Armor Frenzy

Chapter 905: whimsical

Li Shili exclaimed in surprise: "Is there such a thing?" In his impression, missiles have always been a major killer of the military, and he never thought that the military would give up missiles one day.

It's not that Li Shili is ignorant, but that all the battles between the military and the aliens are military secrets. Only the winners and losers are disclosed to the public. The details of the battle are rarely mentioned, even if he is a senior official in the northern capital, he is not within the scope of knowledge.

Ye Han showed a helpless expression: "The space is too big, and the speed of the missile is too slow, and the cucumbers and vegetables are cold when they fly, and it takes a lot of effort to hit a few shots every time. If you want to increase the hit rate, you must close the distance, there is no cover in that place, there is no other way than to rush up against the enemy's firepower, and it is not much different from filling in with human life."

Ye Han didn't know yet that he inadvertently leaked some secrets to Li Shili.

Li Shili looked stunned: "It turned out to be like this..."

Ye Han said again: "If you want me to say, if the aliens want to know how the nuclear bomb was made, it is better to find a way to tell them directly!"

"What?" Li Shili was so shocked that his eyes almost didn't pop out. He looked at Ye Han as if he was looking at someone rape, "You don't have a fever, right?"

He, Li Shili, is not a professional soldier. He knows that nuclear weapons play a pivotal role in the sequence of human weapons. Giving the manufacturing method of nuclear weapons to aliens is tantamount to sending out the artifacts of the country. This is no longer a traitor to the country. !

"I'm normal!" Ye Han smiled calmly, "It's incredible?"

Li Shili nodded frankly: "I think you're going crazy!"

Ye Han smiled happily: "Don't you all have very good brains when it comes to politics? Why can't you even figure this out?"

"I can't figure it out." Li Shili looked like a dog, "What the **** are you thinking?"

"It's very simple!" Ye Han laughed, "Nuclear weapons are not that simple. If aliens want to build nuclear weapons, they must first develop the entire nuclear industry, including mining, screening, separation, and various supporting equipment. The whole is an industrial system. , Those aliens deal with bugs all day long, how much resources do you think they spend to get them all out?"

Is the principle of nuclear weapons simple or not? The principle is of course very simple, but knowing the principle does not mean that nuclear weapons can be created. With so many countries on the earth, how many can create nuclear weapons?

"I know what you think, do you think that after the aliens get nuclear weapons, they must invest a lot of manpower and material resources, and the finished product is restrained by our warships. In this way, the aliens take advantage of our advantages. than, right?"

Ye Han nodded immediately: "That's what it means."

"This idea of ​​you is very dangerous!" Li Shili immediately shook his head, "You also know that aliens like to play with bugs, but you don't think about it, even servants can use bugs to eat the radiation soil layer, don't nobles even have the ability to do this? You Have you ever thought about it, what would happen if aliens could use bugs to mine?"

A few aliens and a few bugs immediately appeared in Ye Han's brain. The bugs drilled into the ground and quickly devoured the uranium ore. After they were full, they returned to the ground and pulled out a mass of uranium metal, and even directly smashed uranium-235 and uranium. Two stacks of uranium 238...

He couldn't help swallowing: "I just think that aliens will definitely not be able to build nuclear bombs without consuming a few resources. How can nuclear bombs be easier to deal with than starships?"

Li Shili's words were loud: "Do you think aliens are fools? Can they be stupid enough to use nuclear bombs to deal with us? No wonder, let me tell you, aliens don't know nuclear principles, even if they know what fusion fission is, they will definitely be able to do it. Something we can't think of, just wait and see if you don't believe it!"

Ye Han retorted weakly: "Can't you?" He finally came up with such an idea. Even if he knew that Bei would not be able to do it, he still felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. Imperfect body.

Li Shili said impatiently: "What can you do, just be honest with me... Then what, what does Zeng Rui mean?" He tapped his chest with his fingers.

"Five words!" Ye Han stretched out a hand, "Production line, population."

Li Shili frowned: "Is this the unspeakable condition?" The doubt in his mind was like a fragile eggshell, which was instantly shattered by these words, as if a door was opened in his heart.

Ye Han said: "If he wants to spread other news, he can't get stuck at that juncture."

There was a cold light in Li Shili's eyes: "The production line and the population... Hehe, according to this, there is no servant production line on the Miwei Zero?"

"It should be like this... There is another possibility that the nobles destroyed the production line when they escaped, otherwise why wouldn't the resistance organization rush to negotiate with us?" Ye Hanzan guessed.

"The abacus is quite loud." Li Shili sneered, "Is the production line so easy to handle? It's too Ye Han chuckled: "The resistance organization is too tender. "

"Don't say they can't hold it, what's the use of grabbing it?" Li Shili curled his lips in disdain. "Their vision is too shallow."

Although the resistance organization has occupied Iowei, the servants are all made by production lines, not naturally born. No matter how many servants there are on Io, they will only gradually be consumed, and the existing population will only decrease. Increase.

However, if the resistance organization wants to develop and grow, the population is an unavoidable knot. Since natural reproduction is not possible, the only way to increase the population is to grab the production line from the nobles.

The solution is very simple, that is to master a production line of servants, and produce servants continuously, but is the production line so easy to grab?

Regardless of Ye Han or Li Shili, they all have a very clear understanding on this point - the servants are the slaves of the nobles at first glance, they are the bottom of the alien society, the cannon fodder of the alien armed forces, but they have no political sense. Status, from a human point of view, servants do not even have the most basic human rights.

But the number of servants is very large, and they are indispensable to all walks of life. They are responsible for the bottom-level work in all aspects of the alien society and are an important foundation of the alien society. If there are no servants, the alien society may not collapse, but it is definitely Not functioning properly.

In other words, the servants are not insignificant, but occupy an important position in the alien society, but the importance of the servants has never been revealed, at least the servants themselves do not know this.

One of the important means for the nobles to control the servants is to destroy the "old" servants and replace them with new and old servants.

In this case, maintaining the production line is to maintain the normal order of the alien society, and the status of the production line in the alien society can be imagined.

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