Just as Jiang Bai and Norman decided to go to Borneo on vacation, the New York headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. was also lit up.

Black Halogen Nick Fury helped the blindfold and flipped through the documents in his hand.

“Coulson, is this all the information that can be found in Jiang Bai?”

“Sir, that’s all the information you can find.”

“Jiang Baiming’s identity can only be found on his face, after these days of investigation, I only know that he suddenly appeared at Deadpool’s house more than ten days ago, and met Wolverine Logan through Deadpool’s introduction, and for unknown reasons Wolverine has recovered his youth!”

“Without any family information, no medical information, no employment information, no school records, not even adoption records, it is obviously a clean identity that has been made up, and it looks like it is ridiculously clean that it does not worry about others investigating.”

Speaking of this, Coulson paused and continued:

“Also, do those mutant children need to be monitored more?”

Nick Fury stared at Coulson with his only remaining one-eye and said:

“It’s okay for the mutant Eden to maintain the status quo, since we have already contacted Jiang Bai, with the situation he has shown, it should be possible to imagine that we have actually been monitoring him, and judging from his behavior, it is still within the control range for the time being, and those mutant children may be able to use it as a bargaining chip to negotiate conditions with him!”

“Also, has that Amelia’s identity been clarified?”

“Sir, with the information we have now, it is still impossible to determine who that Amelia is, but it is possible to determine one thing, through Alexander. The information left by Corwin shows that Amelia should be one of the three elders of the Hungarian vampire, and the other two have been eliminated by Jiang Bai. ”

“The transfer of shares in the Oss Group was most likely achieved through vampire means!”

“There is also the yellow-skinned rat called Pikachu, I can’t find out the origin, from the information obtained by the agent, it is not an experimental subject that ran out of a company or military laboratory, I am more inclined to be an alien creature!”

Coulson grinned as he reported Pikachu’s situation to Nick Fury.

Who would have thought that the yellow-skinned rat could speak, and could curse nonstop for six hours without repeating words, and Coulson, who had been using listening equipment and communication with expatriate agents, spent a difficult six hours under Pikachu’s scolding.

Now he can feel that his mind is full of curse words, and there is a yellow-skinned image thing constantly appearing in his mind, scolding and discharging.

Unlike the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury and Coulson have worked together for many years, and the first time they worked together was to deal with alien events, the legendary Captain Marvel with a generous face.

So Coulson and Nick Fury are not surprised by the appearance of alien creatures on Earth, and even think it is very normal.

Pikachu at least seemed much safer than the Kree, at least not with a squad of alien warships to destroy Earth.

Nick Fury put down the information in his hand and said: “After the recording of that yellow-skinned rat cursing, I think it can be used in the future when negotiating with the military or those politicians.” ”

“Even ..” Nick Fury thought for a long time and didn’t come up with a precise word to describe Pikachu: “Even, we can borrow Pikachu to use it, that yellow-skinned rat seems to be a good torturer, if we lock him up with the prisoner, we will reduce the workload a lot.” ”

When Coulson heard this, he trembled, Pikachu was bringing too much psychological shadow to him, and he felt that he should go to a psychiatrist.

“Have you calculated the danger of that yellow-skinned rat?”

“After preliminary measurements, Pikachu can be discharged through the air, and can instantly melt and burn the vehicle, with a voltage of at least 30 million volts or more, which means that it is at least equivalent to the energy released by the instantaneous discharge of lightning, which is very dangerous!”

Nick Fury said dissatisfiedly: “Say I understand!” ”

“The power released by Pikachu is enough to turn a person into ashes in an instant, and even equipment such as tanks will be melted by the electric club or even because of the high temperature, and the miniaturized anti-power equipment will be burned in an instant if it cannot be loaded.”

“Inform Natasha and let her come over and contact Jiang Bai.”

“Yes, sir!”

Jiang Bai is calling Logan to ask if he is going on a trip, and he doesn’t know that the black brine egg is ready to use the legendary Black Widow to put down the blatant surveillance around him.

“If you come over, hurry up, now you are a shareholder of the Oss Group, how to say that you are going to become a billionaire, Norman proposed to go to the blood orchid you must always be positive, otherwise be careful that he will transfer your dividends to me.”


Two days later, a tired Logan appeared at Jiang Bai’s new home.

“You…” Jiang Bai thought for several words and couldn’t figure out how to describe Rogan’s current state: “Did Selena squeeze you dry?” You can try some roasted waist, maybe it will work! ”

“Rogan, you should learn from Uncle Deadpool, Uncle Deadpool’s waist has always been strong!”

Logan pushed away the sticker of Deadpool and said on the couch: “You don’t need your waist at all, you don’t even have a girlfriend!” ”

“Who said Uncle Deadpool doesn’t have a girlfriend? Uncle Deadpool has Vanessa! ”

“So you’re going to dig her out of the grave and make a bed?” Turns out you like cold ones! ”

“Rogan! Uncle Deadpool wants to duel with you! The loser gives his ass! ”

Jiang Bai finally couldn’t take it anymore: “If you two are ready to roll the sheets, you can go out and open a room, don’t pollute my house here!” ”

“What about Selena? How did it drain you and abandon you? ”

“She wasn’t used to the atmosphere and stayed in Eden as a babysitter! And I found that there seemed to be constant surveillance near Eden, and I was ready to transfer the children. ”

Jiang Bai waved his hand: “No, it should be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., your old friend Nick Fury filmed it, don’t worry, it’s safer to have those agents in those children.” ”

“Nick Fury?” Rogan once heard someone who was familiar but couldn’t remember who it was, and the last time he heard about Blade Warrior.

“Okay, don’t think about it, your brain that was beaten by Edman alloy, except for a girl like Selena, who can you remember?” Let’s get ready to meet Norman after something! ”

Jiang Bai immediately began to prepare what he needed, he had never been to the rainforest in his two lives, so as a strict Chinese, he decided to bring enough food for a hundred people to eat for a year, and by the way, he brought drinking water, toilet paper, umbrellas, drinks, snacks, medicines, etc.

He was really ready to run on vacation, and even prepared to bring dozens of clothes.

Of course, the money for buying things is the one million sponsored by S.H.I.E.L.D., OTHERWISE Jiang Bai really has no money to buy it.

Norman didn’t give money at all, and used stocks for vampire blood, and waited until the end of the year to get the first money.

So, in fact, Jiang Bai is actually the poorest of them, and Deadpool and Logan have three million to fight vampires and sell loot.

And Amelia herself is a vampire elder, there are properties and companies all over the world, and she has also received the property of two other vampire elders, although it cannot be said that she is rich and enemy, but Jiang Bai has really become the one who eats soft rice.

But as a master, isn’t it natural to have a servant to keep you? Didn’t Jiang Bai say believe me, I won’t be disappointed, Amelia’s investment now will reap endless benefits in the future, right?

PS; Kneel down and ask for flowers to reward the evaluation vote!!!! Thank you bosses for your support!! Bosses get rich and get rich!!!

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