Chapter 4: Parents’ Worries

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Are you serious?”

Fred was in shock.

Although he knew that his son had a strong personality of his own, he did not expect him to make such a request.

Even Helen, who had been silent, couldn’t help but speak.

“Son, even if you’ve already taught yourself all the courses now, you’re still a student. Currently, perhaps you do have the ability to earn money, but your primary focus at the moment is still education.”

“Besides, you’re only eight years old now. You don’t have any other friends besides the ones you met in school. Don’t you want to make more friends? Making money is better left to me and your Dad.”

Despite knowing that Helen was concerned for him, Lance still shook his head.

“I don’t see anything wrong with what I’m doing. Instead, I think that it’s a wrong decision to continue wasting time at school. Why waste time on useless tasks when I have the ability to earn money now?”

Since they already knew his ability, he didn’t have to hide it anymore. Lance wanted to make money openly and honestly.

Looking at their son’s young but determined face, Helen and Fred refused to agree no matter what was said.

How could they let their eight-year-old son take on the responsibility of earning money?

For a moment, the two sides were in a deadlock.

Just as the two sides were facing off, a sudden ringing broke the deadlock.

“Who is this?”

There was an unfamiliar call on the phone. Fred frowned in confusion.

Fortunately, the other party on the phone quickly explained his intentions.

“Hello, is this Lance’s father? We’re from the television station. We were wondering if your child has some time soon to accept our interview. Of course, the interview is not a freeload. We’ll give a fee of 10,000 yuan for the interview.”

Fred had turned on the speaker, so Helen and Lance naturally heard him clearly.

Unexpectedly, it was a call from the television station. Fred’s face was filled with surprise.

After signaling Helen with his eyes, Fred did not answer immediately.

“I’m Lance’s father. We’ll consider this matter carefully and get back to you later.”

After hanging up the phone, Helen appeared very excited.

“Fred, I think we should agree to them. Since Lance has this ability, we shouldn’t hide it. It’s better to show it openly and freely.”

It was unexpected that this matter attracted the attention of the TV station, and Helen immediately changed her attitude.

An ordinary person might not necessarily be interviewed by a TV station even if he worked hard his whole life, but Lance had achieved it so easily.

Even though Helen still had doubts in her heart, she could not help but waver at this moment.

This might be the only chance for Lance to become famous!

But Fred was still frowning, disapproval written all over his face.

“Lance is still a child. You know how dangerous it is outside. How can we easily let him go out into society? He’s only eight years old!”

“It’s just an interview, Fred. There’s no need to make such a fuss.”

Helen was sticking to her guns, too.

“Besides, he can get 10,000 yuan for just an interview! Aren’t you tempted?”

“We can still afford 10,000.”

It would be a lie to say that he was not tempted, but Fred was still struggling.

“If Lance just gets led astray like this, what will happen to us in the future?”

“It’s just an interview. How bad can it be?”

Helen frowned.

“Besides, it’s not like we’re not around. Won’t you be relieved since you’re watching him closely?”

Helen had a point. Fred paused, and he was finally convinced.

The couple argued and finally agreed to participate in the interview. This was all part of Lance’s plan.

After all, even if the two of them did not agree, Lance would think of a way to participate.

However, it was best if his parents agreed.

Since there were no problems with his parents, Lance began to prepare for the interview tomorrow.

Since he had already displayed his strength, Lance naturally wanted to show off his skills on a bigger stage.

For tomorrow’s interview, Lance had made ample preparations.

Although Lance had already planned to drop out of school, that didn’t mean he didn’t want to continue his studies.

Although he had more time to earn money this way, he, who had lived one more life, had long understood the importance of academic qualifications.

When the television station crew came tomorrow, Lance was prepared to show his learning ability and see if he could attract the attention of some universities through the media.

If it worked, he would be able to go to university to fulfill his parents’ expectations and realize his plan. It would be the best of both worlds.

Thoughts raced through Lance’s mind. Soon, it was the next day.

Although it was a TV station interview, the interview was held at their house.

After all, almost everyone was paying attention to this matter now. Naturally, many people were curious about the situation in Lance’s family.

After communicating with Fred and his wife, the TV station finally decided to conduct an interview in their living room.

After deciding on the venue, the staff quickly began to set up the scene.

Since he was at home, Lance had nothing to worry about. Before the interview, he used his computer to check the stock market as usual.

But what he saw made Lance frown.

“You can get ready to go on stage.”

The staff member came in to remind him, but Lance remained motionless, staring blankly at the computer.

Seeing this scene, the staff was a little puzzled and couldn’t help but step forward to pat him.



This immediately brought Lance back to his senses.

Thinking he was nervous, the staff immediately smiled.

“Don’t worry. Just treat it as a chat.”

“Yes, I understand. Thank you, Brother.”

Lance pursed his lips, not in his state and smiled at the staff member. He couldn’t stop the shock in his heart.

He discovered two more huge good stocks!

Thinking of the two stocks just now, Lance could not suppress his excitement.

Who would have thought that ExxonMobil Petroleum and Dow Jonson’s stocks would rise at this time?

And the returns were as high as 3,000%!

What did this mean? Even if he threw in a hundred yuan, he would get back three thousand yuan!

This was simply manna from heaven!

Lance’s breathing quickened uncontrollably.

However, in the eyes of everyone, he appeared to be tense and nervous.

They all smiled at that.

After all, he was still a child.

Shocked, Lance sat next to the TV reporter, Johnny, as promised.

This interview was still in the form of a live broadcast.

However, as soon as the live-stream started, more than a hundred thousand viewers instantly surged into the live-stream.

“The little genius actually looks like this. He’s so cute! I really want to pinch his chubby face.”

“Some people are already all-powerful in the stock market at the age of eight. When I was eight, I was still playing with mud in the fields. Perhaps this is the difference between people.”

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