Armor Frenzy

Chapter 911: unfold smoothly

The hot potato was in my hand, and I couldn't even send it out. Not a single one of the ten or so members of the political work team did not regret it, and more than half of them retreated. There must be more than one or two who are picking up.

But it's too late to regret and embarrassed again, and now, I can only bite the bullet and rush up!

The political work team who learned the actual situation immediately withdrew to the base, and everyone gathered in the restaurant to discuss countermeasures. That night, the lights in the restaurant were on all night...

It's not that the political work team discussed it all night, but after the discussion, everyone was so tired that they forgot to turn off the lights when they left the restaurant.

In response to the special circumstances of the diehards, the political work group formulated a set of work plans overnight. The core of this plan is to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. The first step is to convene a group of diehards to carry out ideological work indiscriminately and carefully in the process of ideological education. Observe and distinguish according to each person's different situation.

Those who have made the fastest progress and are likely to enter the self-thinking stage in a short period are divided into one group; those who have made rapid progress and may change in the short and medium term are divided into one group; those who have made average progress and need a longer time to transform are another group; those who are stubborn, Those who do not see hope are grouped again.

All in all, they are divided into categories and levels, and even if only a part of the servants can be transformed, the resistance organizations can see the hope of transforming the diehards.

It's just that although the plan has been made, all the members of the political work team are counted as one, and they all hold the mind of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and half of them who are truly confident cannot be found.

What makes the political work group even more depressing is that they can say whatever they want, and the content to persuade the diehards must pass the review of the resistance organization!

This move is simply worse, but there is nothing wrong with the resistance organization doing this. If they exchange positions, humans will only do it more thoroughly than the resistance organization.

On the second day of the airborne, the work of the political work team was difficult. Everyone clearly remembered that that day was October 20, 2028.

Many years later, when the political workers who participated in the transformation of the diehards recalled the past of Io Zero, they were still filled with emotion over the difficulties of those years.

Later that day, the transport ship that set off two days earlier than the engineering ship finally flew to Io. The transport module just cut into the orbit around Io, and started to forward the communication signal and released a batch of communication satellites. , In this way, even if the transport ship goes behind Jupiter Zero, the communication signal between Earth and Io Zero will not be interrupted.

At this point, the first human station stationed in Io zero space station was officially opened. In order to be more formal, Beidu also temporarily named the space station Tianhe.

The reason for the temporary name is that this transport ship can fly away at any time. Once it leaves Io Zero, the name Tianhe no longer belongs to this transport ship.

After the completion of the airdrop mission, the engineering ship has been parked on the outer surface of Io Zero, temporarily serving as a shelter for the technicians. After the Tianhe was put into use, the engineering ship immediately transferred the technicians to the Tianhe, and then the engineering ship with complete merits set off. Return.

After Beihai handed over a batch of weapons and equipment to Yushan and Tianhe, it was also ordered to withdraw, leaving only Tianhe and Yushan outside Iowei's zero orbit.

However, this is only temporary. Just two days later, another engineering ship arrived on time, bringing not only the equipment for the second phase of the advance base, but also the second batch of technicians.

The first thing the second engineering ship did when it arrived was to drop the equipment into the air. The initial construction of the forward base only stopped for a few days before the construction of the second phase of the project began.

This time there was a little more cabins. Ye Han took the soldiers and a group of aliens for two hours to complete the work, plus the time for acceptance testing, which took more than four hours in total.

After the completion of the second phase of the project, the advance base has more than doubled in size and can accommodate more than 100 people for long-term work and life. The time to continue airborne is ripe.

So later that day, the Tianhe sent the first batch of technicians to Io Zero and became the second batch of residents of the advance base.

No one intends to keep technicians on the space station. If that's the case, Beidu doesn't have to send people over at all. What's the difference between staying in Beiyuezhou and watching videos on Tianhe?

The technical delegation was more active than the military delegation. After landing, they immediately shouted to see the engine that would work. They wished they could eat a fat man and complete the reverse mapping of the planetary engine immediately.

It was too late today, Ye Han said something, finally stopped the excited expert group and persuaded them to contact the resistance organization again tomorrow... Ye Han not only wanted to protect the safety of the experts, but also urged them to rest on time. He secretly laughed at himself several times. When he came back, he said that he came to Io to be a nanny.

This nanny is not easy to be, and the experts who can participate in the technical delegation can't say that they are industry leaders, at least they are real experts, they are the kind of people who carve the importance of technology into their In the selection of personnel, Beidu also racked their brains. As soon as the news of the recruitment of technical experts was released, Beidu was immediately inundated with applications from all over the country.

That is to cooperate with aliens, to study the super equipment of aliens, and to be able to meet such an opportunity with technology, it is simply a blessing from a previous life plus a previous life!

But this is not something that anyone can go to if they want, and Beidu must consider it completely.

The top technical experts are strategic resources, and they cannot be sent to the crisis-ridden place of Iowei no matter what; senior experts are also rare talents, and Beidu is also reluctant; but the middle-level and below are worried that their skills are insufficient and cannot take on big responsibilities. .

In addition, experts in important positions, experts with important research topics, and experts who are not physically fit are excluded. It is impossible to stop domestic projects in order to study extraterrestrial equipment.

In order to participate in the cooperation project, all the experts and scholars who are qualified to participate in this project have to spend all their time, entertaining guests and giving gifts, and various means emerge in an endless stream.

Beidu struggled for a long time, and finally selected a group of people, among which there were only a few high-level experts, and they were required to stay on the Tianhe, and they were absolutely not allowed to land on Io Zero.

Those who are engaged in technology have a bit of a bad temper, but if you don't accept this, you are not allowed to enter the technical team.

Those who have a chance to land are at a lower level, and even if they lose it, they will not hurt their muscles and bones.

As for those experts who didn't have the chance to reach Io Zero in person, they must be appeased. Beidu called them together in the name of studying alien technology. The research topic was to replicate the planetary engine based on the data returned by Tianhe.

Of course, this is only a long-term expectation. The first task of the research group is to figure out the working principle of the planetary engine as soon as possible.

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