Armor Frenzy

Chapter 894: initiative

The situation on the ground is a bit funny. The aliens stretched all the legs of the gem worm, and the six worm legs formed three superimposed one-word horses. On the ground, no matter how hard the gem worm struggled, it was useless.

The bundled shape of the gem bug reminded Ye Han of the perverted hobbies of the Japanese.

The short alien was squatting in front of the gem worm, and poked his fingers on the gem worm's forehead. A dazzling flash will be emitted.

Before, everyone thought that the flash of light on the ground was something like a mirror reflecting sunlight. Until they saw this scene, no one knew where the flash came from.

Everyone has a strange feeling in their hearts - the aliens really use the bugs to the limit, and they can't even send a light signal without the bugs.

Observation found that the gem worm was very unhappy. The short alien pokes the finger with a little less force, and the luminosity will drop immediately.

And glowing seems to be a very heavy burden. There is an alien who keeps sending food into the insect's mouth. As long as he moves a little slower, the intensity of the flash will also drop significantly.

Li Shili suddenly showed a smile: "Aliens are quite thoughtful, Captain Ye, what do you mean by them?"

Ye Han shook his head: "I don't know what the alien thinks, I only know that he is ours."

"You mean that short guy?" Li Shili remembered the top-secret information he had read before he set off, and suddenly he was stunned, "Is he the military doctor?"

"It should be." Ye Han said, "The prisoners who fell into the hands of the aliens have turned into this kind of appearance."

Li Shili sucked in a breath: "How strong does a heart have to be to withstand this change?"

"I don't know." Ye Han replied the same way, "I just know that if I turned into such a ghost, I would definitely not be able to live long ago."

"This is really..." Li Shili suddenly froze halfway through the sentence, "The alien asked him to send a signal, this means he knew we were here and wanted to contact us, right?"

"I think so too." Ye Han nodded.

Seeing the scene on the screen, he understood what the aliens meant. And Li Shili didn't realize that the short man was a prisoner after transformation, so it's not surprising that he didn't realize that.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Li Shili immediately regained his spirit, "Hurry up and reply with a message!"

Ye Han said helplessly: "I'm thinking about how to respond to the signal."

Li Shili was stunned: "Isn't it the end of the direct response to the light signal? It still takes thinking?"

"What should I use?" Ye Han immediately asked back, "Laser cannon or flashlight?"

Li Shili looked puzzled, and then suddenly realized: "I see no problem. The aliens sent a signal at this time. They must know that we are here, can see the spacecraft, and can't see the light signal on the spacecraft?"

The position where Zeng Rui sent the signal was during the daytime of Io Zero, and the flash from outer space had to reach a certain intensity before it could be seen by aliens on the ground.

The light signals between warships are generally transmitted through lasers. There is no such thing as a strong light at all. Can't a high-energy laser shine on the ground?

That's not called signaling, that's called provocation!

Ye Han sighed: "I know that aliens can see, but what aliens can see doesn't mean that they can also see on the ground. I hope to communicate directly with Zeng Rui instead of letting aliens take over and answer."

The light signal sent by Zeng Rui is very regular. Any marine who sees this signal will understand that this is a preparation signal before the official communication. As long as they receive the response from the fleet, they can start a formal communication.

"Then what? Wait for the night?"

"Either wait for the night, or wait a little closer and drop a set of communication equipment." Ye Han said the most suitable solution.

The formation is still two days away from Io. The light signal can be transmitted without hindrance, but the communication equipment will definitely not be able to be airdropped, so we can only continue to wait.

Li Shili nodded thoughtfully: "Captain Ye, we just got here and the aliens can't wait. What do you think they want to do?"

Ye Han was stunned, he didn't think about it at all, and he didn't know how to answer. He hesitated before saying, "Is Zeng Rui in a hurry to contact us?"

"I don't think so." Li Shili said, "Do you think Zeng Rui can command aliens?"

"Of course not." Ye Han shook his head.

"Isn't that enough?" Li Shili pointed to the screen, "You have to ask for something, and the aliens take the initiative to negotiate, and they are eager to contact us. There must be some requirements that we can't figure out... Well, since it is The aliens are begging us, we must hold it!"

Ye Han suddenly realized: "You mean to let them hang for a while?"

He doesn't understand negotiation skills, but this simple truth is not too In other words, the aliens are too eager, and doing so is equivalent to directly handing over the initiative of negotiation to humans. inside.

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Captain Li, do you think Zeng Rui made this?"

Li Shili thought about it for a while and nodded: "It's not impossible, but Captain Ye, I must remind you that although Zeng Rui was once your comrade-in-arms, he has been captured by aliens for so long, and he has become like this. It's hard to say whether he is still facing us in his heart... I'm not trying to sow discord, it's just that people's hearts are unpredictable, you and I have heavy responsibilities, you must be careful, and you must not be emotional."

"Don't worry, I won't." Ye Han replied in a deep voice.

He didn't want to see his former comrades betray humanity, but he knew more about the serious consequences of believing in a traitor. Even without Li Shili's reminder, he would not believe in Zeng Rui without reservation—if he really was Zeng Rui if.

"That's good." Li Shili showed a satisfied look, "I am half-assed about military matters. I only care about negotiating, and you can decide the rest."

Li Shili took the initiative to clear the authority, and immediately won Ye Han's favor, he immediately nodded to express his understanding: "I will cooperate fully."

Beidu has long clarified the powers and responsibilities of Ye Han and Li Shili. Li Shili, the negotiator, is only responsible for negotiating, and Ye Han will make up his mind on fleet or military issues.

But that being said, in fact, Li Shili, the negotiator, is a bit higher in rank than Ye Han, and the official top level crushes people. If Li Shili makes unreasonable demands, Ye Han's situation will be very embarrassing.

It is impossible for Ye Han to agree to Li Shili's overstepping request, but if he refuses, he will offend the high official of the Northern Capital. As a high-ranking official of the Northern Capital, which one is not a hand and an eye to the sky? There must be an intricate network of relationships around, and there are ways to embarrass Ye Han. No matter how you look at it, it is Ye Han who suffers in the end.

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