Chapter 73: Take Away the Mountains of Gold [Kneel for subscription.]

“Looks on the wall!”

“There’s a wall that grows a lot!”

At this time, Emilia walked up to Logan and crouched down to pick up the dug up shell and said, “It’s the scarab in Egyptian legend.” ”


Jiang Bai really heard of this thing, that is, when he watched movies when he was a child, he watched a movie called the legend of the gods and ghosts translated at that time, and then I don’t know why it was translated into mummies.

There are several in total, which is about finding a place called Hamnata, the city of the dead, during World War II….

“City of the Dead?”

Suddenly Jiang Bai was stunned: “Is there any other name for this place called the City of the Dead?” ”

“Hamnata! Master, the actual name of this place is Hamnata, but because it is used to worship the god of death, it is called the city of the dead more times! ”

“Hamnata? City of the Dead? High Priest? Statue of the Grim Reaper? ”

A smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Bai’s mouth, and he guessed what this place was.

It should be the city of the dead in the legendary movie of the gods and ghosts, buried in it is actually the high priest Immorton who has an inextricable relationship with the pharaoh’s concubine Ansuna.

The High Priests Immorton and Ansuna were caught cheating in Pharaoh’s palace, and the East Window incident killed Pharaoh. In the end, it was made by the pharaoh’s guards and buried alive in the undead city of Hamnata.

Yes, it is buried alive, wrapped Immorton into a zongzi with strips of cloth, and then put it in a coffin and poured a bunch of scarabs with the appearance of a shell into the foot of the statue of the Grim Reaper.

The plot also introduces that as long as he is released, he will have a thousand years of mana, calling the wind and rain, and will bring ten huge disasters to Egypt.

What water turned into blood, locusts flying everywhere and Jiang Bai did not remember, just remember that there were mountains of gold buried under the city of the dead.

And after Immorton returned from resurrection, his only purpose was to resurrect that Ansuna, and in the end he was sold by Ansuna, which can be said to be the earliest example of licking dogs not to die well.

According to this speculation, those who Logan said rode over should be the descendants of the pharaoh’s guards in the movie.

“Come, everyone come over, there may be guests coming later, we have to prepare something to welcome the guests!!”

Several other people heard Jiang Bai’s words and did not continue to ask, except for Deadpool and Rogan, no one else actually dared to ask.

Several people sat down around the gourmet tablecloth and began to wait for the guests to appear.

When the sun was setting, Deadpool suddenly stood up and yelled when he couldn’t stand it: “Have the ability to come out and singled out!” Uncle Deadpool beats you one by one!!! ”

As soon as Deadpool’s voice fell, he heard a rustling sound, and a group of black-pressed centaurs appeared in sight. These people hold a gun in one hand and pull the reins in the other, led by a handsome guy with exotic facial features.

“Outsider!! This is not the place for you!!! ”

“This is the resting place of the dead, you leave now!!!”

Jiang Bai stood up and kicked Deadpool away and said, “If I guessed correctly, your name is Carlos, right?” ”

Carlos was stunned, how do these people know who he is?

Jiang Bai smiled mysteriously, of course I know who you are, you have also played Resident Evil, and the scene of lighting a cigarette when you are about to die in the end has a deep memory.

“Come and come, the one who comes is a guest! You are the ones in black who watched when we fought the aliens that day, right? ”

“Then you should know who we are, and you should also know that the guns in your hands are useless to us, so why don’t you come and talk, it just so happens that I have some questions for you!”

Carlos Fox was suspicious, they did know who these people were, it was this person who spoke at that time who directly summoned a large sword that fell from the sky and blew up the entire pyramid.

It’s still a crater a few hundred meters in diameter.

“Carlos! They…”

Carlos raised his hand to signal that there was no need to say: “You can talk!” You guys are waiting here. ”

After speaking, he rode to Jiang Bai’s side

“Wade, it’s almost time to pick up!”

b.ah Deadpool ran to Carlos and directly hugged the horse’s neck and began to kiss: “Brother, you are finally here, Uncle Deadpool has been waiting for a long time0 do you know?” There are bombs planted all around, and these people can be blown up into the sky at any time! ”

Carlos frowned and wondered if it was better to go to war directly.

“Come down, Wade is more enthusiastic, don’t you see that your horse didn’t kick him?”

Carlos jumped off his horse: “It’s very enthusiastic, enthusiastic to up into the sky!” ”

“Carlos yes, let’s not talk nonsense, we are here to get gold, you are the descendants of the pharaohs guarding here, in fact, we are not in conflict, you don’t care about the gold, but you are afraid of the high priest, right?”

“How do you know?”

“Don’t worry, let me introduce to you, who are the others, you think about whether to cooperate or not!”

In fact, it is completely possible to destroy these people directly, but Jiang Bai feels that he can’t remember what is under the city of the undead, only remembers the gold, but he is very sure that there are still some organs below, in case he meets the mechanism, he will not be able to get the gold as soon as he is excited.

It is better to let the descendants of these pharaoh guards, that is, the tomb guards, take them in, and they will definitely know where the organ is.

And Jiang Bai and they helped solve the high priest Immorton, everyone wins, this is the one who can do business.

“That passionate tights boy is our pioneer Deadpool, the legendary world’s strongest mercenary, you should have some impression of him!”

Carlos nodded, he did know that he had seen the abilities shown by everyone except the two women who did not show their abilities when they fought aliens.

This tights guy can make things explode.

The guy with sunglasses and a mustache was Tony Stark, the richest man in the world, and wore flying armor when he went to war.

The bearded man with a cigar in his muscles directly killed the alien leader.

And the person in front of him with a smile on his face is the most terrifying, he directly blew up the aliens within the entire pyramid range, and can also summon the skeleton sea, which is no different from the legendary god of death.

“No introduction, I know who you are! Tell us how exactly you want to work together? Immorton will have the power to destroy the world once resurrected, and although you are powerful, I can’t believe that you can destroy him! ”

Jiang Bai laughed: “You never thought about burning him?” What age is it, can’t it be cremated directly? Resurrection is also conditional, right? As long as you don’t trigger these conditions and burn him directly, can’t you? ”

···· Ask for flowers…


Carlos obviously did not turn this corner, these descendants of the pharaoh’s guards, who have been observing the mission of protecting the city of the dead or the resurrection of the high priest for generations, have never thought of directly digging out the high priest and burning it.


Carlos touched his nose awkwardly: “We really haven’t thought that we really can’t be resurrected without a corpse!” ”

“You see, can we make a deal now? We’ll help you burn that high priest, and you’ll take us underground in the City of the Dead to get gold, isn’t it? ”

Jiang Bai’s eyes changed abruptly the moment he spoke, and Carlos only felt a sudden chill behind him, and only then realized that he was not qualified to bargain.

“I’m going to talk to my people!”

After saying that, Carlos immediately led his horse, mounted his horse and ran back to the group of men in black. Logan stepped forward and looked at Carlos’ back and asked, “He should agree, right?” ”

Jiang Bai smiled slightly: “I don’t agree, is there another choice?” ”


After a short discussion, Carlos decided to take Jiang Bai and others into the underground of the City of the Dead to dig up the high priest Immorton and burn it.


“Wade! Open road ahead!! ”

Deadpool grabbed Pikachu and put it on his head and followed Carlos through the door that had been opened by the stone demon. Jiang Bai and several followed.

When I entered the ground, I found that this place was indeed built according to the use of the gods, surrounded by a high wall of huge stone strips, and the high walls surrounded the city one after another leading to the distant Yong Road.

It was pitch black in the corridor, and several people looked around with flashlights.

And Carlos directly brought everyone to the foot of the statue of the God of Death: “There is the high priest Immorton buried here, as long as you dig him out, you can walk from this corridor all the way to the treasure room further down where the gold treasure is yours!” ”

“Carlos, it’s not good to be clever, we won’t help you dig out that high priest before you see the gold!”

Carlos hesitated and said, “Yes!” ”

After three circles on the left and three circles on the right, walking through stone pillars one after another, I finally came to a place with stairs, and when I opened the stone door, I saw a mountain of various gold utensils that were shining with flashlights.

Jiang Bai took the lead in walking down the steps and said, “There are no organs here, right?” ”

“This is just a treasure room, the organ will seal this place at most, with your ability to trigger the mechanism will not be trapped here!”


Under Carlos’ shocked eyes, the gold on the ground with a wave of Jiang Bai’s hand suddenly disappeared.

It was a mountain of gold, and Carlos thought that Jiang Bai and these few people could get a dozen or twenty kilograms of gold at most by themselves.

Carlos hurriedly rubbed his eyes to confirm whether the gold in front of him had really disappeared.

“You…. How did you do it? ”

“Little follower! Little follower!! See what I found? ”

Just as Jiang Bai was about to tell a story to fool Carlos, Deadpool suddenly ran over with a stone box. Standing directly on the steps, opening the box and taking out five bottles and cans, he said, “Look! Uncle Deadpool found the matryoshka doll!! ”

Carlosson’s face changed: “That’s a magic weapon used to curse the grave robbers!” Just!. ”

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