306. What kind of style is this going to spread?

Look like this.

Raikage is determined to teach Ron a lesson.

After all, as the leader of a village.

It was ignored by others.

This is not just a personal humiliation to him.

Or ignoring his entire village?

As the leader, this situation is not allowed in any case.

If it spreads out.

He was dignified by a Raikage who was ignored by a kid in the village of Konoha.

Where does his reputation go?

How should Leiyin Village deal with it?

This is not just his personal problem.

It’s about the face of his entire village.

So anyway?

There must be a lesson to Ron this time.

“Hey, Raikage.

“This kid is weird.”

“It’s better for you to be more careful.”

Suddenly Shui Ying realized that something was wrong.

The expressions of the people around are really weird.

It stands to reason that they should be very nervous at this time.

But this is not the case now.

Not only are they not nervous.

On the contrary, he looked like he was happy to see it happen.

This is really something wrong.

It seems that they are confident in this kid named Ron.

This is impossible!

This guy is a forbearance at best.

There are tens of thousands of people in one village.

What’s so surprising.

Haven’t heard of any Xia Ren who can beat a shadow-level powerhouse?

Where are they emboldened?

Shui Ying frowned.

Originally didn’t want to remind Raiking.

But after all, the two of them came together, so it is still necessary to remind.

The movie heard Shui Ying say so.

Of course he knows how powerful it is.

But the arrow had to be sent on the string.

If you take a step back now.

That would be a shame.

Raikage can be foreseen.

It won’t take long for this incident to spread throughout the ninja world.

By then, Leiyin Village would be a joke.

Will be laughed at by all ninjas.

Raikage can’t afford to lose this person.

If others knew that he was frightened by a child.

This is really embarrassing and lost home.

“Okay, shut up, I see.”

“But this matter is not so easy.”

“Don’t be frightened by the bluff of Konoha Village.

“Isn’t it just a forbearance?”

“I don’t believe he can even turn the flowers.

Rai Ying clenched his fist, his fingers creaked.

While walking towards Ron.

Proposal for water shadow.

Did not pay any attention.

Instead, he stared at Ron deeply.


“You kid.”

“Who gave you such a bravado?”

“Or is your popularity with Konoha not good?”

377 This group of people are watching here, and they won’t call you some helpers. ”

It seems “They don’t care about your life or death.

“It’s really a bit miserable to be mixed like this!”

Lei Ying Groo said.

Ron just shook his head faintly, then said with a smile.


“Do they think you can’t beat me?”

Lei Ying was stunned when he heard this sentence.

Then he snorted and laughed.

1 more,

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