After thinking for a long time, Feng Zhi finally thought of something to do to pass the time.

When Qing Feng was drunk, she remembered that she still had a few wine making recipes left behind by her master. If she were to brew the wine according to the recipe, then the recipe would be much better than the one they had for Qing Feng yesterday.

Compared to the common wine like Qingfeng Drunken Wine, they were much higher ranked. His father treated Qingfeng Drunken Wine as a treasure and hid it away, unwilling to drink it. In the end, Feng Ming took it out secretly, if he knew that she had a better wine in his hands …

Thinking about how Feng Liancheng, who had always been strict, would beg for a small bottle of wine in front of him with a soft voice …


Thinking about it like this was pretty cool.

Feng Zhi was also someone who could do whatever she wanted. She already started to prepare the materials needed to brew the wine just by thinking of doing that.

She chose a recipe called Immortal Drunken Wine. It was said that if the ingredients were sufficient, this type of wine could really make an immortal drunk.

Of course, there were no immortals on the Profound Martial Continent, so Feng Zhi could not test out the authenticity of the Drunken Immortal Cult's name. However, she was sure that the Drunken Immortal Cult was definitely not some ordinary wine.

The materials needed to brew the Drunken Immortal Tactic were extremely rare. Not only were they rare, but they were also aged medicinal herbs, a thousand year old Purple Ganoderma, ten thousand year old Scarlet Fruit, and Nine Leaves Purple Danshen …

The water used to brew the wine couldn't be ordinary ordinary, but rather, it had to be spirit water that had been soaked in many spirit medicines.

There was still a decade left until the harvest of the rice …

Just by looking at the prescription, Feng Zhi sucked in a breath of cold air.

These were all rare and precious herbs that could make a man's life miserable, and they were all of such an advanced age. If she didn't have the heaven defying space to make wine, even if she wanted to, she could only watch the recipe in the end.

Even in the cultivation world, there were not many people who could produce this Drunken Immortal.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Zhi felt like she had picked up a treasure.

Just by relying on these ingredients used to brew the Drunken Immortal Tactic, this wine would definitely bring one who knows how great the benefits would be.

Feng Zhi's interest was piqued by the Drunken Immortal Cult as she busily spent the next few days brewing wine.

The people close to her naturally knew what she was doing. Out of their trust for Feng Zhi, Long Yan, Feng Lai Feng Ming, Feng Liancheng and his wife were extremely looking forward to the wine Feng Zhi was about to brew.

However, this was Feng Zhi's first time brewing wine, even with the recipe, she had to take many detours in the beginning and wasted a lot of spiritual herbs, to the point that even Long Yan could not help but frown.

While Feng Zhi was focused on brewing wine, her Feng Family was also not calm.

Just as Feng Zhi had expected, ever since she unsealed the Dragon Pass and moved it to the mountain behind the Feng Family, there had been no lack of visitors at the Dragon Pass gate.

At this time, the sunflowers Feng Zhi had planted outside of the Dragon Pass made a huge contribution.

Everyone in the entire Profound Martial Continent knew that there was a age limit for those who wanted to enter the Dragon Pass, so when night fell these past few days, there would be a young man who would come uninvited with the goal of entering the Dragon Pass.

However, before these people could even get within a hundred meters of the Dragon Pass gate, that beautiful ocean of flowers suddenly flew out with a bunch of concealed weapons. Being caught off guard, countless people suffered heavy injuries from the sneak attacks, and if it wasn't for the fact that the people who dared to enter the Dragon Pass were all elites of the young generation, it wouldn't be strange for them to die here.

When Feng Family people first found out about this matter, he was extremely furious, but after seeing the ending of those people, he almost felt sympathy for those uninvited guests.

Every time it became dark, there would be a large number of Feng Family disciples guarding the sea of flowers, waiting for someone to rush into the Dragon Pass, so that they could watch a good show.

After watching the show, everyone would try to pick up all the seeds left on the ground.

If he took it home and stir-fried it, it would be the best time to have fun.

Not to mention, everyone knew that this flower ocean was created by Feng Zhi, so eating these seeds would benefit the warriors greatly.

As a result, the disciples of the Feng Family were even looking forward to more and more people coming to challenge the Dragon Pass.

There was also a good show to watch, and to be able to gain benefits from watching, how could anyone not be willing?

Even though Feng Zhi had been immersed in brewing wine for the past few days, this matter had quickly spread to her ears.

Feng Zhi was a stubborn person to begin with, but when she saw that her whim had actually added another entertainment to the disciples of Feng Family, she immediately calculated and went to whisper to Feng Tianqiong for an entire afternoon.

After that, Feng Family was announced to all Profound Martial Continent s. Dragon Pass are already in the control of the Feng Family, and all practitioners above the age of twelve and under twenty-five in the entire continent can try to charge into the Dragon Pass. Of course, although Feng Family are willing to open their Dragon Pass, there is a small price to be paid.

When these words came out, the entire Profound Martial Continent nearly boiled.

From the moment Dragon Pass appeared, it had always been controlled by the ten great families. Only the disciples of the ten great families had the chance to enter, and there was only this kind of opportunity once every fifty years.

But now, after the Feng Family had gained control of the Dragon Pass, they were actually willing to reveal the Dragon Pass to the outside world, so long as they had the ability to charge in?

To those young people who were ambitious for a higher level in Profound Martial Continent, this was simply like a filling that had fallen from the sky. How could they not rush to the Feng Tian City with their fastest speed?

Compared to that, what was the price one had to pay to break through Dragon Pass?

When the Feng Family was announced, within a few days, the entire Feng Tian City became much more lively, and in addition, it became more and more lively. In the end, even an inn that had been running all over the Feng Tian City was definitely unable to find a single empty room, so these youths that had continuously swarmed towards the Feng Tian City could only helplessly go to the Feng Tian City's house to stay, and as for those who came late, they couldn't even borrow a room from a commoner's house, and could only bring their own tents.

The more people there were, the more things they would need to spend.

The Feng Tian City was also equivalent to a private property of the Feng Family. This way, it would be equivalent to the people who came to earn income for the Feng Family. The Scarlet Phoenix Auction House would even hold an auction every day, which was much more lively than before.

Just a small thought from Feng Zhi was actually able to cause such a huge change in her Feng Tian City.

Let alone the ordinary disciples of Feng Family, even Feng Tianqiong, who had issued a public announcement to the Profound Martial Continent, did not expect such a result at all.

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