Armor Frenzy

Chapter 745: smooth sailing

745 smooth sailing

On the second day of New Year's Day, the African operation was officially launched. (#¥)

The multinational army radiated in all directions with the airport as the center. The soldiers went deep into the jungle to search for ant nests, poured poison and smoked water, and used various methods to eliminate the ant nests.

The giant ants near the advance base are almost dead, and there is basically no danger, but the distance is a little farther, and the number of giant ants has doubled and increased, as if there is nothing else in this world except giant ants.

The climate in Africa is hot, and giant ants do not have the habit of hiding in their nests. Every time they set off, the soldiers have to face the siege of a large number of giant ants. Sometimes they even have to drive the poisonous smoke all the way to move forward smoothly. , Even satellites can see the smoke trails coming out of the rainforest, with the exception of the rainstorm time every afternoon.

The rainstorm has brought many troubles to the multinational troops. As long as the troops who go out have finished their lunch, they will immediately find a suitable place to camp. The principle of choosing a camp is to be able to shelter from the rain, and at least one that can block the rain. The place, in any case, cannot be directly exposed to heavy rain.

Only when the rainstorm is blocked, the armored vehicle can release poisonous smoke to ensure that the team is not besieged by giant ants.

Fortunately, Moroda lacks everything, and there is no shortage of virgin forests. The tropical rain forest trees are dozens of meters high, and the layered canopy blocks the sky and the sun. Although it cannot block the rainstorm like a big umbrella, it can reduce the density of the heavy rain. Can't even let out the poisonous smoke.

If there were no poisonous smoke bombs, the troops who went out would have to fight the giant ants to the death in the torrential rain of more than two hours, and the ammunition of the car would not last that long at all. Unless the Space Fleet is called to **** them all the way, three or five giant ants will gather together and have the ability to overturn armored vehicles.

Armored vehicles are not as fragile as civilian vehicles, and it doesn't matter if they roll over. At most, the equipment on the roof will be damaged, and the people in the car are not at all dangerous.

However, after the armored vehicle overturned, the various weapons on the roof were all useless, which was equivalent to disarming the armored vehicle. The giant ants could roam around the armored vehicle without worrying about the attack of the armored vehicle.

The solution to this trouble is also very simple, as long as the soldiers get out of the car and straighten the armored car - the car's instruments are fragile, but the quality of the turret will not be damaged by the overturning of the car.

At that time, only one poisonous smoke bomb is needed to disperse the ant colony, but the question is how can the giant ants watch the soldiers righting the armored vehicle?

After the two teams were taught by giant ants, the US military was forced to issue a ban on outbound troops, that is, as long as there were giant ants near the armored vehicle, no one could leave the armored vehicle without authorization.

Such an order was a joke, and Thomas felt that he had become the laughing stock of the multinational force.

No one in the multinational force laughed at him, no one knew, but after the news reached the Fang base, the officers and soldiers in the base were not less gloating about the misfortune. The good officers and soldiers also made up this matter into a joke, to the effect that if it weren't for the giant ants Do not accept prisoners, and the trapped U.S. military has already surrendered to the giant ants.

However, this matter is not funny to the parties involved. The overturned armored vehicle cannot be left alone, and support troops must be dispatched to rescue the trapped troops.

Faced with this thorny situation, the U.S. military finally decided to start with air support, and simply applied for a batch of armed helicopters. Wherever there was a problem, the planes dropped poisonous smoke bombs to cover the soldiers to come out to straighten the armored vehicles.

However, the distance of the mission was getting farther and farther, and the problem of the helicopter's short legs and slow speed became more and more prominent. Thomas had to send another batch of fixed-wing aircraft to the advance base.

The more technical equipment is put into the battlefield, the greater the logistical pressure on the multinational force. The transport aircraft group is flying around the clock, but it can only barely guarantee the supply of materials. Thomas had to apply for more transport aircraft from the Pentagon.

The U.S. military's response plan is their best combat method, and it can be said to be incompetent, but this plan has been approved by Ye Han and others as incomplete.

Isn't it poisonous? Have you run out of helicopters and then fighter jets? Install a smoke generating device directly on the left and right sides of the armored vehicle or even on the bottom of the vehicle, doesn't everything solve it?

Ye Han really doesn't understand how long Yankee's brain circuits are. Could it be that the American mind has become so rigid?

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, the multinational force managed to straighten out the context of African operations little by little, and not only formed a set of effective tactical methods, but also rationally optimized logistical supplies.

Thomas also had the idea of ​​opening up a land line of communication, but the straight-line distance between the two places is more than 2,000 kilometers, spanning several countries and large areas of rainforest. In addition, the transportation in Africa is originally underdeveloped, and the straight-line distance is converted into an actual distance. .

Moreover, there were no people along the way, but there were ant nests everywhere. Not only did they not get any supplies, but they needed to clear the worm nests.

Plus giant ants have been rampant for several years, and the original roads have long been dilapidated. Just to build more than 3,000 kilometers of roads requires huge human and material resources, and the resources consumed are several times that of air transportation. .

Land lines of communication of any kind are moot unless a multinational force starts from Djibouti and steadily flattens the African continent.

All these resources are invested in the transport fleet, and the materials that should be transported have been delivered to the forward base early, so do you still need to toss on the road?

With the current strength of the multinational force, it is not impossible to push the African continent flat, but the problem is not that simple - when the site is occupied by giant ants, no one speaks. The survivors will definitely jump out to fight for the right to belong.

Whether or not you can win it is one It's another matter if you don't. Even if you know that it is impossible to get an inch of land from the multinational army, you must show the attitude that the master should have, and try to find a way The Americans took a hard bite of the cake... After all, there are very few governments in exile that have sent all their land out as a nomination.

To put it horribly, the multinational forces are not monolithic. Today they can be united for interests, and tomorrow they can go their separate ways for interests. If Africa is really taken over, there will be no shortage of lawsuits for interests.

So no matter how you look at it, it is not the time to conquer Africa by force, and the purpose of African operations is not to occupy Africa, but to find aliens hiding in Africa!

Now everyone knows that the aliens must have planned and premeditated to carry out the landing operation. Although the aliens have been quiet, but everyone with normal IQ knows that the aliens will never be willing to dormant, if they can't take advantage of the aliens The young people intervened in a timely manner, and there was no doubt that there would be any trouble in the future.

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