke up the officers and men of the entire fleet, and at the same time busy, in the command room, Ducao, dressed in military uniform, walked in quickly, looked at the screen, and asked: “Yuqin, what is the situation!” ”

“Head of the report…”

Yu Qin held the tablet in his hand and quickly introduced: “The V8 military satellite suffered a devastating blow three minutes ago, and the tactical communication system of the Xiongbing Company can still be used, but the communication and navigation of the entire Southwest Military Region have failed.”

Ducao’s brows furrowed, and he asked in a deep voice, “What will be the impact?” ”

“If a location is attacked at this time, we will not be able to communicate and air support for several hours.”

“This is not a problem, the speed of Dawn 1 can reach any position in the whole of Huaxia in a few minutes, the question is how to determine the location?”

Yu Qin paused and said: “You can control Denuo 3 to scan the world every five minutes, if you are lucky, you should be able to locate the location of the incident, and then directly use Deno 3 to replace the satellite monitoring of the military region, and you can also build a field of vision.”

“However, there is a problem…”

Ducao tilted his head and said, “What problem?” ”

“It’s still night in the eastern hemisphere, and it’s difficult to analyze light wave data, and location data can only be accurately captured when an explosion occurs.”

Hearing this, Ducao’s brows furrowed, this news means that they can only passively wait for the other party to make a move, and even if they do not find a highlight reaction, they do not know where the enemy’s purpose is.

However, at this time, bad news is still coming.

At this time, the face of the data officer on the other side changed drastically, and he shouted loudly: “Report chief! Our system has been invaded by an unknown dark signal and has now broken through the information barrier and cannot block access! ”

“Please instruct!”

Ducao’s pupils shrank, and after only a moment’s pause, he decisively said: “Immediately reverse track the unknown dark signal intrusion path…”

“Find them for me!”


Ducao took a deep breath, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

He had a bad premonition that this time the enemy seemed to be more difficult than the previous gluttony.

At this time, in the deep mountains and old forests, in the wisdom hall of the demon castle, several high-level demons were fiddling with the virtual orb-like data terminal, and one of them suddenly said: “Queen, the Great Gorge has activated the Denuo III satellite and wants to locate our location.”

Behind them, Morgana, who had mechanical wings, looked cold, crossed her hands at her waist, and a magnetic voice sounded: “Can you remotely destroy their system?” ”

“Queen, we are Dark Signal Access and cannot perform destructive operations”


Morgana smashed her mouth, seemed a little unhappy, and said: “Team Artai, pay attention, the Giant Gorge has activated the spectral scanning, and you guys acted low-key between their five-minute scans and quickly completed the task!” ”


On the other side, in the middle of a mountain forest, an elite squad composed entirely of high-level demons was speeding up close to the ground

And right in front of them was a well-equipped secret military base hidden in the mountains.

Its name – Cloud Mountain.

Similar to the original plot, after arriving at the base, a high-level demon holding a god-level weapon such as a lightning halberd couldn’t help but feel conceit in his heart, and had to go to the gate of the base ten seconds before the end of the spectral scan to install a god, but was shot down by an army sniper, and at the same time exposed their whereabouts, and could only choose to attack.

Denuo III immediately detected the spectral data of the weapon launch, and at the same time accurately located the Yunshan base, and finally understood the true face of the enemy after establishing a vision to obtain enough information.

Demons, archangels’ nemesis, and one of the advanced god-making civilizations in the known universe, although they are only a squad, their danger level is far above the previous gluttonous civilizations.

Moreover, because of the peculiarities of the Yunshan base, they also understood the purpose of this operation of the enemy.

The Donghong 49 strategic nuclear missile, a weapon capable of causing a devastating crisis, must not be captured by the devil.

But at present, the conventional military forces have been almost paralyzed, so the male company has become the only reinforcement.

It’s just that unlike the original, due to the butterfly effect brought about by the change in the world line, the male soldier company at this time has not yet had time to gather new soldiers, and it is still the original team that attacks.

Ducao did not let Sun Wukong not accompany him, he needed to sit on the Great Gorge in case the enemy struck the east, so the success or failure of this mission was all on the young soldiers of the Xiongbing Company.

At this time, dressed in black armor, the male soldier company is quickly rushing to Hangar No. 1, where there is the latest high-speed transport aircraft produced by the Black Great Wall Project, Dawn One, which can accelerate to a terrifying speed of Mach 8 in seconds, which can help them reach the battlefield in minutes.

In the process of hurrying, Rena also turned her head to Rose and teased, as if she was enlivening the atmosphere: “Hehe, you are really unlucky, just came back from a mission and ran into this trouble”

“This is my duty, no luck”

Rose looked cold and didn’t seem to have mood swings.

Qilin on the side said solemnly: “Have you read the mission briefing, saying that the enemy this time is a demon, a force that is more difficult than gluttony, and also has the ability to kill gods.”

She looked at Rena and asked, “Rena, do you Lieyang know anything about demons?” ”

“I know them only in textbooks, never fought each other, no more than General Ducao”

Rena shook her head a little helplessly, and said suddenly: “But I heard Tianhu say before that demons’ combat is very hidden, and they like to use wormholes, like a group of assassins, one blow does not hit the horse and retreats, it is difficult to determine their location”

“Is that so?”

Qilin pondered that as the only sniper in the team, she had already begun to conceive of how to execute sniper tactics in her mind.

“Of course, there is a goddess I have, don’t be afraid”

Rena patted her chest to show her confidence.

However, Rose on the side was ruthlessly pierced: “Beli Flag the goddess, have you forgotten the last gluttonous encounter”


When Rena heard this, she suddenly remembered the last time she was rubbed on the ground by the group of big men, and she shuddered a little, and suddenly shrunk her neck and stopped speaking.

Rose, on the other hand, took a deep breath, and her eyes showed a positive color.

If what Rena said is true, demons are good at using wormhole tactics, then she who also uses wormhole combat methods is likely to become the key to the battle, and she must make demons faster and more accurate.

“If only he were there…”

Suddenly, the smiling face of the young man in Rose’s mind flashed away, making her herself stunned.

Shaking her head, Rose dismissed the abrupt thought.

He is not a warrior, there is no reason to fight, he should not be involved.

And they had already relied on him once last time, and now that the battle had not yet begun, they would want to rely on him again.

Rose, Rose, you’re really going back the more you live!

Taking a deep breath, Rose Wei’s eyes were clear and firm.

This time, she will defeat the demon and protect the nuclear bomb by her own power!

After a while, the male soldier company was ready to go, took the Dawn No. 1 full of science and technology, streaked a brilliant fire in the night, and rushed towards the sky.

Author’s testimonial: Black-skinned little mountain hare

Three more, there should be one more in the evening

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